The very first October Flash-Clash Music Festival is coming here in La Union. We heard your sentiments and our promise to bring the best of the best and most requested artists/performers will join force to celebrate the vibrant music festival.
The concert will be far different from other music festivals in the Philippines and we're lucky enough that the very first one will be held in La Union.
SVP was chosen to handle the full production of the said event and under the expert tutelage of Director Silvestre “Silver” H. Posadas, we are confident that the afore-cited event will be as exciting and as professional as what the full lists of performers has been consistently known for.
We know that you're excited to know the performers for the said event but the producers and the production would rather keep it for now and will give you heads up one at time.
We are also inviting sponsors for the said event with a great deal to promote their businesses and to reach a bigger media mile age. The production will also handle the materials for a long term advertisement project.
For more information: please send us an email at [email protected]