The year that has just ended has challenged us to reinvent ourselves, to find new ways to be close to each other, to STOP and to WAIT! We are GRATEFUL for that too. We start confident that 2021 will bring our freedoms back and we promise not to take them for granted . We have a whole year to fill the party guestbooks with pictures. Also, we are curious, how many of you had an event that you had to postpone for 2021? Leave us in the comments below your expectations for 2021 and we will direct the positive energies towards their realization. Happy New Year!!! Anul ce tocmai s-a incheiat ne-a provocat sa ne reinventam, sa gasim noi modalitati de a fi aproape unii de altii, sa ne oprim si sa asteptam! Suntem recunoscatori si pentru acest lucru. Incepem increzatori ca 2021 ne va aduce libertatile inapoi si promitem sa nu le mai luam ca gratuite. Avem un an intreg ca sa umplem cu poze, guestbookurile de la petreceri. Suntem curiosi, cati dintre voi ati avut un eveniment pe care a trebuit sa il amanati in 2020 pentru 2021? Lasati-ne in comentarii asteptarile vostre pentru 2021 si vom indrepta energiile pozitive catre realizarea lor. La Multi Ani!!!!