Friday, Friday, Friday ... and I have for you videos from my last gig in Luzztro at the Luzztro Records for Ukraine event. If you were there, look back on this fire with me, if you weren't, experience it at least in this video form (live is better - regret it and next time better be there hehe)
Maxx Rossi - Pulse Sharper
ZuZ - Live Stream x Luzztro - 09.02.2022
[ENG below]
Siemanko! Przy weekendzie w piąteczek zostawiam Wam urywkę z mojego ostatniego live streamu zagranego tydzień temu dla Luzztro w ramach Luzztro Academy Take Over. Jako absolwentka kursu DJskiego miałam okazję spróbować swoich sił i zagrać dla Was przed kamerą, co było super doświadczeniem i zabawą!
Serdecznie zapraszam do odsłuchu! 😀 Link znajdziecie w bio, bezpośrednio tutaj lub w wyróżnionym stories.
Dziękuje jeszcze raz całej ekipie klubu za zorganizowanie stream’u i umożliwienie mi zmierzenia się z tym zadaniem.
Hey! These are some snippets from my last live stream played for Luzztro a week ago as part of the Luzztro Academy Take Over. As a DJ course graduate I had a chance to try my hand and play for you in front of the camera, which was a great experience and fun!
I invite you to listen to the live stream! Link can be found in bio, directly here or in featured stories.
thank you once again to the whole team of the club for organizing the stream and giving me the opportunity to face this task.