The conference “Industry 5.0 - transformational challenges of the industrial sector” was full of inspiring discussions and valuable conclusions that will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. We would like to thank all the speakers, participants and partners for their active participation and commitment, which contributed to the success of the event. 🌍💼
During the conference, we focused on key issues shaping the future of industry, such as artificial intelligence, robotization, Big Data and the challenges in implementing these technologies in industry. We discussed new business models for companies, including succession processes, and how customer expectations are changing 5.0, where quality and product personalization play an increasingly important role.
There was no shortage of topics related to digitization and its impact on the industry, as well as collaborative innovation, which is becoming a driving force for technology development. The future of cities in the context of Smart City was also an important point, as well as the importance of Cloud Computing and cyber security in industrial infrastructures.
We also touched on the topic of sustainable development, including the role of the European Green Deal, showing how new technologies can support the achievement of these ambitious goals.
Thank you again to everyone who attended this conference for creating a space to share experiences, knowledge and inspiration. We look forward to future meetings!
#Industry5 #Innovation #Technology #SustainableDevelopment #Robotization #AI #BigData #SmartCity #CloudComputing #Conference #Collaboration
The third day of the "Industry 5.0 - Transformational Challenges in the Industrial Sector" conference was packed with engaging discussions that offered deep insights into the evolving industrial landscape.
We kicked off by addressing the topic of Customer expectations in Industry 5.0 - is product quality still important?. The consensus was clear: while technology is advancing rapidly, the demand for high-quality products remains as crucial as ever. Customers in the era of Industry 5.0 not only expect innovation and speed but also premium quality, personalization, and sustainability in the products they choose.
Next, we delved into New business models in Industry 5.0, where an insightful interview shed light on how companies are adapting their operations to meet the demands of this new era. Flexibility, digital transformation, and sustainable practices are at the core of these new models, as businesses rethink traditional structures to remain competitive and relevant in a tech-driven world.
We wrapped up the day with a focus on Innovation through collaboration. This session highlighted how collaboration between industries, academia, and technology providers is key to driving breakthroughs in Industry 5.0. Cooperative innovation models allow businesses to combine expertise and resources, fostering faster, more effective advancements in everything from AI to production processes.
A big thank you to all the speakers for sharing their expertise and inspiring discussions! 👏
🔹 Michal Motyka - Head of Safety at Dräger Polska Sp. z o.o.
🔹Leszek Stokłosa - CEO of Dąbrowa Fabryka Maszyn Elektrycznych Damel
🔹Prof. PŚ, dr. hab. inż. Małgorzata Dobrowolska - Psychologist of the future, Professor of Silesian University of Technology and Director of the Business School of Silesian University of Technology, President of Pro-Lab and Pro-Inwest
🔹Dariusz Ziembiński - Owner of the Law Firm Dariusz Ziembiński & Partners
🔹Szymon Trzebiatowski - Head of the
The second day of the "Industry 5.0 - Transformational Challenges in the Industrial Sector" conference brought another wave of insightful discussions and future-focused perspectives.
We started by tackling the topic of Artificial Intelligence – challenges in implementation. The conversation highlighted the complexity of integrating AI into existing industrial systems, where the need for proper infrastructure, skilled talent, and trust in AI technologies emerged as key factors for success. It was clear that while AI offers transformative potential, its practical implementation requires a thoughtful, strategic approach.
Next, we delved into Cloud Computing and cybersecurity in industrial infrastructures. As industries increasingly rely on cloud-based solutions, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures has become a critical priority. The speakers emphasized that safeguarding sensitive data and systems must be integrated from the start of the digital transformation process, especially in sectors like manufacturing and energy, where any disruption can have significant consequences.
Lastly, we explored the future of urban development with a session on Smart City - perspectives on the growth of future cities. The discussion shed light on how IoT and Big Data are reshaping how cities function, offering solutions to optimize resource management, improve public services, and enhance the quality of life for residents. Collaboration between public and private sectors was highlighted as essential for making smart cities a reality.
