Circus Palace

Circus Palace Welcome to ***Circus Palace*** a community project in sunny Portugal. We are just beginning!!

💫✨🔥Images from our first official public showcase in the 🎪Circus Palace Courtyard🎪.It was received very well by the peop...

💫✨🔥Images from our first official public showcase in the 🎪Circus Palace Courtyard🎪.
It was received very well by the people attending from Alpedriz, Nazaré and Alcobaça; and our stage manager Ana Paula Mateus collected enough donations to pay for our new LED spotlights. I would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and energy to this incredible production.
The artists:
Musician: Joel Fernades; Aerial Acrobatics: Marysia Preisner, Angelika Szwaja; Fire Performance: TinLizzie, Simon Edmondson and Frazer Lund who was also the lighting/electrical technician.
Our amazing compere Ms Isabel Albuquerque; and last but never least Audio & Visual technical support by Joao Duarte 🔥✨💫

Below are some stunning images from the show.
Photography by Fernado Fidalgo, Telmo Neves , Joao Duarte, Pedro Machado, Gabriella Araujo


Translated by Hugo Pedro Moniz

✨New Zealander Felicity Fyr Le Fay is preparing a show with several international artists for the second half of next August.✨

It was in Alpedriz that Felicity Fyr Le Fay found the ideal home for the project of her life:
A Circus Arts School, a project that took it's first steps three months ago when the artist bought a centenary property in that locality in union of parishes at Coz, Alpedriz and Montes.

Felicity had been looking for a house for two years when she came across the small mansion, christened 'Circus Palace' that immediately filled the measures. "I love this Portugese building style" comments the artist, who fell in love with the wood of the house. "I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to buy this house"

The New Zealand woman proudly shows the property built 120 years ago, and whose history she insisted on knowing. That begins with the union of Maria Rosario (the reporter got this wrong, her name was Maria Candida) of Alpedriz with José da Silva Santos from Brazil, to whom we owe the exotic wood of several of the original pieces of furniture that Felicity Fyr Le Fay was happy to find in the house.

Along with the house, located on a property where greenery abounds, and which boarders the river, Felicity says that she has found a true community in Alpedriz. She says that she is in love with the house, the people and the village. The best compliments go to the neighbours, who help with the project that averyfri foreigner is implementing in the village. As the next-door neighbour, Ana Paula Mateus mentions, "I do not hide, that is with thanks to Felicity", that she met several neighbours who live a few meters from her house.

Paula, who has been cooking for the project's volunteers, praises Felicity for someone who is incredible in the way that so many people from Alpedriz have made themselves available to assist her. In three months, with the support of neighbours and the work of several volunteers from various parts of the world, number 2 of Professor Joaquim Pedro went from being an uninhabited property for 60 years to the colourful home of Circus Palace, where there are still several improvements and transformations to be made. The idea is to open up the attic to install the bulky equipment needed for the performance and create a small amphitheatre for 25 people.

"I know it's going to be a long road" recognises the entrepreneur, who is making her dream come true thanks to the unexpected inheritance of a long-time friend and circus enthusiast.

The New Zealander opened the project to the community since the first hour: inviting to the first show, promoted there on the last day 12th of June, when Felicity showed her versatility in a performance which included a fire dance, aerial silks and also a short film that the artist produced in New Zealand.

"We are planning another event in the second half of August, which will feature more artists,"

Tbe artist was born in New Zealand but moved to the UK several years ago.

"I had an idea of making a Circus House and I wanted it to be in Europe." Several friends advised her to choose Portugal and she headed for Portugese land at the end of 2020. Since that moment, she was looking for the ideal place for her arts. She started by living in Tomar, went to the Algarve, Madeira and Santa Maria Da Feira until an Internet search led her to the peaceful village in the municipality of Alcobaça, where Felicity is sure to have found a house for life. ✨

✨🎪🔥Our First Community Show🔥🎪✨Thursday August 24th in the Circus Palace Courtyard!!

✨🎪🔥Our First Community Show🔥🎪✨
Thursday August 24th in the Circus Palace Courtyard!!

Today at 🎪💫🔥Circus Palace🔥💫🎪my volunteer Dan was digging in the Star Garden and he found this little guy...

Today at 🎪💫🔥Circus Palace🔥💫🎪my volunteer Dan was digging in the Star Garden and he found this little guy...

🔥✨🎪First official party and performance at Circus Palace 🎪✨🔥A small event for our first time in the courtyard garden. We...

