The Queer Spot

The Queer Spot Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de The Queer Spot, Serviço de festas e entretenimento, Lisbon.

🌐 What is The Q***r Spot? We are your go-to guide for LGBTQ+ events and venues. Never miss out on the best parties, bars...

🌐 What is The Q***r Spot? We are your go-to guide for LGBTQ+ events and venues. Never miss out on the best parties, bars, and cultural happenings. Join us and be part of our vibrant community!

🇵🇹 O que é o The Q***r Spot? Somos o teu guia para eventos e sítios LGBTQ+. Nunca percas as melhores festas, bares e acontecimentos culturais. Junta-te a nós e faz parte da nossa vibrante comunidade!

É Hoje! Junte-se a nós na Marcha do Orgulho LGBTI+ de Lisboa e faça parte deste movimento incrível que luta por um mundo...

É Hoje! Junte-se a nós na Marcha do Orgulho LGBTI+ de Lisboa e faça parte deste movimento incrível que luta por um mundo mais inclusivo e justo para tod@s. A marcha sairá da praça do Marquês de Pombal às 16h30 e seguirá até a Praça do Comércio onde terminaremos a marcha com muita música, amor e resistência na Festa da Diversidade até as 01h30! 🎶❤️💪

Venha com suas cores, bandeiras e energia! Juntos, somos mais fortes. 🌈✨


I'm not LGBTQ+, can I still go to the pride parade?Yes, yes, yes, three times yes. If you are an ally, you are always we...

I'm not LGBTQ+, can I still go to the pride parade?
Yes, yes, yes, three times yes. If you are an ally, you are always welcome at this celebration.

What to wear during the pride parade?
Whatever you want! Although the rainbow colors are a unanimous presence, a comfortable shoe is a great choice, and the only mandatory thing is sunscreen and remember to stay hydrated.

Can I go alone?
You can! The pride parade is a safe place and a great space to make new friends and build a sense of community. Portugal is a safe country in this regard, but we recommend sharing your location with a friend and reporting to local authorities if you witness any violence.

Can I bring children or my family?
Yes, the pride parade is a family-friendly event. But it's worth paying attention to the type of pride parade you're going to. Some events celebrate the kink community and may have sexual innuendos, in those cases, it's not ideal to bring minors.

Do I need to drink to celebrate the pride parade?
Of course not. The pride parade is an event to celebrate the community without the obligation to consume anything, you can drink if you want, just remember to stay hydrated!

How to find the nearest pride parade?
On the The Q***r Spot app we have all the dates and information about the pride parades happening this year in Portugal. Link in bio

🌈 Amanhã é o grande dia! A Marcha do Orgulho LGBTQ+ do Porto está a chegar! 🎉Juntem-se a nós amanhã, dia 29 de junho, pa...

🌈 Amanhã é o grande dia! A Marcha do Orgulho LGBTQ+ do Porto está a chegar! 🎉

Juntem-se a nós amanhã, dia 29 de junho, para celebrarmos a diversidade e o amor nas ruas do Porto. Vamos pintar a cidade com as cores do arco-íris! 🏳️‍🌈

Não se esqueçam: o ponto de encontro é a Praça da República às 15h. Tragam a vossa energia, os vossos cartazes e muito orgulho!

Para mais detalhes sobre o percurso e eventos associados, descarreguem a aplicação The Q***r Spot. Lá encontrarão tudo o que precisam de saber sobre a Marcha e outros eventos LGBTQ+ em Portugal.

Vemo-nos amanhã! 💖💜💙 ***rspot


🌈 Tomorrow's the big day! The Porto LGBTQ+ Pride March is almost here! 🎉

Join us tomorrow, June 29th, as we celebrate diversity and love in the streets of Porto. Let's paint the city in rainbow colors! 🏳️‍🌈

Don't forget: meet us at Praça da República at 3PM. Bring your energy, your signs, and your pride!

For more details about the route and associated events, download The Q***r Spot app. You'll find everything you need to know about the March and other LGBTQ+ events in Portugal.

See you tomorrow! 💖💜💙

What a day at Arraial Lisboa Pride! 🌈✨ The Q***r Spot team had an amazing time celebrating with our community at Praça d...

What a day at Arraial Lisboa Pride! 🌈✨ The Q***r Spot team had an amazing time celebrating with our community at Praça do Comércio. Big shoutout to for organizing such an incredible event!

We loved chatting with everyone who stopped by, sharing drinks, and even rubbing elbows with some local politicians (we see you! 👀). It's moments like these that remind us why we do what we do.

