Salutare! ✌️
Mai avem cateva ore pana ne vom vedea cu Alex Bîcă si Abel Răuță la Union-Pub Codlea
Playlist-ul este gata iar echipa de la Union Pub ofera #shot-uri gratis pentru cei care vor face insta story cu tag-urile @alexbica21 @abelrauta si @union_pub
Ne vedem maine seara!🌞🌞🎶🎶
Saptamana aceasta il avem ca invitat pe Noris G. care ne va incanta urechile cu un set de House / Tech house. In clipul prezentat avem chiar una dintre piesele sale anume Noris G - Poison care suna demential!
Ne vedem miercuri la ora 20 cu un clip filmat la Dovinot Lac (Club Dovinot, Dovinot Pool, Restaurant Dovinot).
Daca va place ceea ce facem nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru de youtube pentru a fi la curent cu tot ce postam!
Pace! ✌️
This week we have Noris Gabriel as a guest who will delight our ears with a House / Tech house set. In the presented video we have one of his songs, namely Noris G - Poison, which sounds insane!
See you on Wednesday at 8 pm with a video filmed at Dovinot Lac.
If you like what we do, don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to be up to date with everything we post!
Peace! ✌️✌️
#house #housemusic #housemusiclovers #techhouse #techhousemusic #techhouselovers #labalcon #youtube #videopodcast #dovinotlac
Asa cm v-am obisnuit, va asteptam in fiecare miercuri pe canalul nostru de youtube ( ) cu cate un mix diferit de muzica.
Pentru saptamana aceasta am pregatit un clip live de la petrecerea din data de 25.06 de la KOA Wake Park & Lounge la care l-am avut ca invitat special pe Mose N . Acesta a pregatit un set de NU Disco si Jackin House care i-a cucerit inclusiv pe cei mici!
Nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru de youtube pentru a fi la curent cu tot ce postam. De asemenea ne gasiti si pe Instagram: labalcon1 si stati geana pe ziua de miercuri!
Pace! ✌️✌️
As usual, we are waiting for you every Wednesday on our youtube channel ( with a different mix.
For this week I prepared a live clip from the party on 25.06 at KOA at which I had as a special guest Moise Nicolae Victor . He prepared a set of NU Disco and Jackin House that conquered even the little ones!
Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to be up to date with everything we post. You can also find us on Instagram: labalcon1 and be ready for Wednesday!
Peace! ✌️✌️
#labalcon #videopodcast #youtube #mosendj #koa #house #jackinhouse #nudisco #housemusic #housemusiclovers #nudiscohouse #funky #funkyhouse
Asa cm v-ati obisnuit, miercuri ne vedem pe youtube de la ora 20!
Saptamana aceasta o sa va prezentam unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din Brasov, si anume KOA Wake Park & Lounge. Le multumim pentru disponibilitate si gazduire. Noi vom prezenta un set de melodic techno si deep house mixat de catre Alex Bîcă care va va tine pe linia de plutire pana in weekend!
Nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru de youtube pentru a fi la curent cu tot ce postam! 🤙🤙
As you are used to, see you on youtube on Wednesday from 8 pm!
This week we will present one of the most beautiful places in Brasov, namely Wake Park Koa, which we thank for their availability and hosting. We will present a set of melodic techno and deep house mixed by Alex Bîcă who will keep you afloat until the weekend!
Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to be up to date with everything we post!🤙🤙
#melodichouse #melodictechno #deephouse #deephousevibes #vocalmusic #alexbica #labalcon #koa #youtube #videopodcast
Inca un weekend s-a terminat dar nu uitati ca miercuri ne revedem din nou pe
Il avem ca invitat saptamana aceasta pe Initial care vine cu un set de minimal / micro house gata sa va pregateasca pentru weekend!
Another weekend is gone but don’t forget we see again wednesday on
This week we invited Buga Sorin who comes with a set of minimal / micro house, ready to prepare you for the weekend!
#minimal #minimalmusic #minimaltech #minimaltechno #rominimal #romanianmusic #microhouse #romaniantechno #rotechno #labalcon #youtube #videopodcast
Saptamana aceasta va prezentam un set live făcut de baietii de la Presssh (Vlad Andrei si Stefan Negruti) Asa ca pregatiti-va boxele si castile deorece miercuri la ora 20 suntem on air.
Nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru de youtube pentru a fi la curent cu tot ce postam!🤙🤙
Multumiri pentru sustinere si gazduire Diane Mirror.
This week we present a live set made by the music guys, so get your speakers and headphones ready because Wednesday at 8 pm we are on air.
Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to be up to date with everything we post! 🤙🤙
Thanks a lot for supporting and hosting Diane Mirror
#minimal #minimalmusic #minimaltech #minimaltechno #rominimal #romanianmusic #romaniantechno #rotechno #labalcon #youtube #videopodcast #microhouse
Saptamana aceasta avem o provocare dubla!
Baietii de la Say Twice vor prezenta miercuri un set de minimal / micro house care sa ne trimita direct in mijlocul unei petreceri.
Ne vedem miercuri cu Alexandru Socaci si Vali Rusu la ora 20 pe canalul nostrum de youtube
Nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru pentru a fi la current cu ce postam.
This week we have a double challenge!
The guys from Say Twice will present on Wednesday a set of minimal / micro house that will send us directly in the middle of a party.
See you on Wednesday with Alexandru Socaci and Vali Rusu at 8 pm on our youtube channel
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with future posts
#minimal #minimalmusic #minimaltech #minimaltechno #rominimal #romanianmusic #romaniantechno #rotechno #labalcon #youtube #videopodcast #saytwice
It’s on!
#minimal #minimalmusic #minimaltech #minimaltechno #rominimal #romanianmusic #romaniantechno #rotechno #labalcon #youtube #microhouse #videopodcast
Inca un weekend s-a terminat dar nu uitati ca miercuri ne revedem din nou pe cu un nou set de la @razvann.neagu !!
Another weekend is gone but don’t forget we see again wednesday on with a new set by @razvann.neagu
#minimal #minimalmusic #minimaltech #minimaltechno #rominimal #romanianmusic #microhouse #romaniantechno #rotechno #labalcon #youtube #videopodcast
Ne vedem diseara incepand cu ora 20!
Felicitari Vlad Amarie - asteptam un messaj cu adresa la care sa livram premiul.
New bomb EP from constratti
More info in his bio 👆👆👆
#rominimal #minimal #deeptech #minimaltechno #minimaltechno