Edelweiss - Wedding Cakes

Edelweiss - Wedding Cakes We are a cake brand specialized in luxury wedding cakes. Professionals in the field of Creative Pastry bring to our client emotions in the form of cake.

Companies are no more than people, so we present here the mentors of this project: Maria Silva and Susana Pinto. Each cake is unique, every project thought in detail, for a customer who is also unique! Decorated with or without sugar paste, we work each cake in a variety of ways, although we specialize in the art of sugar modeling flowers. Our cakes are made in a traditional way, with the utmost c

are, respecting what nature gives us in each specific season. It is our premise to bring our customer a top-quality cake full of flavor!

There's something truly magical about places like Seteais Palace. Its enchanting ambiance creates the perfect backdrop f...

There's something truly magical about places like Seteais Palace. Its enchanting ambiance creates the perfect backdrop for unforgettable weddings.
Há algo de verdadeiramente mágico em locais como o Palácio de Seteais. O seu ambiente encantador cria o cenário perfeito para casamentos inesquecíveis.

No vacations yet? No problem! Indulge yourself in some cake therapy instead! By the way, the cake in the picture is our ...

No vacations yet? No problem! Indulge yourself in some cake therapy instead!
By the way, the cake in the picture is our Vanilla Punch - fresh and exotic, perfect for a summer wedding.
Ainda não foi de férias? Não há problema! Em vez disso, delicie-se com uma terapia de bolos!
A propósito, o bolo da fotografia é o nosso Vanilla Punch - fresco e exótico, perfeito para um casamento de verão.

A wedding cake can be beautiful on its own, but when showcased in the right setting, it becomes truly breathtaking. This...

A wedding cake can be beautiful on its own, but when showcased in the right setting, it becomes truly breathtaking. This is a perfect example, the cake was already absolutely magnificent, but the tile wall, the beautiful trees, and the amazing flower arrangement left us speechless.
Um bolo de casamento pode ser lindo por si só, mas quando exposto no cenário certo, torna-se verdadeiramente deslumbrante. Este é um exemplo perfeito, o bolo já era absolutamente magnífico, mas a parede de azulejos, as belas árvores e o fantástico arranjo de flores deixaram-nos sem palavras.
Photo .fotografia
Flowers .eu

Something blue? Let it be the cake.Algo azul? Que seja o bolo.Planning: Florals: .euStationary: Rentals: DJ and lighting...

Something blue? Let it be the cake.
Algo azul? Que seja o bolo.
Florals: .eu
DJ and lighting:
Photography: .is.my.favorite.color

Among the numerous couples we’ve had the privilege to bake for, Louisa & Jared stand out as truly unforgettable. We are ...

Among the numerous couples we’ve had the privilege to bake for, Louisa & Jared stand out as truly unforgettable. We are deeply grateful for their trust, and it was an honor to create such a beautiful cake for their wonderful family!
Entre os inúmeros casais para quem tivemos o privilégio de fazer bolos, Louisa & Jared destacam-se como verdadeiramente inesquecíveis. Estamos profundamente gratos pela sua confiança, e foi uma honra criar um bolo tão bonito para a sua maravilhosa família!
Photography: unknown

What a season! We couldn’t be more grateful, it’s been absolutely insane, in the best way possible. It’s definitely been...

What a season! We couldn’t be more grateful, it’s been absolutely insane, in the best way possible. It’s definitely been one of the most challenging yet most rewarding experiences so far. We’re pretty tired but recharged batteries by the amazing reviews from our couples.
Next week, we have a quieter time ahead and will start designing some beautiful cakes still for 2024. Meanwhile, we’re already booking weddings for 2025.
Vacations? Hopefully in December, if we’re lucky 😂
Que época! Não podíamos estar mais gratos, tem sido absolutamente louca, da melhor maneira possível. Tem sido, sem dúvida, uma das experiências mais desafiantes e mais gratificantes até agora. Estamos bastante cansados, mas recarregamos baterias com os fantásticos feed-backs dos nossos casais. Na próxima semana, temos um período mais calmo pela frente e vamos começar a desenhar alguns bolos lindos ainda para 2024. Entretanto, já estamos a reservar casamentos para 2025.
Férias? Espero que em dezembro, se tivermos sorte 😂

Sometimes, you just need a slice of cake and something refreshing to beat the fatigue - champagne, why not? We're up for...

