Chef's Home - Freedom Garden Transilvania

Chef's Home - Freedom Garden Transilvania A space for food & events. You can come to spend the time with us or hire it. We have 2 guest rooms

Those lovely afternoon lights In Chef’s Home… and some delicious  .We are going to have an exceptional   with spices at ...

Those lovely afternoon lights In Chef’s Home… and some delicious .
We are going to have an exceptional with spices at the and of January. So you are welcome! (Read the comments!)

HU-RO-EN🎄 “A karácsony nemcsak a világ számára jelent reményt, annak minden véget nem érő problémái ellenére, hanem szám...

🎄 “A karácsony nemcsak a világ számára jelent reményt, annak minden véget nem érő problémái ellenére, hanem számodra és számomra is, ami véget nem érő hibáink ellenére.” (Tim Keller)

🙏 Hálásak vagyunk az elmúlt évért. Rengeteg munka, sok kihívás, nagyon sok öröm és találkozás összessége volt a 2024-es év. Visszatekintve hálásak vagyunk érte.
✨ Áldott karácsonyt és boldog új évet kívánunk nektek ezzel a mindenek ellenére létező NAGY REMÉNNYEL!
💖 Sándor és Krisztina

🎄 „Crăciunul nu este doar o speranță pentru lume, în ciuda tuturor problemelor sale nesfârșite, ci și pentru tine și pentru mine, în ciuda greșelilor noastre nesfârșite.” (Tim Keller)

🙏 Suntem recunoscători pentru anul care s-a încheiat. 2024 a fost un an plin de muncă, multe provocări, dar și bucurii și întâlniri nenumărate. Privind înapoi, suntem plini de recunoștință.
✨ Vă dorim un Crăciun binecuvântat și un An Nou fericit, cu această MARE SPERANȚĂ care există în ciuda tuturor lucrurilor!
💖 Sándor și Krisztina

🎄 "Christmas is not just hope for the world despite all its endless problems, but also for you and me despite our endless failings." (Tim Keller)

🙏 We are grateful for the past year. 2024 has been a year full of hard work, many challenges, and countless joys and encounters. Looking back, we are deeply thankful.
✨ We wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year with this GREAT HOPE that exists despite everything!
💖 Sándor and Krisztina

Photo: GM Photography, Gáll Melinda

It is a good gift.

It is a good gift.

Hangolódj az ünnepekre kreatívan! Kacsints velem a karácsonyra!🎨 Karácsonyi dekorációs műhelyEngedd szabadjára a kreativ...

Hangolódj az ünnepekre kreatívan! Kacsints velem a karácsonyra!
🎨 Karácsonyi dekorációs műhely
Engedd szabadjára a kreativitásodat, és tanuld meg, hogyan teheted igazán varázslatossá az ünnepi asztalodat!
✨ A programban:

- Ünnepi asztalterítés ötletek
- Szalvétahajtogatási technikák
- Gyakorlati tippek otthoni alapkészletből! (mutasd meg majd nekem fényképen az otthoni abroszaidat, étkészletedet, stb...)

Ne hagyd ki ezt az egyedi lehetőséget, hogy különleges hangulatot teremts az otthonodban! 💫

📅 Időpont: November 27., 18:00
📍 Helyszín: Mărginasa utca 42.
💸 Részvételi díj: 250 RON/fő
🔗 Jelentkezés itt:

Autumn in Chef’s Home. And slowly preparing for Christmas… check the details in the comments😉🍁🍂🌲🎄

Autumn in Chef’s Home.
And slowly preparing for Christmas… check the details in the comments😉🍁🍂🌲🎄



Our garden with spices and herbs. The first and the last picture was taken in the middle of June, the other ones at the ...

Our garden with spices and herbs. The first and the last picture was taken in the middle of June, the other ones at the end of July.

What a special event we had yesterday!! 😲😮 Another   feeling. First time ever we had the launching of two cultural magaz...

What a special event we had yesterday!! 😲😮 Another feeling. First time ever we had the launching of two cultural magazines at Chef's Home! Talking about gastronomy, theatre and culture and having great time with precious people on this fantastic evening…

A perfect place to grill with your friends: Chef's Home! It is available for rent in june and july. Any questions 😉??🥩🥬🫑...

A perfect place to grill with your friends: Chef's Home! It is available for rent in june and july. Any questions 😉??🥩🥬🫑🌶️🧄🍴



Strada Mărginașă Nr. 42



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