Sundown Algarve

Sundown Algarve Algarve event organisers hosting summer parties in unique local venues. Sound, lighting and DJs are available for hire. Info: [email protected]

We are an event solution company operating in the Quinta do Lago & Vale do Lobo area of the Algarve. We provide professional sound and DJ equipment for hire. We have a number of DJs on our books who can play whichever genre of music is most suitable for your event:

• Birthdays
• One-off Parties
• Receptions
• Weddings
• Club / Bar performances

Our competitive prices are all inclusive for a smoot

h and stress free experience. We can also provide a variety of additional services including: plane banner towing, slip and slides, red Solo Cups, beers kegs & catering. Anything else you might need? Let us take care of it. To get a quote for your event please contact us on facebook or via email at: [email protected]


Vale Do Lobo


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Day Party Aficianados

We throw the best parties in The Golden Triangle and central Algarve. Hands down.