Alvor Kite Center Algarve-Portugal

Alvor Kite Center Algarve-Portugal Kitesurf School AlvorKiteCenter is located right in front of the lagoon in the fishing village of Al Kitesurf School Algarve

Kitesurf School AlvorKiteCenter is located right in front of the lagoon in the fishing village of Alvor in the Algarve,
South of Portugal. With beautiful views over the harbor and river at sunset, Alvor is the ultimate European Kitesurf destination you have been looking for! Alvor is the original kitesurf spot in the Algarve That’s why the lagoon is named after the vill

age. Different from other places, in Alvor everything is withinwalking distance, beach, lagoon or any other facilities you might need. The Best KiteSurf School Located in Algarve

Stage of the kitesurf world championship PKRA for 3 years in a row, Alvor was tailor made by nature to be the perfect kitesurf playground.

Lost board at the lagoon.Owner is looking for infos.Thank you!

Lost board at the lagoon.
Owner is looking for infos.
Thank you!


Another day in paradise!

FOUND! Thanks😉Lost board yesterday (Sunday) at Alvor Lagoon.If you found it please deliver to AlvorKiteCenter.Thank you

FOUND! Thanks😉

Lost board yesterday (Sunday) at Alvor Lagoon.
If you found it please deliver to AlvorKiteCenter.
Thank you

Prancha rrd poison perdida em Alvor.Se encontrou diga alguma coisa, o dono ficará contente.

Prancha rrd poison perdida em Alvor.
Se encontrou diga alguma coisa, o dono ficará contente.

Happy days At Alvorkitecenter 🏄‍♂️

Happy days At Alvorkitecenter 🏄‍♂️

AlvorKiteCenter lifestyle 😎

AlvorKiteCenter lifestyle 😎


FELIZ 2024 a TODOS os KITERS são os votos da FPKITE!
Entramos 2024 com sentimento de muito trabalho feito para restaurar a dignidade e direitos constitucionais dos sócios da FPKITE e também com muita vontade de fazer o que sabemos fazer melhor - promover e elevar o nosso desporto ao nível do topo que merece há muitos anos e nos tem sido impedido.
Fazemos assim votos de muitos dias de vento para a prática segura e divertida de Kitesports, quer seja no Kitesurf, no LandKite, no Snowkite ou no Wingsurf!
Até breve!


Alvor Harbor Warehouse 1G


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