SoulFood Gatherings

SoulFood Gatherings We eat, we drink, we gather around the dinner table and then we open up and let our thoughts be known.

So we invite you, in our world around the table we will cook for and together with you, to join us in our quest to connect and build up our community.

daca vreti sa testati din prajiturelele gatite cu drag de Chef Marian Ganciu, magazinul Drag si Draga va asteapta. Mai p...

daca vreti sa testati din prajiturelele gatite cu drag de Chef Marian Ganciu, magazinul Drag si Draga va asteapta. Mai probati o hainuta faina, va mai indulciti cu o prajiturica

Astăzi vă îndulcim cu cei mai buni biscuiți de casă, primiți de la , făcuți de .

Bld. Carol I, 62


Vineri, 12:00 - 19:30
Sâmbătă, 12:00 - 19:00

Blueberry pie with pistachio and walnuts 🥧 with freshly picket blueberries from the garden

Blueberry pie with pistachio and walnuts 🥧 with freshly picket blueberries from the garden


From our garden at the countryside!

Whenever we have the time, we go picking for fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for our Gatherings 🥗

Blueberries are a personal favourite for our fruit pie 🥧

Today's private event is at the beautiful place called .ro ❤️Such lovely, lovely people and amazing atmosphere 🥰

Today's private event is at the beautiful place called .ro ❤️
Such lovely, lovely people and amazing atmosphere 🥰

Brunch in the Garden at  ❤️We loved it! Can't wait to cook again here at one of our Gatherings 💚🫖🍵

Brunch in the Garden at ❤️
We loved it! Can't wait to cook again here at one of our Gatherings 💚🫖🍵

We just can't wait for the goodies  Marian Ganciu has in stored for us at then live cooking, for the  Brunch at Ceainări...

We just can't wait for the goodies Marian Ganciu has in stored for us at then live cooking, for the Brunch at Ceainăria GreenTea on May 14th ❤
Join us in the garden, with a glass of wine or cup of tea, and enjoy the delicious dishes in a lovely company!
Save your seat here:
Nu mai avem rabdare sa ne vedem pe 14 Mai, la ceainaria Ceainăria GreenTea , unde Marian ne va pregati un meniu delicios!
Va asteptam la Brunch, cu un pahar de vin sau o cana de ceai, sa ne bucuram impreuna de minunatiile gatite de Marian, live, in timpul adunarii noastre!

Rezerva-ti un loc aici:

Rezerva-ti locul la masa noastra din 14 mai, de la ceainaria GreenTea --> Meniul va ...

Rezerva-ti locul la masa noastra din 14 mai, de la ceainaria GreenTea -->

Meniul va cuprinde:
- Tartina de vinete cu miso caramelizat și tahini cu pâine aromată
- Clătite cu mazăre, homemade bacon, oua posate și un aromat sos Hollandaise.
- Piept de pui umplut cu roșii uscate, spanac, leurda și cașcaval afumat, piure de cartofi noi cu ceapa și ierburi aromate și un delicios sos Gravy

Detalli la telefon sau in eventul de pe Fb!

Meet half of our team :) our talended Chef Marian Ganciu that will also share some of his tips & tricks, while cooking a...

Meet half of our team :) our talended Chef Marian Ganciu that will also share some of his tips & tricks, while cooking at our Brunch Gathering, on May 14th, at Ceainăria GreenTea !
Save your spot here:
Faceti cunostinta cu o jumatate din echipa SoulFoodGatherings, talentatul Chef Marian Ganciu care va impartasii cu voi cateva dintre secretele lui, la brunchul de pe 14 mai de la Ceainaria Greentea ❤

Aperitivele de la ultimul Gathering privat 😊 Meniul a fost special conceput de Chef Marian Ganciu pentru aceasta zi deos...

Aperitivele de la ultimul Gathering privat 😊 Meniul a fost special conceput de Chef Marian Ganciu pentru aceasta zi deosebita: choux-uri cu mousse de somon, paine de casa cu pate de jumari si ceapa caramelizata, platou de branzeturi si pastrama de casa afumata cu brad si cires!
Multumim de gazduire si asteptam cu nerabdare viitoarele Gatheringuri private, fie ele petreceri de familie, intre prieteni sau ocazii speciale din viata voastra!
Here are the starters from our last private Gathering 😊 The menu was especially created for this amazing day: choux filled with salmon mousse, homemade bread with crackling paté and caramelized onions, cheese plate and cherry wood-smoked pastrami!
Thank you for hosting us and we are looking forward to our next private Gatherings, be it family parties, or just among friends or any special occasion in your life!

In weekend sarbatorim 1 an de la primul nostru eveniment, alaturi de Ambra, in ritmuri de Fado ❤ la Ceainăria GreenTea!V...

In weekend sarbatorim 1 an de la primul nostru eveniment, alaturi de Ambra, in ritmuri de Fado ❤ la Ceainăria GreenTea!
Va multumim pentru sustinere si incredere! La cat mai multe adunari, zambete si mancare buna in companie buna ☺

Ne pregatim sa sarbatorim alaturi de Swing Steps Bucharest  muzica si dansul, cm stim noi mai bine, cu bunatati dulci s...

Ne pregatim sa sarbatorim alaturi de Swing Steps Bucharest muzica si dansul, cm stim noi mai bine, cu bunatati dulci si sarate, un adevarat Energy boost pentru absolventii cursurilor de Lindy Hop ❤, la BEAT bar umanist!
We are getting ready to celebrate music and dance together with Swing Steps Bucharest, the best way we know how: with sweet and savoury goodies, a true energy booster for the graduates of the Lindy Hop dance classes ❤, at BEAT bar umanist!

Oferim un loc la masa noastra pentru Adunarea de sambata aceasta, din Bucuresti! Daca ai un prieten / prietena care stii...

Oferim un loc la masa noastra pentru Adunarea de sambata aceasta, din Bucuresti! Daca ai un prieten / prietena care stii ca si-ar dori sa vina, taguieste-l mai jos intr-un comment. Numele se va trage la sorti si vom anunta norocosul castigator Joi, pe 24 Februarie ❤
We're giving away a seat at our table for the upcoming Gathering in Bucharest!
If you know someone that would like to join, tag him/her/they in a comment below. We will draw a name using the randomizer and announce the lucky Gatherer on Thursday, February 24th ❤


You asked, Marian answered ☺!At our last gathering, we had as appetizer, baked root vegetables with greek yogurt and we ...

You asked, Marian answered ☺!
At our last gathering, we had as appetizer, baked root vegetables with greek yogurt and we kept the peels and reused them fro our Bechamel sauce for the main dish for a balanced taste and some extra flavour!
Just keep in mind that there are always many ways to use the different parts of the vegetables or fruits! Yummy ❤🥕🍲

Venim cu un nou articol despre "de ce gatim?" in care Marian impartaseste cu noi din experienta lui si ce inseamna pentr...

Venim cu un nou articol despre "de ce gatim?" in care Marian impartaseste cu noi din experienta lui si ce inseamna pentru el a gati pentru altii! Perfect de citit la o cana de cafea si o prajiturica! ☺️
Check out our new article on "why do we cook?" where Marian shares with us from his experience and what it means to him to cook for others! Perfect for reading at a cup of coffee and a cookie! ☺️

In this fast-paced life, it’s hard to find the time to cook. Baking for other people can be fun and beneficial, as it turns out, but cooking meals can feel more like a chore. People are always look…

Nu intotdeauna cei care ni se alatura la Adunari se si cunosc intre ei, dar stam cu totii la aceeasi masa si pana la fin...

Nu intotdeauna cei care ni se alatura la Adunari se si cunosc intre ei, dar stam cu totii la aceeasi masa si pana la final ajungem sa ne cunoastem un pic!
The people joining our Gatherings don't always know one another, but we all sit at the same table and in the end we get to know each other a little bit!

Oferim un loc la masa noastra pentru Adunarea de saptamana viitoare, din Bucuresti! Daca ai un prieten / prietena care s...

Oferim un loc la masa noastra pentru Adunarea de saptamana viitoare, din Bucuresti! Daca ai un prieten / prietena care stii ca si-ar dori sa vina, taguieste-l mai jos intr-un comment. Numele se va trage la sorti si vom anunta norocosul castigator Joi, pe 10 Februarie ❤
We're giving away a seat at our table for the upcoming Gathering in Bucharest!
If you know someone that would like to join, tag him/her/they in a comment below. We will draw a name using the randomizer and announce the lucky Gatherer on Thursday, February 10th ❤


This year we are introducing a new way for you to join our gatherings: the Gatherer plan!You can now choose if you want ...

This year we are introducing a new way for you to join our gatherings: the Gatherer plan!
You can now choose if you want to extend your support even more with the Aunt / the Uncle plan! This will help us to offer a free seat at our table, for the ones that want to join, but can't!

Starting February, if you want to know anything about cooking, you can directly ask Marian! You ask and he incorporate t...

Starting February, if you want to know anything about cooking, you can directly ask Marian!
You ask and he incorporate the answers in our future Posts or Live Facebook sessions - more on that to come.

Or you can join our gatherings and ask him directly! 😊
Incepand cu Februarie, daca ai vreo curiozitate legata de mancare, cm sa gatesti ceva anume sau orice alta intrebare legata de bucatarie, vei putea sa il intrebi direct pe Marian!
Tu intrebi, si el raspunde intr-una din viitoarele Postari sau sesiune Live pe Facebook - detalii in curand!

Sau il poti intreba direct, la una dintre adunarile noastre 😊

D**a o lunga pauza, We are Back!Ne pregatim primele gatherings pe anul nou! Suntem super excited sa ne revedem sau sa va...

D**a o lunga pauza, We are Back!
Ne pregatim primele gatherings pe anul nou! Suntem super excited sa ne revedem sau sa va cunoastem ❤
Revenim cu detalii soon! Pana atunci, va dorim o zi la fel de luminoasa ca aceasta minunatie pregatita de Marian 😍

In 2022 vrem sa fim si mai mult cu ochii pe voi, si voi pe noi! ❤ Asa ca va uram ca noul an sa fie bun cu voi, sa fie im...

In 2022 vrem sa fim si mai mult cu ochii pe voi, si voi pe noi! ❤ Asa ca va uram ca noul an sa fie bun cu voi, sa fie imbelsugat si sa ne aducem aminte sa fim blanzi si intelegatori unii cu altii!
In 2022 we want to keep an eye on you even more, and you an eye on us! ❤ So let this new year be kind with you, make it plentiful and let us all remember how to be kind and understanding with one another!

The picture was taken at our wedding in 2021, that we had to postpone a couple of times 😅, but finally had the chance of gathering with all our dear ones!

Sarbatori fericite!Promitem sa venim cu vesti bune in noul an! ☺🍷

Sarbatori fericite!
Promitem sa venim cu vesti bune in noul an! ☺🍷

From our Baking Workshop: Cinnamon rolls 😍🤤We just couldn't stopped eating them! Yummm ❤

From our Baking Workshop: Cinnamon rolls 😍🤤
We just couldn't stopped eating them! Yummm ❤


From yesterday's Backing Workshop 😍
Getting giddy fornour next event here 💚🧡

Our latest location!! We are inlove with the high level of cosyness 😍😍Come join us next week for our Social Gathering !

Our latest location!! We are inlove with the high level of cosyness 😍😍

Come join us next week for our Social Gathering !

Sambata, 16 Octombrie, organizam primul Workshop de gatit, cu tematica: Parents & Kids Bonding Time! Vom fi impartiti in...

Sambata, 16 Octombrie, organizam primul Workshop de gatit, cu tematica: Parents & Kids Bonding Time! Vom fi impartiti in echipe (1 parinte + 1 copil) si vom gati impreuna desertul zilei: Cinnamon Rolls. Cat timp se coace la cuptor desertul, ne vom bucura impreuna de o alternativa healty a mesei de pranz din copilaria noastra.
Inscrierile la eveniment, pana maine! Detalii in eventul de Fb!
Limita de varsta a copiilor: minimum 6 ani!
Evenimentul respecta toate conditiile impuse de contextul actual COVID-19, asa ca rugam doar persoane vaccinate!

On Friday, for the Singles Gathering, we prepared a special "Find the Gatherer" Bingo, with everyone contributing to the...

On Friday, for the Singles Gathering, we prepared a special "Find the Gatherer" Bingo, with everyone contributing to the game with something about themselfs to add to the Bingo sheet!
Paired in 2, everyone had 3 min to ask questions and find out more about the other gatherers. The first one who found the answer to 8 of our descriptions was Ciprian Lazăr 😊
His prize was a cocktail recipe we re-invented (designed and drawn by Spiral Sirius ) and a bottle of Prosecco to help him get started in the art of mixing 🍹🍸
We will organize Singles Gathering in every first week of the month!

From last night's Gathering!It was fun getting ready for yesterday's Single Gathering, preparing the table with our dear...

From last night's Gathering!
It was fun getting ready for yesterday's Single Gathering, preparing the table with our dear Ioana , playing fun games while Marian was preparing the tastiest chicken & mushroom pie, and enjoying the delicious chocolate dream from eric periferic 😍

We are taking a break now, for a week, to see how the new restrictions will affect the events, because we want you to feel and be safe and healthy!

Will keep you posted for more to come!

Avem un nou articol unde puteti sa-l cititi pe Marian, cm ne povesteste despre pasiunea lui de a gati si ce inseamna pe...

Avem un nou articol unde puteti sa-l cititi pe Marian, cm ne povesteste despre pasiunea lui de a gati si ce inseamna pentru el magia pregatirii mancarii!
E un pic mai mult decat pasiune, e vorba si de curiozitatea de a descoperii aceasta lume infinita a gustului,o lumea accesibila oricui vrea sa exploreze alaturi de noi, la adunari, creatiile si inventiile lui Marian!
We have a new blog entry where Marian talks about his passion to cook and what is means for him to cook!
It's a bit more than just passion, it's also about the curiosity of discovering this infinite world of taste, a world that you can access if you want to explore with us, at our gatherings, the creations and inventions of Marian

“To be “healed”, mind and body, through the ability to bring our bodies into greater alignment with our environment, we need a chilled nettle or tomato soup on a hot summer day and hot baked …


We love our Tea blend we created at Magazin Zero Waste București ❤ We plan to make it for you to taste it at our Gatherings!

And it's so easy to just go there with your own jar, pick from the different blends and mix it to whatever you want to make your UNIQUE tea blend 🍁🍃🍵 We're getting some Autumn vibes, don't you?

Also, did you see the colour of this tea? 😍

From tonight's Gathering!Thank you all for making this as cozy, open and relaxing as possible (you know who you are 🤗)! ...

From tonight's Gathering!
Thank you all for making this as cozy, open and relaxing as possible (you know who you are 🤗)!
Loved having everyone around our table and sharing a bit of themselves

Ne-am propus sa aducem cate un invitat la cat mai multe dintre adunarile noastre, sa stam la masa si sa povestim! Cum Ad...

Ne-am propus sa aducem cate un invitat la cat mai multe dintre adunarile noastre, sa stam la masa si sa povestim!
Cum Adunarea de maine este despre recolta, toamna, anotimpuri si traditii, Marian va fi cel care ne va impartasi un pic din experienta lui si cm a invatat de la bunica lui ce inseamna influenta acestora!
O poveste numai buna de impartasit la un pahar de Must 🍷 sau un ceai fierbinte 🍵
Pe maine!
At most of our Gatherings we want to bring you a special guest, to sit at our table and share a bit of her/his experience!
Since tomorrow's Gathering is all about harvest, autumn, seasons and traditions, Marian will be the one to share with us a bit from his experience and how he learned from his Grandma how much a meal is influenced by these!
Perfect story to share while drinking a glass of grape juice or hot tea.
See you tomorrow!


Happy Autumn Equinox & Mabon Blessings to all!

Sound On!


Last Chance to join our Friday Autumn Dinner!

