The revolution started boiling a year ago, with #ThePowerOfFood, the 1st Global Live Food Event with 100% of Sangue na Guelra‘s DNA: live talks with some of the biggest names in gastronomy 🔥
Chefs like Andoni Aduriz, Joan Roca, Bo Songvisava & Dylan Jones, Alex Atala, Virgilio Martínez and Pía León came to share their personal experiences, visions for the future, and innovative projects as the gastronomy sector was responding to the covid-19 pandemic. But this was just the beginning.
In 2021 follow The Power of Food to learn more and keep the revolution going.
The Power of Food | Day 1 - Part 2
🔴 [PT] The Power of Food é uma edição especial live streaming do Symposium @sanguenaguelra, dedicada à crise da pandemia COVID-19. Juntámos algumas das maiores personalidades portuguesas e internacionais da restauração e hospitalidade para debater e lutar pelo futuro do sector.
Participe, faça like e deixe a sua opinião ou alguma questão aos nossos convidados.
🔴 [EN] The Power of Food is a live streaming edition of the Symposium @sanguenaguelra, dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. We brought together some of the greatest Portuguese and international personalities of food and hospitality industry to debate and fight for the future of the sector.
Participate, like and leave your opinion or any question to our guests.
#SanguenaGuelra #ThePowerOfFood #staytuned #totallytogether but #socialdistancing
Countdown to Simposium Sangue na Guelra
Ritz's Secret Room by Sangue na Guelra
Symposium Sangue na Guelra 2018
Cozinha Portuguesa. E Agora?
Young Chefs with Guts 2017
Blood n'Guts Lisboa Food Festival