Together, we're not just celebrating Pride – we're building a stronger, more connected LGBTQ+ community. Here's to love, diversity, and the power of coming together! 💖🏳️‍🌈

Did you spot us in our ~gay sh*t~ Q***r Spot tees? Tag us in your photos! And don't forget to check out our app for more amazing LGBTQ+ events all year round. 📱🎉


É Hoje! Estão preparados para uma tarde de muita festa e orgulho? Nos vemos na Praça do Comércio a partir das 16h.Today!...

É Hoje! Estão preparados para uma tarde de muita festa e orgulho? Nos vemos na Praça do Comércio a partir das 16h.

Today! Are you ready for a afternoon full of music and pride? We'll be waiting at Praça do Comercio at 4PM.

Estão prontos para o Arraial Lisboa Pride 2024? Nesse post separamos algumas informações importantes sobre o evento que ...

Estão prontos para o Arraial Lisboa Pride 2024? Nesse post separamos algumas informações importantes sobre o evento que deve receber mais de 120 mil pessoas este ano. Nós do The Q***r Spot estaremos lá, conversando com vocês, celebrando a diversidade e nos divertindo acima de tudo.

E para você que não cansa fácil, baixe a nossa app para acompanhar as festas que acontecem depois do Arraial e ainda tenha descontos exclusivos. Link na bio.


Are you ready for Arraial Lisboa Pride 2024? In this post, we have separated some important information about the event, which is expected to receive more than 120 thousand people this year. We at The Q***r Spot will be there, talking to you, celebrating diversity, and having fun above all else.

And for those of you who don't get tired easily, download our app to discover the parties that take place after Arraial and even get exclusive discounts. Link in bio.

Está dada a largada para a temporada de Marchas do Orgulho LGBTQ+ em Portugal. Confira todos os detalhes e informações n...

Está dada a largada para a temporada de Marchas do Orgulho LGBTQ+ em Portugal. Confira todos os detalhes e informações na app The Q***r Spot. Disponível para Android e iOS.

Está lançada a largada para a temporada de marchas do orgulho em Portugal! Confira mais informações sobre todas as march...

Está lançada a largada para a temporada de marchas do orgulho em Portugal! Confira mais informações sobre todas as marchas na app do The Q***r Spot. Já disponível em Android e iOS.

The relationship between po*******hy and art has long been a topic of debate. While mainstream po*******hy is often crit...

The relationship between po*******hy and art has long been a topic of debate. While mainstream po*******hy is often criticized for objectification, unrealistic depictions, and other problematic aspects, there's an argument that erotic art can be empowering and valuable when presented through a thoughtful, nuanced lens.

Certain films, photographs, and other artistic works don't shy away from exploring intimacy, sexuality, and desire - but do so in ways that challenge traditional perspectives. From celebrating q***r intimacy to reclaiming the female gaze, this content can give a powerful voice to underrepresented narratives.

At the same time, the lines between erotica, po*******hy, and exploitation are blurred. Artistic merit doesn't make something inherently unproblematic or exempt from perpetuating harm. Nuance and context are key.

So where do you stand on this complex issue? We invite you to share your respective views on po*******hy, art, and reclaiming sexuality through a critical lens. How can we elevate more empowering and inclusive perspectives?

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. This marked a pi...

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. This marked a pivotal moment in the fight against discrimination.

Today, on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, we continue advocating for a world free from fear, hatred and prejudice. A world where all identities are celebrated, not persecuted.
Love is love. Equality for all. 🏳️‍🌈

🌐 🎉 Hot off the press! The Q***r Spot app is officially LIVE on the Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS)! 🔥📲 Unleash...

🌐 🎉 Hot off the press! The Q***r Spot app is officially LIVE on the Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS)! 🔥📲 Unleash the power of LGBTQ+ discovery, find safe spots, and celebrate inclusivity wherever you go. 🌈🌍 Download NOW and dive into a world of vibrant experiences! 🚀 Link in bio.

🇵🇹 🎉 Última novidade! O app The Q***r Spot já está disponível para iOS e Android! 🔥📲 Explore o universo LGBTQ+, descubra lugares seguros e celebre a diversidade em qualquer lugar. 🌈🌍 Baixe AGORA e mergulhe em experiências vibrantes!


🌈 Embrace diversity, celebrate individuality. On this day in history, intersex activists paved the way for progress. Let...

🌈 Embrace diversity, celebrate individuality. On this day in history, intersex activists paved the way for progress. Let's stand together for equal rights, respect, and love for all. 💪❤️




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