We have 2 more seats available!
If you are fully vaccinated and want to spend a cozy, relaxed evening with new people, in a safe environment, far away from the crowded areas, then check the Registration form from the Event blog entry!

We would love to have you with us!

Ne pregatim pentru Adunarea din 24 Septembrie, cu o recolta tomnatica bogata din gradina mamei! Cu legumele culese o sa ...

Ne pregatim pentru Adunarea din 24 Septembrie, cu o recolta tomnatica bogata din gradina mamei!
Cu legumele culese o sa pregatim live un curry delicios ❤🥘 Mai multe detalii legate de meniul de la Mabon Gathering, pe blog, in sectiunea "Our Gatherings"
Getting ready for the Gathering on 24th September, with a plentiful harvest from one of our mother's garden!
These delicious veggies will be part of our Curry live-cooking ❤🥘 More details on our Mabon Gathering's menu on our blog.

Luam foarte in serios situatia COVID 19 si numarul in crestere in noul val de infectare! Stim ca este un subiect sensibi...

Luam foarte in serios situatia COVID 19 si numarul in crestere in noul val de infectare! Stim ca este un subiect sensibil.
De aceea ii rugam pe toti cei care ne vin la Adunari sa fie responsabili si sa fie vaccinati sau sa aibe un test negativ COVID cu 72 de ore inainte de a ne intalnii cu totii!
We take very serious the COVID 19 situation and the increasing numbers of infected people! Yes, it is a sensible subject.
This is why we ask all of our gatherers to be responsble and to be fully vaccinated or have a negative test 72 hours before we all meet!

Am adaugat detaliile si meniul pentru Adunarea din 8 Octombrie, din Bucuresti!Va asteptam cu mancare delicioasa, vin din...

Am adaugat detaliile si meniul pentru Adunarea din 8 Octombrie, din Bucuresti!
Va asteptam cu mancare delicioasa, vin din surse locale, un joculet distractiv si o atmosfera chill!
Sunteti bineveniti in comunitatea noastra!

Check out the details and the menu for our upcoming October 8th Social Gathering that will be held in Bucharest!
Expect delicious food, local wine, a fun game and relaxed ambience!
Looking forward for you to become a part of our growing community!

Ne-a placut maxim aseara la Vintage Party • Masquerade Lindy Hop alaturi de Jazz Roots Bucharest !Armosfera e de neratat...

Ne-a placut maxim aseara la Vintage Party • Masquerade Lindy Hop alaturi de Jazz Roots Bucharest !
Armosfera e de neratat, pentru cine nu a reusit sa ajunga 🧡💚
Multumim pentru gazduire!
Speram ca bucatele au vorbit si pentru noi si va asteptam cu drag la Adunarile noastre, sa mai povestim pe indelete 🥧🥂☕

We loved the Vintage Masquerade Party last night! Amazing mood and people! Don't miss it next time, of you couldn't make it yesterday!
Thank you Jazz Roots Bucharest for hosting us!
We hope the food convinced you even more, that you have you try out our Gatherings and we are looking forward to chilling and chatting with as many of you from yesterday!

Nu trebuie sa fii singur ca sa vii la aceasta adunare, dar nici sa fii musai insotit! Dar trebuie sa fii in Bucuresti. C...

Nu trebuie sa fii singur ca sa vii la aceasta adunare, dar nici sa fii musai insotit! Dar trebuie sa fii in Bucuresti. Cert e ca noi va asteptam cu drag la evenimentul de Singles, cu cocktailuri numai bune, cu Bingo si cu mancare delicioasa 🍲❤
Toate detaliile le gasiti pe blog sau pe eventul Fb ☺
iar pentru si mai multe detalii va stam la dispozitie pe Whatsapp/la telefon ☎️

Autumn – communal gathering What could be an antonym to Speed Dating? or to Slow Dating? We have no name for this type of Gathering. It’s meant specifically for people that feel a presu…



Opening Hours

Tuesday 16:30 - 20:00
Wednesday 16:30 - 20:00
Thursday 16:30 - 20:00
Friday 15:00 - 22:00




Social Gatherings and Cooking Workshops


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