Winsa - Wedding Planners in Krakow

Winsa - Wedding Planners in Krakow We create weddings that inspire and delight! With more than 10 years of experience, we're experts in

Wesele międzynarodowe - jak zorganizować? Poznaj szczegóły na moim blogu:

Wesele międzynarodowe - jak zorganizować? Poznaj szczegóły na moim blogu:
Cieszę się, że mogę być częścią tak wyjątkowych chwil, tworząc wesela międzynarodowe, integrując gości reprezentujących różne narodowości.

Dowiedz się, jak zorganizować udane międzynarodowe wesele, uwzględniając integrację gości, atmosferę, tradycje weselne i formalności ślubne.


Simple the best with romantic vibe. Wedding in Krakow.

Wedding Planner Dorota Nowakowska Weddings

Maria and Giles' wedding in the Church of St. Anna in Krakow. A photo that shows real emotions. Bridesmaids and groomsme...

Maria and Giles' wedding in the Church of St. Anna in Krakow. A photo that shows real emotions. Bridesmaids and groomsmen - best friends. Love and joy in the air... I can't wait for the next wedding season.

Wedding Planner Dorota Nowakowska Weddings
Photo: Pawel Sarota Photographer
Hair and Make Up Moniczewska Creative

Happy New Year! May our lives be rich in love, kindness and happy moments. Maria and Giles's wedding at the Stary Hotel ...

Happy New Year! May our lives be rich in love, kindness and happy moments. Maria and Giles's wedding at the Stary Hotel in Krakow. Terrace with an amazing view of the Market Square. A moment to celebrate love and share champagne.

Wedding Planner Dorota Nowakowska Weddings
Photo: Pawel Sarota Photographer
Venue: Hotel Stary

Ekscytujące zmiany i zachwycające śluby! WINSA - Wedding Planners in Krakow to teraz TOP Wedding Planner w Polsce i Mark...

Ekscytujące zmiany i zachwycające śluby! WINSA - Wedding Planners in Krakow to teraz TOP Wedding Planner w Polsce i Marka Personalna:
Dorota Nowakowska - The Art of Celabrating Weddings. Zapraszamy na stronę
oraz na
Do zobaczenia ❤️

Exciting changes and stunning weddings! WINSA - Wedding Planners in Krakow is now a TOP Wedding Planner in Poland and a Personal Brand:
Dorota Nowakowska - The Art of Celabrating Weddings.
Please visit
and on
See you there ❤️


What is your dream wedding venue? Your wedding is more than just another night. It will become a precious memory, that is created once in a lifetime.

Marry Christmas ;)

Marry Christmas ;)

Radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia - Marry Christmas.

An Elegant Summer Wedding close to Krakow, PolandA gorgeous wedding gown, an outdoor religious wedding ceremony combined...

An Elegant Summer Wedding close to Krakow, Poland

A gorgeous wedding gown, an outdoor religious wedding ceremony combined with vibrant floral arrangements, the interiors of the palace immersed in fragrant summer flowers, and a beautiful couple deeply in love. - These are the details that made the wedding of Dominika and Marcin elegant and romantic.

Wedding Planner: Dorota Nowakowska Winsa Wedding Planners

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I love to organize weddings in such an elegant and romantic place. For my wedding couples it is one of the favorite plac...

I love to organize weddings in such an elegant and romantic place. For my wedding couples it is one of the favorite places for dream wedding in Poland. See what a beautiful design Dominika and Marcin had for their wedding photos.
Wedding Planner Dorota Nowakowska from Winsa Wedding Planners

Pałac Goetz jest przepiękny. Za każdym razem, gdy wracam do tego miejsca odczuwam jego elegancję, romantyczność i ponadczasową aurę.
Jestem bardzo szczęśliwa, że mogę wirtualnie oprowadzać po niektórych miejscach moich klientów planujących ślub na lato 2021 roku.

Wedding Planner Krakow: Dorota Nowakowska
Winsa Wedding Planners
Place Pałac Goetz, Photo WhiteStory

The Goetz Palace is beautiful. Every time I come back to this place I feel its elegance, romance and timeless aura.
I am so happy to be giving a virtual tour of some of the spaces to my clients planning a wedding for the summer of 2021.

Happy BrideThe wedding day should be an opportunity to both relax and relish the excitement. Therefore, as a wedding pla...

Happy Bride

The wedding day should be an opportunity to both relax and relish the excitement. Therefore, as a wedding planner and coordinator of the wedding day, I take care of all the details of the event so that the Bride and Groom can focus primarily on the joy of this occasion and the celebration of their love.
Meet Ksenia, one of my beautiful and happy Brides.
Are you planning a wedding? ➡️ Make sure you are the happiest, most beautiful - and stress-free - Bride that ever existed on the wedding day!

Szczęśliwa Panna Młoda / Happy Bride

Dzień ślubu powinien być okazją do relaksu i rozkoszowania się wspaniałymi emocjami. Dlatego jako wedding planner i koordynator dnia ślubu, dbam o wszystkie szczegóły wydarzenia tak by para młoda mogła skupić się przede wszystkim na radości płynącej z zaślubin i celebrowaniu swojej miłości.
Poznajcie Ksenię jedną z moich pięknych i szczęśliwych Panien Młodych.

