Our service leads to a happier and healthier team that gets more stuff done. DE LUNCH BOER is designed for companies run by people who believe that taking good care of their team is smart business and the right thing to do. Here's how we help:
1) We're part of the solution to a bunch of employer problems:
You'll improve the health of your team. Eating right keeps us healthy. A healthy team leads
to less missed work, better quality work, fewer doctor visits, and lower health care costs.
2) You'll boost afternoon energy levels:
Our fresh and nutrient-rich lunches give your employees the focus and stamina they need to finish the day strong.
3) You’ll save time by simplifying lunch logistics:
Choosing a restaurant, ordering lunch, and picking it up is a huge waste of resources. We return that time to your team.
4) You’ll find it easier to attract and keep top talent:
The best and brightest people flock to the best workplaces. By offering a forward-thinking benefit like DE LUNCH BOER, you make it crystal clear to prospective employees that you value and invest in your people.
5) You’ll make it easier for friendships to form:
Having friends at works makes us happier and more likely to stay. It’s easy to connect and get to know each other over lunch when it’s delivered.