Balkan Blues Company

Balkan Blues Company Soundsystem and live Music for your party! LIVE MUSIC FOR YOUR PARTY! Need live music for an event? We offer live intense music of mixed styles.
Established in the year of 2001, Balkan Blues Company is an organization with multiple music groups part of it. We participate in events ranging from private parties to renown carnevals and touring abroad. SOUNDSY


Balkan Blues Company specializes in renting out professional soundsystems, equipment and music studio. Read about Bosnia Express below for more information.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bosnian Sevdah music in an original mix with rock n'roll. Bosnia Express was formed in Gothenburg (Sweden) 2001.Their music is a mixture of traditional music from the Balkans, gypsy improvisation, blues and rock. Bosnia Express is on their "Never ending non stop European tour", including countless gigs on weddings, private parties, rock festivals, jazz clubs and carnivals. The intensity and high energy is significant trademarks at their live performances. Odd drumbeats and distorted guitars with loads of attitude - A floor filler! Discography: "GÖTEBORG SEVDAH BLUES"(2003) and "TOO MUCH BALKAN BUSINESS"(2007). Group members
Nazif "Nappe" Hasanovic: vocals
Riad "Riki" Tutic: guitar
Muzafer "Muljo" Ahmemulic: accordion
Minur Hamid: keyboard
Alismir Jugo: percussion
"Jungle" Jim Adler: slide guitar, harmonica
Andrew Gilbert Mercado: bass
Zenaid Jugo: drums

Snimanje nowe epskolirske sewdah rock opere " BULBUL MEJRA & NAZIF AGA" sa orkestrom Bosnia Express u Galaxy studio kod ...

Snimanje nowe epskolirske sewdah rock opere " BULBUL MEJRA & NAZIF AGA" sa orkestrom Bosnia Express u Galaxy studio kod Zenaid Jugo , maestro Dragan Brkic harmonika...





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