About us / Despre noi
EN: Hello! We are Florin and Silvia, destination wedding videographers, based in splendid Romania. We travel the world capturing the most intense and real love stories. We are passionate souls and we adore to see people in love, devoting themselves for an eternity. Every couple has a different story to tell and we like to capture that and transform it into a unique, gently handcrafted film. We get goosebumps every time we feel and see the electricity between two souls and that is the feeling that we want to give back with our films. Tell us your story and let us collect the emotions that you live in one of the most beautiful days of your life.
RO: Hello! Noi suntem Florin si Silvia, videografi de nunta si locuim in Romania. Calatorim in tara si in lume, pentru a surprinde cele mai intense si reale povesti de dragoste. Suntem foarte pasionati in ceea ce facem si adoram sa cunoastem oameni indragostiti care-si declara dragostea unul fata de celalalt, pentru eternitate. Orice cuplu are o poveste diferita de spus pe care ne place sa o surprindem in imagini si sa o transformam intr-un film unic lucrat cu mare atentie. Ni se face pielea de gaina de fiecare data cand simtim si vedem acea electricitate intre doua suflete pereche, iar acesta este si sentimentul pe care vrem sa-l transmitem prin filmele noastre. Spuneti-ne povestea voastra si dati-ne voie sa colectam emotiile pe care le traiti intr-unul din cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii.