Summering av dagens mässa av @scanpack på @svenskamassan som totalt var väldigt nice, med intresserade människor som vill effektivisera mat och mycket diskussioner om hållbarhet!
Ibland känns det som ett riktigt värdelöst ord då det betyder för många saker. Men CO2e ä absolut fokus och oåtervinningsbar plast men 50% kalk/kisel eller träfiber verkar inne - även om det just nu låter mer knäppt än smart.
De storskaliga skrämmer många som sällan är backstage i matindustrin. Men det är vår enda chans att få hållbar mat billig - att våga konkurera med det etablerade. Om vi inte vill ha ett annat system? Ett som kanske kostar mer pengar, tar me tid och egentligen blir något annat.
Vi får väl se.
Såhär ser iallafall ett scenario för framtiden ut.
At this course, we work with form rather than lines and surfaces. The students analyze a car brand of their choice and make another product based on abstractions and utilization. They only have 2 days left before presenting their work and had a small presentation to prepare.
It's exciting working with real materials and making sure these designers have the knowledge to make future products more meaningful, through-trough, and beautiful.
We use cars as inspiration since this industry has taken design very seriously over many decades and has a long complex relationship to formgiving.
"I wish I didn't want to swallow the berries.
I wish I would just let to them stay on my tounge or under my lip. Like a #snus, I could have these raspberries as mouth companions - releasing a little bit of the beautifully composed juices at will and need."
Why ruin it by swallowing? 💔
Not only do we eat outside this week, we do the PREPP outside!
We will be cooking these babies over fire and then smashing the open to fill them with garlic butter and fresh herbs. Is there any thing better then färsk potatis?
Imagine all systems being this transparent ✨
We need traceability and it's time we demand more numbers, origin, statistics, and facts from the producers of all products, especially food.
The systems behind the end products need to be made visible and clear so that we as consumers know what we are really dealing with and to see the true impact.
Thank you Henke for the concert 💥
True stewards of creating a new direction for vegan Swedish food culture.
What a great job you are doing Noot 👏
Lunch was: Caramelized beetroot, juniper & beetroot sauce, warm cauliflower puree, pickled beetroot tops, crispy leek, Jerusalem artichoke chips, beetroot powder, fermented cauliflower, and lots of roasted golden buckwheat!
The last weeks silence was due to VÄRT spending time up north hiking, walking in the woods, cooking outdoors, and meeting with new clients.
Here is #storforsen 1 of the 4 last rivers in Sweden who haven't been converted into energy stations. Nature is powerful. We hope to embrace that kind of nautal strength. Free, wild, powerful - we admire you.
#vartsweden #utomhus #power #outdoors #hiking #river #riseup #riverlife #wetstone #petrichor #wertrocks #slippery #nature ##naturefirst #nature_brilliance #natureza #naturephotography #sustainableinfluencers #wildlife #sustainableliving #visitsweden #sustainableinitiatives #wild #riverside #foam #water #energy #travelathome #treasure