🔥✨🎪First official party and performance at Circus Palace 🎪✨🔥
A small event for our first time in the courtyard garden. We celebrated St Pedro's Day in traditional Portuguese style with a feast of soup, corn bread, olives, and BBQed sardines!! The festival concluded with a performance of fire and aerial acrobatics, with a short arthouse film. This fantastic event was organised by the power women of Rua Prof Joaquim Pedro and Rua, Da Font, Alpedriz,: Isobel, Lizzie, Paula, Helia, Flame... and we thank Renato, Joao , Simon and Fiona for their extra assistance. Long may these parties continue!! The next event will hopefully feature three or four additional artists... I am beginning to plan for August... ✨

WEEK SIX UPDATE:✨🔥🎪Introducing Rennovation Team One!In order of appearence: Flame Fyre-Faery, Circus Perforner and total...

✨🔥🎪Introducing Rennovation Team One!
In order of appearence: Flame Fyre-Faery, Circus Perforner and totally eccentric Project Manager
Frazer Lund, Psytrance Dancer with a secret double life as a Professional Builder
Thiago, Metalhead with a passion for Excessive Cleaning and Hurling Bricks
Captain America, also known as Pedro, the swift talking entrepreneur at O Pit Stop
Jorge, who appeared via Workaway but is actually a Landscape Artist for the Costa Rican Government
Mr Rhynchophorus
Dani, Lover Of All Animals incl puppies, kittens and Marvel's Wolverine. Actually except goats. He doesn't like goats.
Lizzie, Neighbour Extraordinaire who gifted us with snacks, dinners, wine, advice and bless her soul, Showers!!
Joao, a tekkie genius from across the road who with his amazing mum doesn't mind getting his hands dirty
Mrs Geko
Bernard the Frog
Pirata (Ginger Fluff) 🎪🔥✨

Cameos from visiting Guests include:
The fabulous Mica!
Power team Lynette, Anand and Jinny
Bep and Lily,
all fellow fabulous immigrantees...


✨🥀🔥A little update from the Palace today... 🔥🥀✨

✨🔥🎪WEEK THREE UPDATE!! 🎪🔥✨Well it surely has been an adventure, arriving to this lonely, slowly crumbling but regal buil...

Well it surely has been an adventure, arriving to this lonely, slowly crumbling but regal building, on the edge of a tiny Portugese Village in the sunshine. Sitting amid tealight candles and dining on crackers, grapes and cheese, I explored this gorgeous 'Casa Brasileira' I had bought, breathed her in. Hugged her walls and kissed the wooden trimmings.
And then, Frazer Lund arrived three days, later, a good friend and absolutely brilliant builder and qualified electrician. Frazer loves helping people achieve dreams and projects. He promised me two years ago that if I did manage to find the perfect house for my Circus School/Theatre plan, he would provide a helping hand. And bless him, true to his word he arrived, only to be slightly horrified by the scale of my plans and the state of this incredible old Palacette I have bought.
So beginning work on this house has been more complicated than one might think. The title of the house belonged to people long dead, and the elderly ancestors who sold it to me had some dispute with another group of people who thought they should inherit the house. This second group protested by gluing up all the locks so I had to originally view the house with a chair propping open the door, as if it closed it was not possible to open again with a key. The driveway gate was glued shut too, and Frazer and I were wondering if we needed to take it off the hinges to get his caravan through.... but one evening it just mysteriously opened by itself..!
The first thing Frazer set to sorting was the internal water supply. I'd managed to arrange the city connection via emails from Thailand, it was all go from the local council, but inside the house all the taps had been smashed off the walls. It took Frazer two days to figure out the pipework maze and a lot of trips to various hardware stores... a minor nightmare. Then the council came back and turned the water off again because I don't have a meter. It's their responsibility to install one, but a, plumber needs to assemble the meter connection box, and they are all busy for the next two weeks. Yes, well, Frazer turned it back on by hand...
Then the issue arose with the electric board which was some kind of surviving fossil from the dark ages.

So the sellers of the house, perhaps in their eighties, had told me they never lived in the house, they visited it in childhood and it had been empty 20 or 30 years, occasionally rented to tourists for the summer. A visit to the local bar shed new light on n the subject.
"Well", said José the Barman at Genesis (named after the Phil Collins band) "I'm 60 and in all my lifetime I've never known of anyone to live in that house."
I told him the Estate Agents said the year of build was 1947 and he disagreed with that also. He produced a photograph of a young girl being held by her mother. She looks about 4 I would guess, as I look at the pair standing on the street with my house in the background. "She's 73 now, so this photo was taken about 70 years ago.. maybe 1953“. The house was old even then, and the people called it 'Casa De Palmeira' - the house of the palm tree. No wonder the electricity board was a fossil, and the house was full of old wedding photos and ancient furniture. She had been built with so much love and care to every detail, , lived in... but then abandoned with some kind of speed as the rooms were still set for tiny occupants who slept on beds, that like Goldilocks I can barely fit on to lie down!!
Not to mention the Palace also has her own ghost. Lizzie, the Portugese woman across the road immediately became a fast friend. She has made us lunches, offered use of her shower, washed my clothes and drank tea and wine with Frazer and I at all the appropriate moments.
"There is a ghost in the house", she said. "The people of the town talk about it".
"Yes, about ten years ago I was with a gang of friends", her son Joao pipped up "and we all saw her through the window on the right, above the balcony. An old lady".
Frazer and I looked at each other. We thought we had found photos of the ghost downstairs, a woman getting married in the 60s and aging in the following pictures. I still couldn't believe all the incredible land and this romantic house I bought, for €115,000. And now a ghost too!! Priceless!!