Sometimes, you just need a slice of cake and something refreshing to beat the fatigue - champagne, why not? We're up for anything...
Smack dab in the middle of the season - where the chaos meets the cake!
Por vezes, só precisamos de uma fatia de bolo e de algo refrescante para vencer o cansaço - champanhe, porque não? Estamos por tudo...
Mesmo no meio da estação - onde o caos se encontra com o bolo!
Event Planning, Design & Florals ,
Photography .is.my.favorite.color
Rentals & Furniture
Stationery .weddingdesign

Who knew tiles could be so sweet? This cake's bringing a whole new meaning to 'tile it with love'! Quem diria que os azu...

Who knew tiles could be so sweet? This cake's bringing a whole new meaning to 'tile it with love'!
Quem diria que os azulejos podiam ser tão doces? Este bolo está a dar um novo significado a "ladrilhar com amor"!
Course coordinator and flower design .eu
Weddings Stationery
Wedding Dress
Shoes by
Wedding Cake
Models and

Always remember, it's your wedding day, enjoy every moment to the fullest, because these memories are forever.Lembrem-se...

Always remember, it's your wedding day, enjoy every moment to the fullest, because these memories are forever.
Lembrem-se sempre, é o dia do vosso casamento, aproveitem cada momento ao máximo, porque estas memórias são para sempre.
Course coordinator and flower design .eu
Weddings Stationery
Wedding Dress
Shoes by
Wedding Cake
Models and

This project was truly unique. After much contemplation, the final design came to me during a vacation at the beach. Ins...

This project was truly unique. After much contemplation, the final design came to me during a vacation at the beach. Inspired entirely by nature, the waves and their white foam. Can you belive it? I realized sometimes you just need to pause and breathe.
And of course, the cake had to be brigadeiro, Julia's absolute favorite! It was irresistible.
Este projeto foi verdadeiramente único. Depois de muita reflexão, o design final surgiu-me durante umas férias na praia. Inspirado inteiramente na natureza, nas ondas e na sua espuma branca. Dá para acreditar? Apercebi-me que às vezes é preciso fazer uma pausa e respirar.
E claro, o bolo tinha que ser de brigadeiro, o preferido da Julia! Estava irresistível.
Executive Production, Design & Florals
Bridal Party beauty

Sometimes we get caught up in doing too much, but the truth is, simplicity is beauty. It's important to regularly remind...

Sometimes we get caught up in doing too much, but the truth is, simplicity is beauty. It's important to regularly remind ourselves that less can be more.
Embrace simplicity, embrace beauty!
Por vezes, somos apanhados a fazer demasiadas coisas, mas a verdade é que a simplicidade é bela. É importante lembrarmo-nos regularmente de que menos pode ser mais.
Abraçar a simplicidade, abraçar a beleza!
Venue -
Wedding planner - @

This cake design was inspired by a plate. Can you imagine? During the tasting at the couple's home, we spotted a beautif...

This cake design was inspired by a plate. Can you imagine? During the tasting at the couple's home, we spotted a beautiful, vintage plate reminiscent of those from our grandmothers' kitchens. This one was exceptionally stunning and held special meaning for the couple. So, why not incorporate its design into the cake? A perfect way to add a personal touch!
O design deste bolo foi inspirado num prato. Consegue imaginar? Durante a degustação na casa do casal, vimos um prato bonito e vintage que lembrava os pratos das cozinhas das nossas avós. Este prato era excecionalmente deslumbrante e tinha um significado especial para o casal. Então, porque não incorporar o seu design no bolo? Uma forma perfeita de dar um toque pessoal!

This gem from our 2023 collection remains a top favorite! It’s sleek lines and intricate textures blend seamlessly like ...

This gem from our 2023 collection remains a top favorite! It’s sleek lines and intricate textures blend seamlessly like a dancing ballerina. We’re captivated by this exquisite design!
Esta joia da nossa coleção 2023 continua a ser uma das favoritas! Suas linhas elegantes e texturas intrincadas se misturam perfeitamente como uma bailarina a dançar. Estamos cativados por este design requintado!
Planning & Design:

Have you ever thought about incorporating your stationery design into your cake? It’s a marvelous way to bring unity to ...

