Art, Intimacy and Spirituality. A journey of Love through Art. More: Primitive Dance). Art is Therapy. Welcome home!

INTIM.ART is a project that contains group spaces (events, workshops, retreats) to honor, celebrate, nurture, experience and practice the capacity that everyone has to create art from the connection with the present moment, ourselves and the others. Each edition is unique, but among the different activities that it may encompass (e.g. meditation, visual and performing arts, dance, connection exerc

ises, awareness, self-love, intimacy and consent, etc.) there is always a special focus in elevating fine arts to a sharing of intimacy with others, namely through Painting, Drawing, Performing and free movement practices (e.g. The space is contained between an opening and closing sharing circles, and only after a good number of exercises on consent and definition of personal space and boundaries, starts the "voyage". offers you a whole intuitive journey where all your senses are stimulated, and where you can strip your soul naked and freely express your creativity and intimate relationship with the world. This project is facilitated by Beatriz Magalhães.






Não sei se conhecem este projeto, mas eu vou vos dar a conhecer e melhor que isso (...) estou a fazer parceria com eles (ajudando o projeto ✨) e tenho baralhos comigo para vender !!!
É só entrar em contacto comigo por mensagem caso queiras um: o valor é de 29.90 euros.
Com amor, 🩷
Ig do projeto:


I don't know if you know this project, but I'll let you know and better than that (...) I'm partnering with them (helping them ✨) and I have decks of cards with me to sell !!!
Just contact me by message if you want one: the price is 29.90 euros.
With love, 🩷
Ig of the project:

I don't know if you know this project, but I'll let you know and better than that (...) I'm partnering with them (helpin...

I don't know if you know this project, but I'll let you know and better than that (...) I'm partnering with them (helping them ✨) and I have decks of cards with me to sell !!!
Just contact me by message if you want one: the price is 29.90 euros.
With love, 🩷
Ig of the project:
Não sei se conhecem este projeto, mas eu vou vos dar a conhecer e melhor que isso (...) estou a fazer parceria com eles (ajudando o projeto ✨) e tenho baralhos comigo para vender !!!
É só entrar em contacto comigo por mensagem caso queiras um: o valor é de 29.90 euros.
Com amor, 🩷
Ig do projeto:

🚨⚠️ In this wonderful HUMANIFEST I will offer an INTIM.ART in a smaller format - it will be up to 3 hours in which we wi...

🚨⚠️ In this wonderful HUMANIFEST I will offer an INTIM.ART in a smaller format - it will be up to 3 hours in which we will flow together in this space.
I will take to HUMANIFEST a proposal that I already launched on INTIM.ART and that was so well received, loved and embraced.
"You are the Ritual, the Magic comes from you".
As I usually say: You don't do a ritual without having yourself completely within your true energy.
An event focusing on you and how wonderful it is to shine with appreciation and love for yourself.
Exercises focused on: Art, Consent/Intimacy, Dance (...) will, as always, be the focus of the space.
I'll be waiting for you on August 18th at 6pm at Humanifest ☀️🩷
I'll be waiting for you on August 18th at 6pm at Humanifest ☀️🩷
Neste maravilhoso HUMANIFEST vou oferecer um em formato mais reduzido - serão até 3h em que fluiremos juntos neste espaço.
Levarei ao HUMANIFEST uma proposta que já lancei no INTIM.ART e que foi tão bem recebida, amada e abraçada.
"O ritual és tu, a Magia vêm de ti".
Como eu costumo dizer: Não se faz um ritual sem se ter a si mesma inteira dentro da sua verdadeira energia.
Um evento com foco em ti e no quanto é maravilhoso brilhar com apreciação e amor por ti mesmo.
Exercícios focados em: Arte, Consentimento/Intimidade, Dança (...) serão, como sempre, foco no espaço.
Estarei a tua espera dia 18 de Agosto pelas 6pm no Humanifest 🩷


♥️❤️ Hey my loves ♥️❤️October and November come with some news 🌹♥️//For October we have a very special invitation: Picni...

♥️❤️ Hey my loves ♥️❤️
October and November come with some news 🌹♥️
For October we have a very special invitation: Picnic and Talk at Parque de Bela Vista, Lisbon at 12pm - DONATION Based - 30th 🌹
We will talk about very important topics for all of us in this group: Intimacy, sexuality, sensuality, eroticism, art, consent, the n**e, new ways of relating and loving and spirituality (...) it will be a meeting and not an event where I will go offer some workshops and light dynamics on these topics during our Picnic and Talk.
I suggest bringing Yoga mat, blanket, cold clothes if necessary, sun hat and food and water for Picnic ❤️
Send me Private message for know the location.
🦇 See you there soul's - Smelling like Halloween 🎃

HALO:Num mês de Maio onde o calor pede luz, dimensão e cor aprensentamos HALO: Porque HALO? Halo é um círculo brilhante ...

Num mês de Maio onde o calor pede luz, dimensão e cor aprensentamos HALO: Porque HALO? Halo é um círculo brilhante que por vezes envolve o Sol e a Lua, ocasionado pela refração da luz em minúsculos cristais de gelo em suspensão na atmosfera quando ela está BRUMOSA.
O que mais pedir para o início do Verão? HALO! POR FAVOR. 🌞💗💥💦
Em Maio, dia 7, Sábado pelas 14h. Com fim pelas 19h e com direito a lanche! Em Lisboa ❤️
In a month of May where the heat asks for light, dimension and color we present HALO: Why HALO? Halo is a bright circle that sometimes surrounds the Sun and Moon, caused by light refracting into tiny ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere when it is MISTY.
What else to ask for at the beginning of summer? HALO! PLEASE. 🌞💗💥💦
📸 .gouveia7

26th March!! SPECIAL GUEST 💕This event .art brings a special guest !Women of my heart. Still want to miss this beautiful...

26th March!!

This event .art brings a special guest !
Women of my heart. Still want to miss this beautiful event?
Early registration. All in the link!

-- BE BOLD ! 🦄🌈 --
Month of March, month of WOMEN. They say. They all say.
What is it to be a woman then?
For us, everyone who feels like a Woman - IS A WOMAN!
These are social issues and not just physiological ones. brings, for the first time and in a unique way, to Portugal in celebration of what it means to be a Woman, an event of inclusion where this event will be facilitated only by Beatriz Magalhães in the space and will be an event exclusively for Transgender and Cisgender Women.
It is a very special event where you will practice Art, Self-Knowledge, Consent and Intimacy between and with Women. The proposal is to get to know each other better together and support each other. To be whole 🌈💌🌈💌🌈

O (Beatriz Magalhães e Elio Alexandre) tem um evento a acontecer dia 26 de Março em Lisboa pelas 2h até às 7h!...

O (Beatriz Magalhães e Elio Alexandre) tem um evento a acontecer dia 26 de Março em Lisboa pelas 2h até às 7h!
" Há que ter Ousadia!! "
Se és Mulher Cis ou/e Trans este é o evento para ti! Dedicado a todas as Mulheres!
Se gostavas de te inscrever/saber mais contacta: .sol ou .2 ou então este nosso instagram!
Também podes contactar: [email protected] ;
Estamos aqui para ti ❤️

Cafuné 💓

Cafuné 💓






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