
wunderEvents Tot ce înseamnă eveniment.
100% personalizat. www.wunderevents.ro

[RO] Fiecare eveniment este o creație aparte pentru noi, fie aceasta o ocazie specială în familie sau între prieteni, un program corporate rezultatul va fi unic și memorabil.

[HU] Legyen szó családi, baráti vagy céges eseményről - minden eseményre úgy tekintünk, mint egy alkotásra; fontos, hogy az eredmény egyedi és emlékezetes legyen.

HU // Kezdjétek el októberben esküvőtök szervezését  és mi 15% kedvezményt adunk a tőlünk bérelt kellékek végösszegéből....

HU // Kezdjétek el októberben esküvőtök szervezését és mi 15% kedvezményt adunk a tőlünk bérelt kellékek végösszegéből.

Csupán egy szabadtéri helyszínre van szükségetek, a többit bízzátok ránk!

Sátrak, berendezés, fények, dekoráció, koktélbár, catering, teljeskörű szervezés... mindenre van megoldásunk!

Nézzetek körül weboldalunkon és kérjetek ajánlatot vagy foglaljatok időpontot egy ingyenes telefonbeszélgetésre:

*Az ajánlat a 2025-ben tartandó eseményekre érvényes.


RO// Începe să-ți planifici nunta din octombrie, iar noi îți vom oferi o reducere de 15% din valoarea totală a echipamentelor închiriate de la noi. 👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️ 🌿

Tot ce ai nevoie e un loc în aer liber pentru evenimentul tău, iar restul lasă pe seama noastră!

Corturi, echipamente, lumini, decorațiuni, cocktail bar, catering, servicii complete - avem de toate.

Aruncă o privire pe site-ul nostru și solicită o ofertă sau fă-ți o programare pentru o convorbire telefonică gratuită!

*Oferta este valabilă pentru evenimentele ce vor avea loc în 2025.

🍂 Farm to Table WunderPiknik at Vass Kert 🍂⁠The WunderPiknik series returns with another unforgettable event at the pict...

🍂 Farm to Table WunderPiknik at Vass Kert 🍂⁠

The WunderPiknik series returns with another unforgettable event at the picturesque Vass Panzió in Zalán! 🌾⁠

🍐 What’s on the menu?⁠
Delicious starter, soup, main course, and dessert—all crafted from local, seasonal ingredients, and of course, some welcoming pálinka! Come & enjoy the simple and magical atmosphere of rural life. 🍁⁠

Join us on October 20 for a relaxing Sunday afternoon filled with the flavors of autumn and the magic of the moment.⁠

➡️ Secure your spot by filling out the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdha7KljwwbfCcheVUoWCHsIHiuyzEof1Q_OdIkP7rDD_6U6A/viewform

Summer, as always, has been an incredibly busy and exciting time for us! We've experienced so much, with countless stori...

Summer, as always, has been an incredibly busy and exciting time for us! We've experienced so much, with countless stories to share. We’ve been privileged to witness beautiful expressions of love, design events that spark joy, and embrace every opportunity to get creative. ⁠
There's so much to reflect on, and we can’t wait to tell you all about the amazing moments we've been part of this season! ⁠
⁠couture- wedding dresses⁠official - suits⁠
- creative⁠
- location⁠
Zsófi Csomoss, - model⁠
Virág Kincső, .kincso_ - model⁠
Szigethi Szebi, - model⁠
Izabella Kolumbán, - hairdresser⁠
Illyés Bíborka, .cosmetic - make-up artist⁠
Csató Adél-Éva, .porcelain.jewelry - porcelain jewellery⁠
- dessert bar⁠
- dessert bar⁠
Czincziri Kinga - .instasecretgarden - floral decoration⁠
Zsuzsi Bagoly - - floral decoration⁠
Bagoly Melinda - .ro - decor accessories⁠
Andrea Takács - - photographer⁠
Kovács Levente - - photographer⁠
Gábor Lajos - - photographer⁠

Last weekend at the Tabakó Festival in Sepsiszentgyörgy, the WunderBar Cocktail Workshop brought gin and rum lovers toge...

Last weekend at the Tabakó Festival in Sepsiszentgyörgy, the WunderBar Cocktail Workshop brought gin and rum lovers together for two unforgettable evenings! 🍸
On August 30th, Gin Day, and August 31st, Rum Day, guests enjoyed hands-on sessions led by our mixologists Áron and Csaba. Participants learned how to craft timeless cocktails with bold twists, making them a hit for all house party enthusiasts.
The workshops left everyone raising their glasses for a great time!

This year, we’re making  110% better with 0.0%! How? By introducing a non-alcoholic bar! Now you can enjoy all the festi...

This year, we’re making 110% better with 0.0%! How? By introducing a non-alcoholic bar!

Now you can enjoy all the festival fun without any of the hangover. Drink up, party on, and remember everything in the morning!

Trust us, you are fun even without that shot!

HU // A 𝘄𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 név hallatán esküvők, keresztelők, fesztiválok, céges események szervezése jut az emberek eszébe; e...

