2024 Saturday 24, Aug Daily food consumption
3 small eggs fried on coconut oil
39g sourdough bread
16g Goat Cheese
16g Cheddar Cheese
1 Collagen Tablet Pro Science Natural Flexi Maxx: Supports joint health and adds collagen.
120g Coffee
12g Butter
75g Apple
2 Guavas
22g Almonds (Roasted and salted)
100g Raw Almonds
115g Almejas Blancas (DANI)
40g Dark Dove Chocolate bar
75g Cottage Cheese
17g Cheddar Cheese
C:15 Pentadecanoic Acid (100 mgs capsule on average
Vitamin C: ~60mg (need more)
Vitamin D: 1000 IU
25g Whey Protein Isolate : ~20g protein, 1g fat, 1g carbs.
11.65g Green Vibrance (Plant Based Superfood)
Macronutrients Overview
Eggs (3 small, fried in coconut oil):
Calories: ~210 kcal
Protein: ~18g
Fat: ~16g
Carbs: ~2g
Sourdough Bread (39g):
Calories: ~90 kcal
Protein: ~3g
Fat: ~1g
Carbs: ~17g
Goat Cheese (16g):
Calories: ~40 kcal
Protein: ~3g
Fat: ~3g
Carbs: ~0g
Cheddar Cheese (16g + 17g):
Calories: ~120 kcal
Protein: ~7g
Fat: ~10g
Carbs: ~1g
Collagen Tablet (Pro Science Natural Flexi Maxx):
Calories: Minimal, primarily for joint health (collagen).
Coffee (120g):
Calories: ~2 kcal
Carbs: ~0g
Butter (12g):
Calories: ~86 kcal
Fat: ~9g
Apple (75g):
Calories: ~40 kcal
Carbs: ~11g
Fiber: ~2g
Sugars: ~9g
Guavas (2 medium):
Calories: ~84 kcal
Carbs: ~18g
Fiber: ~9g
Sugars: ~12g
Vitamin C: ~380mg (well above the daily recommended intake)
Almonds (22g roasted and salted + 100g raw):
Calories: ~738 kcal
Protein: ~27g
Fat: ~66g
Carbs: ~25g (including ~15g fiber)
Almejas Blancas (115g):
Calories: ~90 kcal
Protein: ~17g
Fat: ~2g
Carbs: ~2g
Dark Dove Chocolate Bar (40g):
Calories: ~220 kcal
Fat: ~14g
Carbs: ~20g
Sugars: ~17g
Cottage Cheese (75g):
Calories: ~70 kcal
Protein: ~7g
Fat: ~3g
Carbs: ~3g
Pentadecanoic Acid Capsule (100 mg):
Calories: ~1 kcal
Fat: ~0.1g
Whey Protein Isolate (25g):
Calories: ~100 kcal
Protein: ~20g
Fat: ~1g
Carbs: ~1g
Green Vibrance (Plant-Based Superfood, 11.65g):
Calories: ~40 kcal
Carbs: ~7g
Fiber: ~2g
Nutritional Summary
Total Calories: Approximately 1,958 kcal
Total Protein: Approximately 102g
Total Fat: Approximately 152g
Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 107g (including about 28g of fiber)
Micronutrient Highlights
Vitamin C: Now significantly higher due to the guavas, providing approximately 440mg, well above the daily recommended intake.
Vitamin D: 1000 IU from supplementation.
Iron: Likely sufficient due to the inclusion of eggs, cheese, and clams.
Calcium: Well-covered by the cheeses, almonds, and cottage cheese.
Vitamin B12: Covered by eggs, cheese, and clams.
Fiber: High from guavas, almonds, apple, and Green Vibrance.
Magnesium: High due to almonds and dark chocolate.
Protein: Your protein intake is more than sufficient, supporting muscle maintenance, repair, and overall health.
Fats: You maintain a high fat intake, which is typical for a ketogenic diet. Your fats are sourced from healthy options like almonds, cheese, and coconut oil.
Carbohydrates: Your carbohydrate intake has increased slightly but still aligns with a low-carb diet, particularly considering the fiber content.
Vitamins and Minerals: The inclusion of guavas and Green Vibrance has boosted your intake of essential vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin C and fiber. Your overall micronutrient profile is robust, supporting various aspects of health.
Your diet for the day is well-rounded, especially considering a ketogenic approach. The inclusion of guavas, Green Vibrance, and the whey protein isolate adds both micronutrient diversity and additional protein. This balanced intake ensures that you are meeting your nutritional needs while adhering to your dietary goals.