Festival das Artes

Festival das Artes 14º Festival das Artes QuebraJazz | Manhãs dos Séculos | Coimbra 2023

Festival de Verão . Desde 2009

Festival das Artes is a multifaceted arts event, organized by the Inês de Castro Trust, that takes place in the award-winning grass amphitheatre of the Quinta das Lágrimas historical gardens. Music, dance, theatre, cinema, conferences and gastronomy enliven Coimbra during 10 to 12 days and nights in July. By day, fine art and photography exhibitions, jazz on the river and a diverse educational pro

gramme all help to celebrate the yearly chosen theme. Launched in 2009, Festival das Artes has become the leading cultural event in Central Portugal.


Anfiteatro Colina De Camões, Quinta Das Lágrimas


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