Have you ever thought about incorporating your stationery design into your cake? It’s a marvelous way to bring unity to your wedding!
In this case, we used edible tiles brilliantly designed by In Love, but we can also work with textures or even watercolor effects. Imagination knows no limits!
Já alguma vez pensaram em incorporar o design do vosso estacionário no vosso bolo? É uma forma maravilhosa de criar união no vosso casamento!
Neste caso, usámos azulejos comestíveis brilhantemente desenhados pela In Love, mas também podemos trabalhar com texturas ou até efeitos de aguarela. A imaginação não tem limites!
Flowers: .eu

Cheers to love and sweet beginnings! Um brinde ao amor e aos doces começos! Planning: Photography: Flowers: .euCake:    ...

Cheers to love and sweet beginnings!
Um brinde ao amor e aos doces começos!
Flowers: .eu

We just love the freshness of this cake. It's colorful handmade flowers make us so happy!Adoramos a frescura deste bolo....

We just love the freshness of this cake. It's colorful handmade flowers make us so happy!
Adoramos a frescura deste bolo. As suas flores coloridas feitas à mão deixam-nos muito felizes!

Grateful for the chance to create this stunning cake for such a lovely couple. Tiffani had a clear vision from the start...

Grateful for the chance to create this stunning cake for such a lovely couple.
Tiffani had a clear vision from the start, and we just made a few tweaks to bring it to life.
Thank you for letting us be part of your special day, and for loving the cake as much as we loved making it.
Your kindness, humility, and the love you share are truly inspiring. May your love grow stronger every year!
Estamos gratas pela oportunidade de criar este bolo deslumbrante para um casal tão querido.
A Tiffani tinha uma visão clara desde o início, e nós apenas fizemos alguns ajustes para lhe dar vida.
Obrigado por nos deixarem fazer parte do vosso dia especial e por adorarem o bolo tanto quanto nós.
A vossa bondade, humildade e o amor que partilham são verdadeiramente inspiradores. Que o vosso amor cresça mais forte a cada ano que passa!
Wedding Planning
Photography .is.my.favorite.color
Band .claudiamartins
Bridal Gown
Floral Decor and Design
Rentals & .christina

We are absolutly adore a classic, old-fashioned Lambeth cake.Adoramos absolutamente um bolo Lambeth clássico e à moda an...

We are absolutly adore a classic, old-fashioned Lambeth cake.
Adoramos absolutamente um bolo Lambeth clássico e à moda antiga.


It's all about the fine details and the passion and dedication you invest in everything you do.O que importa são os porm...

It's all about the fine details and the passion and dedication you invest in everything you do.
O que importa são os pormenores, a paixão e a dedicação que investimos em tudo o que fazemos.
Wedding Planning
Photography .is.my.favorite.color
Band .claudiamartins
Bridal Gown
Floral Decor and Design
Rentals & .christina

Timeless sophistication of a white-on-white cake adorned with meticulously crafted handmade flowers.A sofisticação intem...

Timeless sophistication of a white-on-white cake adorned with meticulously crafted handmade flowers.
A sofisticação intemporal de um bolo branco sobre branco adornado com flores artesanais meticulosamente trabalhadas.

Upon delivering this amazing cake, we were pleasantly surprised to discover its intricate details closely matched the br...

Upon delivering this amazing cake, we were pleasantly surprised to discover its intricate details closely matched the bride's dress. We must say, it was our first glimpse of the dress.
Some things truly seem destined, don't you agree?
Upon delivering this amazing cake, we were pleasantly surprised to discover its intricate details closely matched the bride's dress. We must say, it was our first glimpse of the dress.
Some things truly seem destined, don't you agree?
Planning, Event & Graphic Design
Makeup & Hair
Floral Design
Cake Design
Dj & Sound System
Venue & Catering

Almost Friday - time to indulge in cake and unwind!Quase sexta-feira - é altura de comer um bolo e descontrair!         ...

Almost Friday - time to indulge in cake and unwind!
Quase sexta-feira - é altura de comer um bolo e descontrair!

These reactions fill us with gratitude.Estas reacções enchem-nos de gratidão.Video by Planning Event design Photographer...