So over the last three weeks there have been incredibly good things and some quite bad things as well. Firstly there have been lots of magical coincidences. I'd only been there for a few days when Helia brought snacks from over the road and stood by Frazer's caravan chatting. The only problem is I couldn't understand a word of it, and I did try to say but she was determined to tell me many MANY things in Portugese. I felt so bad for not being able to uphold my end of the conversation I asked Lizzie to call her and explain. So Helia and I started writting each other wee notes and we chatted that way. She's such a kind lady!! She wanted to give gifts and said something about having the perfect curtains for 'your Palace'. I rang my dear friend Lynette and told her.
"Oh no! “ said Lynette." If they are not red what are you going to do? The Palace curtains have to be red obviously".
"Well I guess I could use for them a wee while, as they were a gift? “
The curtains were forgotten amid very busy days. Cleaning rooms that have been abandoned for 50 years is very dirty work and exhausting. The chemicals cracked my hands and the gloves tore with the effects of bleach. Trying to set up a kitchen in the dark (its a very dark room) and cook in there with only a torch, quite difficult. Every morning researching for new kinds of shops to get needed things from and driving there to find it was a random public holiday (often a problem) or whatever we needed was the one thing some giant hardware store didn't stock. Constant messages trying to organise my workaway helpers, electricity and WiFi connection, using Google translate a lot. I forgot about the curtains completely.
Then one afternoon Frazer popped up the stairs with a rubbish bag. “Helia across the road sends you this! “
Inside was a beautiful little wooden display Cabnet. Also some Christmas themed table napkins. And the curtains. Beautiful heavy blood red velveteen curtains!! My God I love them!! I haven't told the neighbours too much about my plans for Circus Palace just yet, but maybe they already know!! 🎪
Helia has also appeared with plants, soil, china (for the wooden box) and a bedside lamp!!
I'm living in a little universe full of blessings everyday... ✨🔥🎪

But then I haven't yet mentioned the woodworm...

✨🔥🎪Boa Tarde and Good Afternoon from Circus Palace🎪🔥✨

✨🔥🎪Boa Tarde and Good Afternoon from Circus Palace🎪🔥✨

🌟🌹🎪We still have no electricity or water connected, but I am enjoying eating my cereal every morning on a concrete block...

🌟🌹🎪We still have no electricity or water connected, but I am enjoying eating my cereal every morning on a concrete block over looking the garden, pulling buckets of water out of the well to clean the house and sitting at night in my little section of rooms admid tealight candles or meeting in the local bar and trying on my Portuguese. (The drunker I am the better I can speak it.)
A lovely lady has offered me some of her pygmy goats 🐐🐐🐐to adore and to help mow the lawn!! If anyone has any experience with goats please let me know!! I am clueless, but I love them.
Here are some pictures of the garden. After I bought the house the land was cleared by tractor at the beginning of December. It is INSANE how fast everything has grown back. Some of it is as tall as I am!! There are photos of a few plants, if anyone can identify them please let me know!! The tree next to the house is loquat, and the three blossoming mid-field are a special pear they grow in this area, other names/labels please type below!! 🎪🌹🌟

✨🔥🎪After ten days in Glastonbury, packing and labeling everything I own in a 9°C❄️ storage locker (🤣🤣🤣yes I found the th...

✨🔥🎪After ten days in Glastonbury, packing and labeling everything I own in a 9°C❄️ storage locker (🤣🤣🤣yes I found the thermometer that used to be in Sprite the van) I have 76 boxes and a long list for EU and Portugese customers. Visiting the UK straight after 3 months in India and Thailand, I'm even worse with the cold than usual, luckily the 2nd AirB&B I tried took pity on me and ordered an electric blanket, bless that man!! I had barely any free time, but it was wonderful to catch up with some of the ✨GLASTO GANG✨Sarah, Justin, Oaklan and briefly Rob. Now I'm sitting on the 5th floor windowsill of a hostel in Lisbon, organising a, list of workaway helpers, trying to get dates for an electrician, water, wifi and electric connections... and most importantly a car!! Circus House is slightly in magical Narnia Land, I don't think buses go out that way!! 🎪🔥✨
Having now had three cars explode on me since arriving in Portugal, I'm super dubious now of people's claims with regards to motor vehicles. So tomorrow Morning myself and the seller will be off to the mechanic and then the testing station (MOT) before I part with any cash!! 🎪🔥✨

HERE ARE A FEW MORE PICTURES OF THE HOUSE.... ATTIC AND GROUND FLOOR (That were once the shop and grape-pressing room).

