Elevate Plant Based Market

Elevate Plant Based Market Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de Elevate Plant Based Market, Organizador(a) de eventos, Braga.

Elevate significa avançar e subir no espaço do bem-estar holístico, abraçando abordagens apoiadas pela ciência que impactam positivamente o corpo e a mente humana, bem como o planeta e os seres vivos com quem o partilhamos.

Welcome 2025 and welcome old and new Elevate friends! I am sooo excited to share some amazing news with you! 1. We spark...

Welcome 2025 and welcome old and new Elevate friends! I am sooo excited to share some amazing news with you!
1. We sparkled up our branding with the talented designers at .pt. You are familiar with Mr Avo and now you can meet Miss Beat 💓
2. We have all the dates for 2025 and thst includes our conference in October 🥰🥰🥰
3. Elevate is now backed by an association , thar allows us to raise funding for big projects such as the conference. I thought of making Elevate an actual association, but for now, the logistics would be intense and the financial burden too. This way we have full support with an association that is fully aligned.

January stars with a BANG! Will post this separately, but after the overcomaumerism ways of the holidays, we will be showing how cool it is to wear 2nd hand clothing with a Fashion Show. Followed by a presentation on Fast Fashion and its impact on the planet..

Stay tuned for more and we cannot wait to see you at Elevate!!!

In collaboration with

Supporting .braga and

(We are open to more human and animals associations to promote your amazing work. Get in touch)

Thank you   for sponsoring our food demos 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Thank you for sponsoring our food demos 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Welcome to    , we are looking forward to you spicing up everybody's life with your saucy mixes! Come join us today unti...

Welcome to , we are looking forward to you spicing up everybody's life with your saucy mixes!

Come join us today until 6pm to taste a little spicy kick to uplift your food at home too!!!!!

🇬🇧 New Food in town!!! We are bringing the Mediterranean  to   with . Greek-Turkish fusion which is delicious and as you...

🇬🇧 New Food in town!!! We are bringing the Mediterranean to with . Greek-Turkish fusion which is delicious and as you try this amazing food, you will be transported to one of the Blue Zones 💙

🇵🇹 Sabores novos na cidade!! Trazemos a culinária do Mediterrâneo para o através da . Uma deliciosa fusão Grécia-Turquia que assim que a provares te vai transportar para uma das Blue Zones 💙

Dear all, from tomorrow Tuesday 17th to Sunday 21st, you will be able to support 2 amazing initiatives.  With the approv...

Dear all, from tomorrow Tuesday 17th to Sunday 21st, you will be able to support 2 amazing initiatives. With the approval of the and , Elevate will have 2 boxes at the Mercado to collect food for and .braga .

Both associations thrive to do amazing work to support those less fortunate.

is collecting dry and wet food for cats and dogs that are rescued and hope to be removed with forever homes.
braga is working hard at making sure all people have access to food. Here you can donate dry and canned goods or good with a long shelf life. It is Christmas, let's not have anyone go hungry, given how much abundance we have the privilege of having ourselves.

Plant milks
Cereals etc...

Focus on plant based goods please 🙏

Please share and help is collect food for all living beings 🙏

Super excited about next Saturday's workshops, what an array of amazing cooking demos, meditation and entertainment for ...

Super excited about next Saturday's workshops, what an array of amazing cooking demos, meditation and entertainment for adults and kids 😀

The future of Elevate. My wish in 2025 is to have our market Elevate the food game too. I love that we have  a lot of de...

The future of Elevate. My wish in 2025 is to have our market Elevate the food game too. I love that we have a lot of desserts and treats that are vegan. But we also have the responsibility to manifest health through our plates and so I really want to make sure we DO!!!!! And in 2025 my aim is to bring the community more living foods , including juices and smoothies

.bio is a project by a friend but we are also creating something I am more involved in that is focused on healthier choices , mostly supporting the body with juices 🥰🥰🥰

Stay tuned for 2025

Amazing zero waste, bulk buying workshop by  , at ElevateThis was pretty amazing!!! 😍

Amazing zero waste, bulk buying workshop by , at Elevate

This was pretty amazing!!! 😍

Brightening up the festive deco with our exhibitors art work. .ag s tree sparkles a little brighter this year with susta...

Brightening up the festive deco with our exhibitors art work. .ag s tree sparkles a little brighter this year with sustainable and locally made vegan wax decorations by .candles
How pretty is that wax tree on the Christmas tree?
Our community supports the community.

Thank you everyone

Don't forget that on Dec 21st we have the last Elevate of 2024 and it will be a great opportunity to get gifts made with love for the animals and the planet!!!!

Talking about the impact of   on the planet with Dr  PhD

Talking about the impact of on the planet with Dr PhD

Kick starting this Nov edition of Elevate  ! Come visit     candles   sousa.araiz happy.natural.soap   world  jewellery ...