HU // A 𝘄𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 név hallatán esküvők, keresztelők, fesztiválok, céges események szervezése jut az emberek eszébe; ez alkalommal viszont valami teljesen másba vágtuk a fejszénket, egy futó esemény társazervezői voltunk!

Már eltelt néhány nap a SEPSI Inst. RUN óta, de mi még mindig nagy mosollyal és hálával gonondolunk vissza rá. Most is előttünk van a sok lelkes futó arca, aki a forróság ellenére vidáman szaladt végig a rendhagyó útvonalon, azaz Sepsiszentgyörgy néhány ikonokus épületén.

Számunkra ez az esemény a futás szeretetéről, a közösségben rejlő energiákról és városunkról szólt.
Köszönjük, hogy jöttetek! 🤗

Legyen folytatás?

A SEPSI Inst. RUN futó esemény a Futottál ma?, azaz a wunderEvents, a Fitness Tribe - Sepsiszentgyörgy / Sf. Gheorghe és a No Limit Runners futóklub közös szervezésében valósult meg, illetve Sepsiszentgyörgy Önkormányzata-nak kollégái segítségével került minden puzzle darab a helyére.

📸 VELLUM by Anita Jambor, Vargyasi Levente, Timár Zoltán, Székely Szabolcs, Opra Szilárd, Klárik Lóri, Kristó-Gothárd Hunor

RO // Când auziți numele 𝘄𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀, vă gândiți la organizarea de nunți, botezuri, festivaluri și evenimente corporative. Însă, de data aceasta, ne-am încercat norocul într-un domeniu complet diferit, fiind co-organizatorii unui eveniment de alergare!

Au trecut câteva zile de la SEPSI Inst. RUN, dar noi încă ne amintim cu zâmbet larg și multă recunoștință de acest eveniment. Încă vedem în fața noastră fețele entuziasmate ale multor alergători care, în ciuda căldurii, au alergat bucuroși pe un traseu inedit, adică pe lângă câteva clădiri emblematice din Sfântu Gheorghe.

Pentru noi, acest eveniment a fost despre dragostea pentru alergare, despre energia comunității și despre orașul nostru.
Vă mulțumim că ați venit! 🤗

Să fie o continuare?

Evenimentul de alergare Sepsi Inst. Run a fost realizat prin organizarea comună a wunderEvents, Fitness Tribe și a clubului de alergare No Limit Runners, și cu ajutorul colegilor din Primăria Sfântu Gheorghe, fiecare piesă de puzzle a fost pusă la locul ei.

📸 Bagoly Anita, Vargyasi Levente, Timár Zoltán, Székely Szabolcs, Opra Szilárd, Klárik Lóri, Kristó-Gothárd Hunor

HU // Javában zajlik a Sepsi Book 3 - Könyvvásár és Kortárs Irodalmi Fesztivál.Ha tartanátok egy kis szünetet a programo...

HU // Javában zajlik a Sepsi Book 3 - Könyvvásár és Kortárs Irodalmi Fesztivál.

Ha tartanátok egy kis szünetet a programok és könyvek forgatagában, bárunkat megtaláljátok a Porondon, a színpaddal szemben.
☕️ A BOB Coffee Lab - Brazilia Rancho Grande és Ethiopia Dari kávéit kóstolhatjátok meg.
🍋 Málnás-hibiscusos- rozsavizes, matcha- rozmaringos és kamilla- gyömbéres házi jeges teákkal vagy limonádéval frissülhettek fel.
🥐 A tavalyi SepsiBook-ról már ismerős friss és finom péksüteményeket is újra elhoztuk.
🍹 Az esti koncertek során koktélkülönlegességeket kortyolgathattok.

Jösztök? Mi szeretettel várunk!


RO // Sepsi Book 3 - Târg de Carte și Festival de Literatură Contemporană este în plină desfăşurare...

Dacă doriți să luați o pauză de la programe și agitația cărților, ne puteți găsi la barul nostru din Porond, vizavi de scenă.

☕️ Puteți gusta cafelele Brazilia Rancho Grande și Ethiopia Dari de la BOB Coffee Lab.
🍋 Vă puteți răcori cu limonade de casă sau ceaiuri reci de zmeură-hibiscus-rozmarin, matcha-rozmarin și mușețel-ghimbir.
🥐 Am adus din nou produsele de patiserie proaspete și delicioase pe care le-ați cunoscut la SepsiBook-ul de anul trecut.
🍹 În timpul concertelor de seară, puteți savura cocktailuri speciale.

Veniți? Vă așteptăm cu drag!


HU // Hogy mi jut eszünkbe, amikor szembejön velünk egy rég nem látott kép egy általunk szervezett esküvőről?!
Rengeteg minden… az első találkozás a párral, az esemény helyszín bejárása, a pár különleges kérései, az időjárás az esemény napján, a last minute döntések, a csapat, akivel dolgoztunk, a buli hangereje és még sorolhatnánk.


RO // Ce ne vine în minte atunci când vedem o fotografie veche de la o nuntă organizată de noi?
O mulțime de lucruri... prima întâlnire cu mirii, vizitarea locației evenimentului, cerințele speciale ale cuplului, vremea în ziua evenimentului, deciziile de ultim moment, echipa cu care am lucrat, volumul petrecerii și multe altele.