🌠✨Buying a building that's been abandoned for at least 30 years is like opening a huge box of treasures!! There are old ...

🌠✨Buying a building that's been abandoned for at least 30 years is like opening a huge box of treasures!! There are old dusty wedding photos, catholic memorabilia, mirrors, kitchen appliances and some absolutely gorgeous furniture (Also some horrible furniture 🤣🤣🤣). For sure it's going to be pouring through items from a bygone era, and perhaps the family that sold me the house will want some of the drawers full of letters I've found✨🌠

🎠🎡Definitely there is an interesting history of the house. I don't understand what happened completely, but there was some dispute between the inheritees, and some other family members who didn't inherit the house and laid a claim to it.. and one group of people glued all the locks solid (including the one pictured, the outside gate) so the lock had to be taken completely off the back door, which was held open to viewers with an old wooden chair... 🎡🎠

🌠✨The first thing I had to do after buying it was install a new lock... ✨🌠

🎪✨🔥Please support the creation of Circus Palace Community Theatre, Training Space and Permaculture Garden  by LIKING our...

🎪✨🔥Please support the creation of Circus Palace Community Theatre, Training Space and Permaculture Garden by LIKING our page 🔥✨🎪
Thank You 😊

🎪✨🔥ABOUT THE CIRCUS PALACE PROJECT:🔥✨🎪Hello, I'm Flame🔥 a kiwi lass; and my greatest passion in life has been performing...


Hello, I'm Flame🔥 a kiwi lass; and my greatest passion in life has been performing aerial acrobatics in circuses, cabarets and festivals, before my career was brought to an abrupt ending by a trapped nerve. I spent the following years as a digital nomad, directing my children's entertainment agency from vanlife in the UK, and living between Europe, Asia and Egypt.

I think expansively, and tend to have HUGE ideas for a small sized person! I would like to find enthusiastic, positive people to join me in my latest project: Building a magical community theatre and circus training space, not far from the sunny beach town of Nazaré, in Portugal. My dream is an environment where people of all ages and abilities can learn performance skills; and artists of every kind have space to create, and support each other, while being close to nature. It will be an exciting and heartwarming project to be part of, especially as we will be starting almost from scratch with the bare bones...

The century old, wooden shuttered, casas Brasileiras of Portugal took my imagination when I saw them online. There is something so dramatic, yet graceful in the solid stone walls and carefully crafted plaster and wooden trimmings. These stunning traditional houses could so easily become a theatre, an art studio, or a circus retreat centre, while retaining their original character. My plan is to create a space that will be all of these; with bedrooms for guests, yurts outside and parking for trucks and campervans. A permiculture style decorative flower, vegetable and herb garden would provide for the guests. It would be amazing if the property could go completely off grid, though I imagine generating enough electricity would be a challenge. I have ideas for a huge hot tub with a Japanese style wysteria arch above it, and for theming each floor of the building.

BUT all of this is s going to be a LOT of work and several years with building, gardening and design! What we currently have is a beautiful old house built in 1947, with wood (and possibly furniture!) that came back with a Portuguese family from business in Brazil. The house is one of the oldest in the village, it's ground floor used to be for salting pork, crushing grapes and bedding the animals; the second floor has a traditional kitchen, bedrooms, some exciting looking old furniture and a space that would make an excellent small theatre, with a fly tower and aerial drop coming from the attic above. There is 4425m2 of land bordered by a stream, a well and some fruit trees. The house is such a beautiful and inspiring space, with lots of little crafted flourishes, and treasures left by the families of old, it will be an exciting project to work on, and when finished a very special place for the community.

Circus Palace is situated on the edge of a little traditional Portuguese village called Alpedriz. There is a cafe/bar 3 minutes walk from the front door, a grocery shop and a medical centre. The rear garden of the house used to be part of a nature reserve, its very scenic and peaceful, yet within 20 minutes drive of both Nazaré Beach (famous for the tallest surfing wave in the world) and Alcobaça and its historic streets and monastery.

Nazaré is a very international town with soaring cliffs, sunny beach bars, cuisine from all over the world, a Brazilian dance club and an infinite number of surfing schools. There are regular competitions to join in or watch from the shore, and also quiter beaches, more suitable for swimming, further along the coast.

Alcobaça is more traditionally Portugese with Art Noveau and Georgian architecture, a river and pumphouse, local family run restaurants; and the famous ornate coffins of the lovers Pedro and Ines, Portugal's real life Romeo and Juliet, in the Alcobaça Monastery.







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