These reactions fill us with gratitude.
Estas reacções enchem-nos de gratidão.
Video by
Event design
Flowers .eu
Wedding cake
Kid’s animation
MUAH .franco.makeup

The perfect timing for cutting your wedding cake is ultimately what works best for you and your partner, considering the...

The perfect timing for cutting your wedding cake is ultimately what works best for you and your partner, considering the flow of your reception and the atmosphere you want to create for this special moment. It's a good idea to discuss with your wedding planner or coordinator to ensure it fits seamlessly into your overall timeline.
O momento perfeito para cortar o bolo de casamento é, em última análise, o que funciona melhor para si e para o seu parceiro, tendo em conta o fluxo da sua receção e a atmosfera que pretende criar para este momento especial. É uma boa ideia falar com o seu organizador ou coordenador de casamentos para garantir que se enquadra perfeitamente no seu calendário geral.

Having a stunning and tasty cake is just as crucial as the perfect setting for the cutting moment. A beautiful cake need...

Having a stunning and tasty cake is just as crucial as the perfect setting for the cutting moment. A beautiful cake needs a flawless frame to truly shine!
Have you given it any consideration?
Ter um bolo deslumbrante e saboroso é tão crucial como o cenário perfeito para o momento do corte. Um bolo bonito precisa de uma moldura impecável para brilhar verdadeiramente!
Já pensou nisso?
Wedding planning and event design by
Photo & video by
Sound system & dj
Bridal makeup & hair by
Guests makeup & hair by
Flower by .k
Props & rentals &
Live music band
Bridal dress by
Bridal hairpiece by .headpieces

Wishing you a 'slice' of happiness this weekend! May it be filled with joy and plenty of cake!Desejo-vos uma "fatia" de ...

Wishing you a 'slice' of happiness this weekend!
May it be filled with joy and plenty of cake!
Desejo-vos uma "fatia" de felicidade neste fim de semana!
Que seja repleto de alegria e de muito bolo!
Planning and Creative Direction:
Flowers: .flowers.portugal
Model: from .management
Stationery & Styling:
Rentals: .do.marques
Handmade Jewelry:
Bridal lingerie:

Can't resist sharing this beauty again! Once just wasn't enough for this stunning cake.Não resistimos a partilhar esta b...

Can't resist sharing this beauty again! Once just wasn't enough for this stunning cake.
Não resistimos a partilhar esta beleza novamente! Uma vez não foi suficiente para este bolo deslumbrante.

When you realize the cake cutting is a team sport!Quando percebes que o corte do bolo é um desporto de equipa!Wedding pl...

When you realize the cake cutting is a team sport!
Quando percebes que o corte do bolo é um desporto de equipa!
Wedding planning and event design by
Photo & video by
Sound system & dj
Bridal makeup & hair by
Guests makeup & hair by
Flower by .k
Props & rentals &
Live music band
Bridal dress by
Bridal hairpiece by .headpieces

This stunning cake was inspired by the magnificent Seteais Palace. Its intricate wall paintings were beautifully replica...

This stunning cake was inspired by the magnificent Seteais Palace. Its intricate wall paintings were beautifully replicated on the cake, with tones carefully matched to the grandeur of the palace. The gold accents elevate the design, making this an ethereal creation. What do you think?
Este bolo deslumbrante foi inspirado no magnífico Palácio de Seteais. As suas intrincadas pinturas murais foram lindamente reproduzidas no bolo, com tons cuidadosamente combinados com a grandeza do palácio. Os detalhes em dourado elevam o design, tornando-o numa criação etérea. O que é que acha?


Feels like just yesterday, and we still adore this cake. Its clean lines, simple elegance, earthy hues, and flowers evok...

Feels like just yesterday, and we still adore this cake. Its clean lines, simple elegance, earthy hues, and flowers evoke the charm of Alentejo summer days.
Parece que foi ontem e continuamos a adorar este bolo. As suas linhas depuradas, a elegância simples, os tons terra e as flores evocam o encanto dos dias de verão alentejanos.
Floral .k



Horário de Funcionamento

Terça-feira 09:30 - 18:30
Quarta-feira 09:30 - 18:30
Quinta-feira 09:30 - 18:30
Sexta-feira 09:30 - 18:30
Sábado 09:30 - 18:30




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