Kick starting this Nov edition of Elevate !
Come visit


sousa.araiz happy.natural.soap


jewellery pt

braga pt

All our amazing exhibitors for the Nov edition of Elevate are here 🥰🥰🥰

All our amazing exhibitors for the Nov edition of Elevate are here 🥰🥰🥰

Proud announcement Mercado de Produtos Ecológicos dá oKick-off para a Semana Europeia daPrevenção de ResíduosA    locali...

Proud announcement

Mercado de Produtos Ecológicos dá o
Kick-off para a Semana Europeia da
Prevenção de Resíduos

A localizada no Mercado
Municipal de Braga, acolhe mensalmente um Mercado de Produtos Ecológicos
e Plant-Based que promove o consumo sustentável denominado "Elevate Plant-Based Market"
Esta iniciativa, cujo mote se deu no mês de setembro, surge como fruto de uma
parceria entre a Mesa na Praça e o Elevate Plant-Based Market, na pessoa de
Chantal di Donato , ávida promotora de atividades de promoção de Healthy Lifestyle na capital dos Arcebispos.
A edição de novembro do Elevate Plant-Based Market marca o início das atividades de sensibilização ambiental da Semana Europeia da Prevenção de
Resíduos por parte do , e toda a programação do evento foi pensada
para reduzir, reutilizar e reciclar materiais e resíduos.
A par dos workshops do Elevate focados na economia circular e em formas de reutilizar recursos, o Município, sobretudo a equipa ambiental, nas pessoas do
Vereador , e Dra Cristina Costa, estaräo a promover
diversas oficinas e showcookings, ações de limpeza em lixeiras, assim como ações de plantação de árvores no Picoto e em Rio Torto.

Elevate is all about the European food waste and circular agenda that kick starts in Braga on Saturday 16th at our marke...

Elevate is all about the European food waste and circular agenda that kick starts in Braga on Saturday 16th at our market in parallel to the Environmental team planting trees!!!!! Woop

Our beautiful Elisabete  , will be sharing the secrets to nurturing skin and dealing with constipation,  using herbs tha...

Our beautiful Elisabete , will be sharing the secrets to nurturing skin and dealing with constipation, using herbs that you normally throw away! Whaaaaat?

Join us Saturday 12:30 in the municipal kitchen at

Familiar with .braga ? If not this is a great opportunity to learn more! Come join us at Elevate on Saturday 12pm to lea...

Familiar with .braga ? If not this is a great opportunity to learn more!
Come join us at Elevate on Saturday 12pm to learn about the mission, goals, achievements and more of this amazing charity!

Join us on Saturday for this amazing event with these beautiful brands!  at   in partnership with  These brands are all ...

Join us on Saturday for this amazing event with these beautiful brands! at in partnership with

These brands are all ❤️
Excited 😊

We are sp proud and excited to have a list of amazing workshops at  , to help good causes, the planet and people. To lau...

We are sp proud and excited to have a list of amazing workshops at , to help good causes, the planet and people.
To launch the and
Week initiatives by , we will host events that speak to those conscious subjects.

Also as we support and .braga , our mission is to create a food fair for all system, and to avoid waste and instead of having waste, to share the surplus.

We do this by supporting for the animals ( bring food, supplies etc) and .braga , so that nobody goes hungry! Because NOBODY should

Check out our market on Nov 16th at , in collaboration with as we kick off the Circular and zero waste week too!

Let's GO







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Synergia BSB BioVegan Market

Braga vai ter mercado vegan e ecológico com edição mensal! Chama-se SYnergia BSB BioVegan Market, tem entrada livre e terá lugar no renovado espaço CADI, Centro de Artes e Desporto Inclusivo, na Praça Dr. Francisco Araújo Malheiro. O SYnergia BSB BioVegan Market é uma iniciativa da associação Juvenil Synergia, da sua equipa do Braga Sounds Better, em parceria com a associação de defesa dos direitos dos animais Braga Animal Save e tem como objetivo a divulgação e promoção mensal de empresas, projetos e produtos amigos dos animais e do ambiente. O mercado tem a sua primeira edição agendada para os dias 5 e 6 de Outubro e vai realizar-se mensalmente, sendo as restantes datas de 2019, 1 e 2 de Novembro e 7 e 8 de Dezembro de 2019. Serão vários os projetos presentes neste mercado, desde comida vegan, roupa e acessórios em segunda mão, cosmética, produtos sustentáveis e amigos no ambiente, artesanato e um conjunto de atividades no âmbito da saúde, ética e das questões ligadas à sustentabilidade, como palestras, workshops, debates, tertúlias e música ao vivo. Mais informações: [email protected]