
GenF We organise artistic events for young adults

The Monday of lovers 🩷Our postal box has been staying at  for almost two weeks now, collecting your thoughts, words & le...

The Monday of lovers 🩷

Our postal box has been staying at for almost two weeks now, collecting your thoughts, words & letters for dear ones

On Dragobete, we're celebrating by reading fragments! & will share the stage togheter, creating a performance based on your words.

We'll also be handing out fortune tellers all the way from and join you for drinks & good vibes

🫶🏼 February 24, at 6:30PM | OTOTO Store Victoriei, 2ND FLOOR

From time to time, we’ve been asked if our events are for women only.There seems to be a confusion when we hear the word...

From time to time, we’ve been asked if our events are for women only.
There seems to be a confusion when we hear the word ‘feminism’. Although it first started as a movement for women’s rights, we now believe that feminism is meant for all genders: equal rights for everyone.
So, everyone is welcome at our events / or to apply to our open calls! ❤️

During the FRAGM exhibition at  .ro participants could listen to an audio piece featuring  team voices by Dragoș Mărgine...

During the FRAGM exhibition at .ro participants could listen to an audio piece featuring team voices by Dragoș Mărgineanu.

It was a piece about routine and repeated gestures.


During monochrome, an exhibition which highlighted works by emerging artists only using one main color, participants cou...

During monochrome, an exhibition which highlighted works by emerging artists only using one main color, participants could also draw with chalk on the tables. It was a reminder of youth & playfullnes, both coming from chalk and artists’ simple, yet colorful pieces.


bringing smiles and monochrome artworks together in one room!this event was all about pure fun, leaving everyone joyful ...

bringing smiles and monochrome artworks together in one room!

this event was all about pure fun, leaving everyone joyful – the artworks were simple but captivating, with artists working with just one main color and its shades! 🌟


5 more days until our open call for Duo's ends! You can check details to apply at our pinned post.

5 more days until our open call for Duo's ends! You can check details to apply at our pinned post.

LINK IN BIO Redirecționează 3,5% din impozitul anual către GenF, pentru a susține evenimente culturale feministe organiz...

LINK IN BIO Redirecționează 3,5% din impozitul anual către GenF, pentru a susține evenimente culturale feministe organizate de către noi.

De mai bine de un an, GenF funcționează strict pe baza donațiilor și, cu ajutorul vostru, am participat împreună la peste 10 evenimente, peste 1500 de participanți și ne-am bucurat de lucrările a peste 100 de artiști. GenF crește și dezvoltă următoarea generație de artiști, lucrând cu proaspăt absolvenți sau emergenți. Suntem de asemenea o asociație feministă formată din tinere artiste, adepte ale incluziunii, scopul nostru fiind unirea tuturor genurilor pentru a combate repercusiunile patriarhatului în diverse arii și în principal în lumea artistică și culturală.

Pentru orice nelămurire, dm us / scrie-ne pe mail [email protected]


About a week left until our open call for Duo's finishes. You can check details on what and how to apply at our pinned p...

About a week left until our open call for Duo's finishes. You can check details on what and how to apply at our pinned post. 🙌🏻

Our first event ever 🥺The Sixth Sense Belongs to Women brought togheter over 10 women artists that explored their intuit...

Our first event ever 🥺

The Sixth Sense Belongs to Women brought togheter over 10 women artists that explored their intuition through painting, photography, sculptures, poetry and music. The event gathered about 100 participants.

Hi there!Thank you to everyone who has joined last year's events that included exhibitions, poetry, music, q&a's, yard s...

Hi there!
Thank you to everyone who has joined last year's events that included exhibitions, poetry, music, q&a's, yard sales, art sales, talks, open mics & much more. For this year, we are preparing bigger projects. See you soon! ❤️

🌟appreciation post for the artists who live painted at our event in collab with  🎨  leather covers for notebooks were pa...

🌟appreciation post for the artists who live painted at our event in collab with

🎨 leather covers for notebooks were painted. We also had some of at-home painted covers up for sale. Some of them still available and soon to be posted on Zuriell's site.

❣️ this was an amazing way to end the year. we'll see you soon with more cozy events we're brainstorming for 2025's winter.

📸 &

TICKETS IN BIO /  UNSENT is a creative event featuring:🎨 live painting – watch emerging artists paint collaborative desi...


UNSENT is a creative event featuring:

🎨 live painting – watch emerging artists paint collaborative designs on Zuriell's leather notebooks, which you can also purchase during the event.

📖 poetry reading & musical pieces – will be reading her own poems + unsent letters / messages. if you want yours to be read, follow the link in our bio. (ro/en)

🎉 after-party – we'll wrap up the night with a lovely dj set by dance moves, drinks & mingle

*Zuriell Leather Notebooks will be available for purchase, each a one-of-a-kind piece either painted separately by each artist or painted live at the event. All income from artwork created during the event will be donated.

🗓️ 15 december
🕐 7pm - 12pm
📍Nais Space, str. Crișana 2

❤️‍🩹 What’s something you’ve always wanted to say but couldn’t?A message left unsent. A letter never delivered. Words yo...

❤️‍🩹 What’s something you’ve always wanted to say but couldn’t?

A message left unsent. A letter never delivered. Words you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.

This is your chance to let it out.

Submit your unsent messages, letters, or thoughts anonymously following the link in our bio.

, one of our members and a poetry author & performer will read them out for you at our event in collaboration with

* You can remain anonymous. You can submit pieces both in Romanian or English.

🗓️ 15 December
📍 .space
🕐 starting 7pm

TICKETS IN BIO / UNSENT is a creative event featuring:🎨 live painting – watch emerging artists paint collaborative desig...


UNSENT is a creative event featuring:

🎨 live painting – watch emerging artists paint collaborative designs on Zuriell's leather notebooks, which you can also purchase during the event.

📖 poetry reading & musical pieces – will be reading her own poems + unsent letters / messages. if you want yours to be read, follow the link in our bio. (ro/en)

🎉 after-party – we'll wrap up the night with a lovely dj set by dance moves, drinks & mingle

*Zuriell Leather Notebooks will be available for purchase, each a one-of-a-kind piece either painted separately by each artist or painted live at the event. All income from artwork created during the event will be donated.

🎈 INTEAM este un proiect cultural care urmărește modul în care diverși factori afectează interacțiunea a doi necunoscuți...

🎈 INTEAM este un proiect cultural care urmărește modul în care diverși factori afectează interacțiunea a doi necunoscuți.
A treia ediție a avut drept temă utilizarea platformelor de social-media. Cum afectează această utilizare modul în care ne creăm și menținem relații cu cei din jurul nostru? Cum putem gestiona felul în care ne afectează?
Evenimentul a inclus o expoziție de fotografie, artă interactivă și o discuție cu un terapeut, Lucia Ionescu.

Mulțumiri speciale Popa Tatu 68 și Nightz
📸 .de.prostie

today at 5pm /  we also take walk-ins 🫶🏼

today at 5pm /

we also take walk-ins 🫶🏼

📲 Cum arată phone detox-ul pentru tine? Care crezi că este cea mai responsabilă metodă de phone detox?Află mai multe la ...

📲 Cum arată phone detox-ul pentru tine? Care crezi că este cea mai responsabilă metodă de phone detox?

Află mai multe la INTEAM, în timpul discuției noastre cu Lucia Ionescu. Lucia este psihoterapeut cu aexperiență în cazuri de tulburări depresive și anxioase, tulburări de personalitate, stări conflictuale cu sine și ceilalți, traumă și stres, consilierea persoanelor LGBTQA+.

Tickets in bio 🎫

📍Popa Tatu 68
🗓️ 16 noiembrie, sâmbătă

🎈 INTEAM este un eveniment cultural, destinat în principal tinerilor, care va include o expoziție de fotografie, artă in...

🎈 INTEAM este un eveniment cultural, destinat în principal tinerilor, care va include o expoziție de fotografie, artă interactivă și o discuție cu un terapeut despre social media și modul în care utilizarea platformelor specifice ne afectează realitatea.

🗓️ 16 noiembrie
⏰ 17:00-20:00
📍 Popa Tatu 68






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