Planujesz ślub? ➡️ Zadbaj o to by w dniu ślubu być najszczęśliwszą, najpiękniejszą - i bezstresową - panną młodą, jaka kiedykolwiek istniała!

The wedding day should be an opportunity to both relax and relish the excitement. Therefore, as a wedding planner and coordinator of the wedding day, I take care of all the details of the event so that the Bride and Groom can focus primarily on the joy of this occasion and the celebration of their love.
Meet Ksenia, one of my beautiful and happy Brides.

Are you planning a wedding? ➡️ Make sure you are the happiest, most beautiful - and stress-free - Bride that ever existed on the wedding day!

Wedding Planner: Dorota Nowakowska Winsa Wedding Planners, photo PieczkoPietras Photography, flowers

Some Brides may be scared to put their bridesmaids in black dresses. I think, it's a super stylish option for all season...

Some Brides may be scared to put their bridesmaids in black dresses. I think, it's a super stylish option for all seasons - —whether you fear it's too dark, solemn, or formal. No matter how many trendy colors come and go nothing will ever look as elegant or timeless as a black evening gown. The black bridesmaids' dresses are an option that will never fail you! See how beautiful my Bride Ksenia and her bridesmaids looked in dresses of this color. Best Wishes: Dorota Nowakowska Wedding Planner ;)

Piękna Panna Młoda i jej druhny - elegancko i ponadczasowo / Beautiful Bride and with her bridesmaids - elegant and timeless

Niektóre Panny Młode mogą bać się ubrać swoje druhny w czarne sukienki. Ja myślę jednak, że to super stylowa opcja na każdą porę roku - niezależnie od tego, czy obawiacie się, że takie suknie są zbyt ciemne, uroczyste czy formalne. Bez względu na to, jak wiele modnych kolorów pojawia się i znika, nic nigdy nie będzie wyglądać tak elegancko ani ponadczasowo jak czarna suknia wieczorowa. Takie czarne sukienki druhen to opcja, która nigdy Cię nie zawiedzie! Zobacz jak pięknie wyglądała moja Panna Młoda Ksenia i jej druhny w sukniach w takim kolorze.

Some Brides may be scared to put their bridesmaids in black dresses. I think, it's a super stylish option for all seasons - —whether you fear it's too dark, solemn, or formal. No matter how many trendy colors come and go nothing will ever look as elegant or timeless as a black evening gown. The black bridesmaids' dresses are an option that will never fail you! See how beautiful my Bride Ksenia and her bridesmaids looked in dresses of this color.

Wedding Planner / Wedding Coordinator: Dorota Nowakowska Winsa Wedding Planners,
Photo: PieczkoPietras Photography, Flowers Bello Matrimonio-florystyka i dekoracje

Romantic wedding in Krakow - how I love this story! Cassie and Wojtek dreamed of  a romantic wedding in Krakow in the Tu...

Romantic wedding in Krakow - how I love this story! Cassie and Wojtek dreamed of a romantic wedding in Krakow in the Tuscan style. They wishes was that every piece of their day was a direct and perfect reflection of their love. From the moment we first spoke by skype, I felt that Cassie and Wojtek are nothing short of kind, loving, and thankful. And I knew, their beautiful wedding in Krakow has to be a day to remember. It was amazing!

Outdoor church wedding in Poland and our lovely couple ;)

Outdoor church wedding in Poland and our lovely couple ;)


Due to the dynamically changing situation related to the introduced state of epidemic COVID-19 and recent bans issued by the Polish government, the Polish Association of Wedding Consultants issued recommendations related to the organization of weddings in the near future (March and April weddings). Please read. We wish you a lot of health. Take care of yourself and stay at home!

Wedding in a barn? Planning a wedding, especially in a rustic atmosphere, is not an easy task. You have to take into acc...

Wedding in a barn? Planning a wedding, especially in a rustic atmosphere, is not an easy task. You have to take into account every detail - from the wedding dress, through the decorations to the perfect place. That's why today I share tips that will help organize a wedding in a barn that will be beautiful and timeless - from rustic decorations to the most interesting places in Poland. More inspiration and information in the latest blog post. Link below:

Photo Wedding Forward

Wedding under a tent? - I can't wait for summer and amazing outdoor weddings in Poland ;)

Wedding under a tent? - I can't wait for summer and amazing outdoor weddings in Poland ;)

Ślub pod namiotem? - Nie mogę się doczekać lata i niesamowitych wesel na świeżym powietrzu. Zobaczcie, jak żyrandole kwiatowe mogą nadać Waszemu ślubowi świeży klimat i mogą całkowicie odmienić przestrzeń wesela. Bardzo inspirujące!

Wedding under a tent? - I can't wait for summer and amazing outdoor weddings. See how flower chandeliers can give your wedding a garden fresh feel and can totally transform space of your wedding reception. Very inspiring!

Pretty Photo by: Josh & Dana Fernandez



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Be Inspired with Winsa- Wedding Planners

We create weddings that inspire and delight! With more than 10 years of experience, we're experts in perfecting the details and creating the extraordinary and beautiful. We exist so that you can enjoy the fun parts of planning and leave the stress behind.

We have an international certificate of a wedding consultant accredited by The Institute of Professional Wedding Planners in the UK. We also gained experience working in the United States.