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Events, and integration of foreign Students in Porto city So if there is a Wild side of Porto, thats us ;)
Rua Cândido Dos Reis Nº30
23:00 - 06:00 |
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Exploiting the previous experience of the individuals members, students, former international students, current international and portuguese students living in Porto and volunteers, Wild Out Porto is helping foreign students in a better integration in Porto as Housing Suggestions, Problem Resolution,Part Time jobs and Social Activities, in order to ensure absolute satisfaction and overall fun. You are also dearly invited to Wild Out Porto parties who has been a success at several clubs at Porto city. There will be different themes each week...in the best, nicest/cleanest clubs, friendly personnel, reasonable drink prices, and an all around good time every party we do. So we hope you are ready to be even more bonkers than you were last party and come ready to dance your crazy socks off.. So if there is a Wild side of Porto, thats us ;)