Tot ce înseamnă eveniment.
100% personalizat.

HU // Ha SepsiBook, akkor nekünk ott a helyünk! 📚☕️🥐A nagyszerű szerzők, kiadók, előadások, változatos programok mellett...

HU // Ha SepsiBook, akkor nekünk ott a helyünk! 📚☕️🥐

A nagyszerű szerzők, kiadók, előadások, változatos programok mellett minket is megtaláltok az idei forgatagon is, immár harmadik alkalommal.
Találkozzunk május 23-26 között a Sepsi Arénában! További részletek hamarosan.


RO // Dacă este Sepsi Book, atunci suntem și noi acolo! 📚☕️🥐

Pe lângă marii autori, edituri, discuții și programe variate, ne găsiți și pe noi la târgul din acest an, pentru a treia oară. Să ne întâlnim între 23 și 26 mai la Arena Sepsi! Mai multe detalii vor urma în curând.

Here's to laughter, love, and good company! Cheers to making unforgettable memories at every event.

Here's to laughter, love, and good company! Cheers to making unforgettable memories at every event.

A wedding with a loose, easygoing vibe, accompanied by a breathtaking sunset that added to the enchantment of the day. T...

A wedding with a loose, easygoing vibe, accompanied by a breathtaking sunset that added to the enchantment of the day. The dance floor was alive with energy, and the air was filled with laughter and great conversations.⁠
We worked closely with the couple to create a memorable wedding at Homoródfürdő Panzió. By combining the rustic vibe of the barn with our African tent, we were able to create separate spaces for dining and dancing. The colorful decor, delicious food, and good drinks made for an extraordinary festivity, despite the cold weather.

Enhance your event by considering the rental of two of our tents.⁠_________________________________________⁠The Silhouet...

Enhance your event by considering the rental of two of our tents.⁠
The Silhouette tent can be complemented with an African tent, which offers both practicality and charm. The possibilities are limitless - the secondary tent can be converted into a enchanting dance floor or extended for additional seating. ⁠
The design, though elegant, is also functional, ensuring uninterrupted celebrations even if the weather becomes unpredictable. ⁠
It's not solely about adding space; it's about elevating the overall experience.⁠
_________________________________________ ⁠
Allow us to create a special wedding day for you.

Under the African tent, Vivi's and Árpi's wedding unfolded like a storybook tale, where even the raindrops wove themselv...

Under the African tent, Vivi's and Árpi's wedding unfolded like a storybook tale, where even the raindrops wove themselves into the fabric of a perfect day. As the sky opened, so did a symphony of laughter and joy, proving that not even the clouds could dampen the spirit of love and celebration. ⁠
Guests huddled cozily under the grandeur of elegant tent and they danced, celebrating the happy couple.⁠
The rain, in its own unpredictable way, added a magical sheen to the setting—every surface glistened, and the air was fresh with the sweet scent of petrichor.

Infusing weddings with a dash of fun and interactivity is our signature move! ____________________________________Elevat...

Infusing weddings with a dash of fun and interactivity is our signature move!
Elevate the ambiance with a Ring for champagne wall, adding a touch of flair and style to your special day.
Your guests will love the interactive element, creating unforgettable moments and timeless memories.

Here’s to celebrating the incredible women today and every day. Let’s raise a glass and toast to their brilliance, stren...

Here’s to celebrating the incredible women today and every day. Let’s raise a glass and toast to their brilliance, strength, and endless passion.

From enchanting tents to bespoke cocktail bars and twinkling string lights, we're here to make your outdoor wedding drea...

From enchanting tents to bespoke cocktail bars and twinkling string lights, we're here to make your outdoor wedding dreams come true.

Celebrate with your favorite people in style! 🌟🍸

Find out more of our services on our website: https://wunderevents.ro

Elevate your event in style! Accompany your elegant guests with a backdrop equally amazing. ⁠___________________________...

Elevate your event in style! Accompany your elegant guests with a backdrop equally amazing. ⁠
Choose the Silhouette tent—where sophistication meets grandeur, creating one of the most unique venues for your unforgettable occasion.

Wherever your heart leads, we're here to make your wedding dreams a reality._________________________________________⁠Kr...

Wherever your heart leads, we're here to make your wedding dreams a reality.
Kristóf and Rebeka celebrated their special day at Gerendás Panzió , where we crafted a breathtaking wedding ambiance with the Silhuette tent.


Pescarilor Nr. 3


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Salut, suntem wunderEvents.

Organizăm evenimente, amenajăm spații, construim baruri mobile și gătim. Facem totul cu mare drag, în stil wunder, 100% pe gustul tău. Poate fi orice de la evenimente private la cele corporative... Chiar și festivaluri...

Ai deja o viziune sau ești total lipsit de idei și nu știi de unde să începi? Poți conta oricând pe noi! Ani și ani de experiență, multă muncă și o echipă de treabă sunt garanția că evenimentul tău va lăsa amintiri de neuitat.

Helló, wunderEvents vagyunk.

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