😇𝘡𝘢𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘻𝘢𝘮 𝘊𝘪ę 𝘯𝘢 𝘰𝘥𝘱𝘶𝘴𝘻𝘤𝘻𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶 𝘪 𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘪ęć 𝘪 𝘰𝘵𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘻𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘪ę 𝘯𝘢 𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘸ą 𝘳𝘰𝘻𝘬𝘰𝘴𝘻 𝘱𝘰𝘥𝘤𝘻𝘢𝘴 𝘔𝘌𝘋𝘠𝘛𝘈𝘊𝘑𝘐 𝘉Ł𝘖𝘎𝘖Ś𝘊𝘐 𝘻 𝘒𝘳𝘺𝘴𝘻𝘵𝘢ł𝘰𝘸ą 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘧ą😇
𝟏𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐚 w 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐡!
Więcej info ⬇️
💫Odpuścisz stres i poczujesz prawdziwe ukojenie💫
💫Połączysz się z Ciałem i Duszą💫
💫Uspokoisz Umysł💫
💫Uwolnisz napięcia💫
💫Otworzysz się na duchową błogość💫
Zapraszam Cię na niezwykłe wydarzenie "MEDYTACJA BŁOGOŚCI z Kryształową Harfą", które odbędzie się 12. Maja w Katowicach w sali warsztatowej Sercem i Łonem (ul. Kościuszki 18/8).
🧘♀️ "Medytacja Błogości" pozwoli nam połączyć się z duchową błogością, która jest dostępna dla nas wszystkich.
Duchowa błogość niesamowicie uspokaja i odpręża Twoje ciało, umysł i duszę.
Poprzez głębokie skupienie się na ciele będziemy mogli uwolnić napięcia, odblokować zatrzymaną energię, poczuć stłumione emocje i otworzyć się na prawdziwe ukojenie.
Wzbogacające doświadczenie tej medytacji zostanie urozmaicone dźwiękami kryształowej harfy, które pozwolą na jeszcze głębszy kontakt z duchową błogością.
👉 Koszt uczestnictwa w medytacji wynosi 40 zł.
👉 Aby się zapisać, prosimy o wysłanie wiadomości SMS na numer telefonu 793585666 lub na adres e-mail [email protected]. Zapisy są z zaliczką w postaci 20 zł.
Zapisy są koniecznie, gdyż domofon nie działa i muszę Wam podać kod do domofonu 😁.
👉 Proszę o przybycie ok. 15 min wcześniej, czyli o godz. 17.15. Zaczynamy o godz. 17.30!
👉 Proszę mieć ze sobą swobodne ubranie, wod
Open Heart Conscious Party
Inviting for Saturdays OPEN HEART CONSCIOUS PARTY :)
Saying what we will experience and why this is so important right now.
Last event for some time. Lets hope we can be back very soon!
Come today for Meditative Yoga Flow and Mantras class 2.15 in Urban Zen Yoga Studio SA1 3HY, 7£. You can book by Mindbody app or just show up 2.10pm and pay on the door :)
Meditative Yoga Flow and Mantras class today 2.15-3.30pm in Swansea, Urban Zen SA13HY. Wanna join? :)
Shakti Stretches and Mantras class
Every Sunday
@Urban Zen Yoga Studio SA1 3HY
£7 book by 07907028281 or Mindbody app
💫 Exploring pleasant body flows with Shakti (Divine Feminine energy)
💫 Connecting to Shiva (Divine Masculine)
in still meditations after each body flow
💫 Balancing energy in auric field with harmonious mandalas made by arm movements in Celestial Communication meditation
💫 Connecting to Divine Source by chanting sacred Mantra texts
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
More info about Shakti Stretches and Mantras class
🤲Circle Ceremony
💗Journey to the Soul Meditation
🙆♀️Flowing Stretches
🌀Dancing Circle
💃Free Divine Dance
🕉️528hZ Crystal Harp and Tibetan Bowls Sound Healing
➡️16.11 (Sat) 5.30-9.30pm
@ Urban Zen Yoga Studio (SA1 3HY, 2 little gam street, Swansea) ⬅️
We will be going back to our truest being, our authentic self, reconnecting with that inner child and inner fire by such practices as Divine Dance Meditation (Ecstatic Dance) to Mantra music, Sound Massage with Crystal Harp and Tibetan Singing Bowls in a safe, supportive Circle of beautiful people in a ceremonial way. We will set the intentions for ourselves and our dance will send them to the Universe.
Investment in yourself: £25, paid in advance by paypal or bank transfer, please contact me by private message or 07907028281. BOOKING ESSENTIAL!
We will start in a Circle, to connect our energies, we will introduce ourselves and set the intentions for the meeting, what we want to release or attract to our lives. We will do a guided meditation with the Inner Child and Spirit.
Then we will do some gentle flowing stretches to move the energy, warm the spine. After warming up, we will dance for a while together in a Circle, more energetic, to move prana up. It the peak of energy we will be ready for a free dance, where we will connect with the Spirit and let It carry us with the music. This way we can really express ourselves, we may even release some blocked emotions. In the practice of free dance we may really connect to the Present Moment, leaving all problems behind and just enjoy our Truest Being. It is also a wonderful way to connect with the Inner Child, I can asure you, it will be very happy if you give it some fun! We will be guided to stay in the meditative, concious movements, connected to the breath and Earth to let go the mind.
After we will lay down in calm Savasana, relaxing and integrating the experience with delicious sounds and vibrations of 528hZ Crystal Harp and Ti
Sunday class in Urban Zen Yoga & Movement in Swansea (SA13HY)
10.15-11.30am 💖
💫Shakti Stretches and Mantras💫
(from Shakti Dance ® Yoga of Dance)
Gentle flow to move Prana-Shakti (Feminine Energy) and meditation with sequences of movements with chanting sacred ancient Mantras for creating harmonic mandalas in the aura, opening the heart and upper chakras and collecting Prana by arms movements 🧘♀️💫
Divine practice for a great start of Sunday days :)
Book by me directly or by Mindbody app.(£7)
Or buy 5 classes for 30£ (for 2 months)!
1h15min of meditating on the Divine😇
More info:
We are starting the class with an opening mantra, connected with a sequence of hand movements (mudras). This will open the space and connect with the Source.
In the class we are stretching our bodies in gentle, flowing way, connected to our breath. Such flow is moving Shakti (Feminine energy) in our bodies and aura (it is also for men!).
Organic and rhythmic movements will open and deeply relax the body, releasing stress and blockages. The mindful movement sequences gently work to extend your range of movement and increase body awareness. This flow is very meditative, grounding and nurturing. It brings the student ‘into their body’, warming up muscles and increasing flexibility. Excercises open and increase the flow of prana-shakti (energy) through the body’s energy channels (nadis).
We are ending the class with movement+mantra meditation, called Celestial Communication (rooted in Kundalini Yoga) to create beautiful harmonic mandala in our aura, charge it with high energy, open heart and upper chakras.
Come and connect with the Divine 💖
Ahh the mysterious sounds of gongs and tibetan bowls... Do you love them as much as I do? 💖 💖 💖
Do you know about healing benefits of these sounds...?
You can experience on your own tomorrow (Sunday) on 2h sound massage session for a donation (you pay what you like!). I have 3 spaces left!
Gong sound therapy has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, enthusiasts believe that gong baths can help reduce stress and liberate emotional blockages. Scientific evidence suggests that certain forms of sound therapy prompt damaged human DNA strands to repair themselves. Some tones are thought to promote vitality and healing, and also to enhance happiness. Many alternative healthcare clinics offer sound therapies such as gong meditation to help manage various ailments.
Tibetan Singing Bowls will be put on the body for deeper experience of vibration. They are specially certified by Peter Hess (creator of sound massage) for that use.
The vibrational effects of Sound Healing Massages on a person’s body, mind and energy flow is an incredible inner journey everyone should experience.
Tibetan singing bowls can generate a type of energy vibration to help you to reduce stress, heal pain or depression and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health.
For centuries, the Indian and Tibetan people have practiced sound healing and consciousness transformation with “singing bowls.” They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world.
What are the benefits?
After sessions clients can experience improved memory, clarity, vitality and the ability to take action. Many report a deep sense of tranquility, sleep soundly and feel the effects of the treatment for several days.
• Relaxation, deep sleep
• Drainage
• Rejuvenation
• Support for healing for various health and emotional issues
• Meditation
• Balanced chakras
• Increased life force ener
Mysterious sounds of gongs... :)
"The power of gongs helps us easily and it is the act of not doing but listening. Too often people this of meditation as something hard and that you have to fight against. For example not letting your thoughts and mind chatter go. Sometimes this isn’t always easy.
When you attend a gong bath you will see and feel how easy this type of meditation is as the tones carry you away to where ever you need to be without judgment or inner criticism.
-Drop into an effortless state of relaxation
-It’s deeply rejuvenating for our bodies and cells
-It can be very transformative in helping you with unblocking emotions"
Great article : https://www.myorganiclife.info/gong-bath/
You can experience gongs healing sounds this Sunday on Cacao Ceremony 💖
More info:
What a beautiful and touching experience was to dance with you today lovely souls!!!
We got deep today! Very touching, heart-warming tracks 💖 there was so much love flowing through us!
Ma - from the track - means Divine Mother, this dance was for our Mother Earth 🙏
Ahhhh my heart is singing from joy after this beautiful event!
Next Ecstatic Dance event with Circle Ceremony and sound massage : 14.09! Book a date! :) its Full Moon this night!!!🕯️
Other next Ceremonies :
18.08 Sunday, 2h gongs and tibetan singing bowls sound massage for a donation plus vegan share
23.08 Friday, Cacao Ceremony, Circle, Gongs and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Massage, vegan dinner, 40£