A huge thank you to all the speakers for their invaluable contributions and for sharing their expertise! 👏
🔹dr hab. inż. Marcin Blachnik, Prof. PŚ, a specialist from the National Center for Nuclear Research and the Department of Industrial Informatics at the Silesian University of Technology
🔹 Igor Szloch - Security engineer / Senior security analyst / Trainer
🔹 Agnieszka Łasut - President of the Polish IoT and AI Cluster SINOTAIC,
Ostatni dzień targów dobiega końca, sprawdźmy jak wyglądał! 👀
🇬🇧 The final day of the fair is coming to an end, let’s take a look at how it unfolded! 👀
W naszym filmowym skrócie, możesz sprawdzić jak wyglądał drugi dzień targów! 🎥
🇬🇧 In our video recap, you can check out how the second day of the fair unfolded! 🎥
Wczorajszy dzień zakończyliśmy wspaniałą galą, podczas której był czas zarówno na rozrywkę jak i chwile dyskusji w kuluarach Katowickiego NOSPR'u 🎼
🇬🇧 We ended yesterday with a wonderful gala, where there was time for both entertainment and moments of discussion behind the scenes of the Katowice NOSPR 🎼
Za nami 1. dzień konferencji Przemysł 5.0. Rozmawialiśmy o robotyzacji, sztucznej inteligencji i big data w produkcji, analizowaliśmy case studies z Polski i ze świata. Zastanawialiśmy się nad kluczowymi kompetencjami potrzebnymi w erze Przemysłu 5.0 oraz jak nowe technologie wspierają realizację Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu 🌍🌱. Zobacz, co działo się na konferencji i całym wydarzeniu Przemysł Spotkań EXPO KATOWICE.
🇬🇧 The first day of the Industry 5.0 conference is behind us. We discussed robotics, artificial intelligence, and big data in production, analyzing case studies from Poland and around the world. We also explored the key competencies needed in the era of Industry 5.0 and how new technologies are supporting the implementation of the European Green Deal 🌍🌱. Take a look at what happened during the conference and the entire Industry Meetings EXPO KATOWICE event.
#Przemysł50 #Robotyzacja #AI #BigData #ZielonyŁad #Technologie #Konferencja #EXPOKATOWICE
Pierwszy dzień dobiega końca! ⌛️
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia skrótu dnia!
🇬🇧 The first day is coming to an end! ⌛️
We invite you to watch the day's highlights!
PRZEMYSŁ SPOTKAŃ - Międzynarodowe Targi EXPO KATOWICE 2024
🇵🇱 Zostały zaledwie dwa do do Targów EXPO Katowice!
Budujemy się dla Was!
🇬🇧 Only two days left until the EXPO Katowice Fair!
We’re getting ready for you!
🌟 Join us at the International EXPO KATOWICE and make sure to visit the WĘGLOKOKS booth - B13! 🌟
We invite you to visit the WĘGLOKOKS S.A. booth, a leader in the metallurgical, energy, and logistics sectors, and the largest exporter of energy coal in Poland. Since 1951, Węglokoks has been synonymous with reliability and the highest quality.
Their activities include:
International Trade: export and import of coal, magnetite, biomass
Logistics: maritime, rail, river, and road transport
Domestic Market: products for the metallurgy, mining, and energy industries
📍 Katowice, International Congress Center
Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about their innovative solutions and meet their team. See you at the International EXPO KATOWICE! 👋
#Węglokoks #EXPOKatowice #Innovation #Energy #letsmeet
Wczorajsza konferencja prasowa, przybliżyła nas do nadchodzących Targów EXPO Katowice. " To jedno z największych wydarzeń gospodarczych w Polsce. (...) Staramy się dotrzymać kroku, czy nawet wyprzedzać oczekiwania naszych wystawców." ~ Prezes EXPO KATOWICE, Iwona Gramatyka. Widzimy się już 4 września w Katowicach! 🚜
🇬🇧 Yesterday's press conference brought us closer to the upcoming EXPO Katowice Fair. "This is one of the biggest economic events in Poland. (...) We strive to keep up with, or even exceed, the expectations of our exhibitors," said Iwona Gramatyka, President of EXPO KATOWICE. See you on September 4th in Katowice!