Smålands Nation

Smålands Nation En röd flamma i ett annars grått Lund.
// A red flame in an otherwise gray Lund. Musik och politik, kärlek och revolt! Smålands Nation was founded in 1668.

Welcome to Smålands Nation, the socialist Nation in Lund! At Smålands, we organise a variety of cultural and political and hangout events, such as:
- feminist and socialist events on Tuesdays
- Pub Night on Wednesdays and Saturdays
- Kalles Café (vegan brunch) on Sundays and the Vegan Food Café
-Music events, open mics, and live gigs (including the recurring Red Note Jazz Club)
-Film Screenings,

lectures with STINA: the political committee, workshops, sports and games, and of course, Dackekuriren (Smålands Newspaper) and Smål Talk (Smålands Podcast), to name only a few. Additionally, once a year we organise the KPV (cultural political week), where we host lectures, open discussions and workshops, as well as poetry readings, screenings, and music events with special guests. Småland's events are based on our political platform, where we take a stand on a number of societal issues. We also crave for introducing experimental cultural events as well as more mainstream ones! In 1972 we became the first socialist nation in Lund and in 2007 we went fully vegan. Smålands is not part of Studentlund and, since the early 1970s, we have abolished all bourgeois student-centric traditions with racist, sexist, and colonial connotations. Spex, balls, and sittnings do not take place here. Consequently, Smålands welcomes everyone, including non-students. This is an intersectional, feminist space, and we have zero tolerance for acts or words of discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism. We strive to be open and welcoming to everyone, including non-Swedish people, which is why we offer our public information and most of our events in English. How to become a member:

To join Smålands, you need to register at Expen (Smålands Office) during our opening hours. The registration fee is 190 SEK per semester. The membership offers a discount at the entrance fee to most of the pubs and clubs, a discount to our meals, the right to vote on nation meetings, the right to apply for scholarships, and the right to student discounts. Every semester, the Board of Smålands hosts at least one Aktivafest (active party) for active members, where you can get together, have dinner, and celebrate! As a member, you can volunteer at the bar, the kitchen, and the different clubs and events. You can also organize your own cultural and political events. It's a great way to get to know people and to learn new skills. Together with other active people, you can create the Smålands you want to see. You can find out more, by joining the Facebook group "Volunteer at Smålands!", and by attending our "Get Active meeting". Questions? Contact us on our page, our email, or call us! Remember to check your spam folder, when in contact with Smålands Nation!

Grattis till antagningen, kamrat! Och välkommen till vår novischperiod. Smålands nation is Lund’s only socialist student...

Grattis till antagningen, kamrat! Och välkommen till vår novischperiod.

Smålands nation is Lund’s only socialist student nation where all students as well as non-students are welcome. We work in a revolutionary socialist, feminist and anti-racist spirit - if this sounds good then Smålands is the place for you!

During our novisch week you will get to pre- during- and after party, sing karaoke, get a red star tattoo, learn (and expand) the socialist history of Lund and have at least one séance with your favorite revolutionary. Most importantly, you’ll get to make some new friends and comrades and see the red heart of Lund.

Fridens liljor,
Smålands nation

Sign up here:

Grattis till antagningen! ❤️Det är dags att fixa medlemskap hos Smålands Nation - Lunds enda socialistiska nation. Vi är...

Grattis till antagningen! ❤️

Det är dags att fixa medlemskap hos Smålands Nation - Lunds enda socialistiska nation. Vi är stolta över vår radikala historia och välkomnar alla socialister, feminister och antirasister! 🚩

Läs mer om Smålands på vår hemsida och håll utkik på våra sociala medier efter kommande evenemang.


Congratulations on your admission! ❤️

It is time to get your membership at Smålands Nation - Lund's only socialist nation. We are proud of our radical history and welcome all socialists, feminists, and anti-racists! 🚩

Read more about Smålands on our website and keep an eye on our social media for upcoming events.

SUMMER AT SMÅLANDS 2024 Are you excited for summer? We sure are! 🎉 Hope to see you at some of our summer pubs in the com...


Are you excited for summer? We sure are! 🎉 Hope to see you at some of our summer pubs in the coming months and then we will be back in full swing when the autumn term begins. 🚩

We are going on summer break! The office will be closed between June 3rd and August 20th. Please contact us via e-mail w...

We are going on summer break! The office will be closed between June 3rd and August 20th. Please contact us via e-mail with any questions.

Hope you all have a wonderful summer! 🌈🍉❤️

SMÅLANDS ❤️ PALESTINAGÅRDSmålands Nation wholeheartedly supports LSFP's ongoing solidarity encampent for Palestine at Lu...


Smålands Nation wholeheartedly supports LSFP's ongoing solidarity encampent for Palestine at Lund University. We agree with their demands and urge the University to act now:

1. Make a statement in solidarity with Palestine that recognizes the responsibility of Academia.

2. Disclose and end all institutional and financial collaborations with Israeli institutions and companies complicit in the Israeli occupations.

3. Commit to economic, political, and academic support of Palestinian educational systems, stidents, scholars, and teachers.

As a socialist organisation, it is important for us to support oppressed groups throughout the world. It should also be imperative to all socialist students that their institutions take responsibility and end all forms of complicity with the genocidal apartheid state that is Israel.

We also call upon other organizations in Lund (student-led or otherwise) to take a stance in this question, support the brave comrades in Palestinagård, and push the university toward action.

- Fundamental Human Rights
- Freedom of Speech
- The Right to Protest

KULTURPOLITISKA VECKAN 1-5 MAJ 2024KPV är en blandning av alla Smålands bästa ingredienser! Konserter, föreläsningar, ko...


KPV är en blandning av alla Smålands bästa ingredienser! Konserter, föreläsningar, konst, politik, film, mat, dryck, klubbar, teater, poesi, demonstrationer, litteratur och en massa kamrater! ALLA ÄR VÄLKOMNA! Åldersgräns enbart på klubbarna. Inget studiekrav.

Läs mer: och



KPV is a mix of all of Smålands' best ingredients! Concerts, lectures, art, politics, film, food, drinks, clubs, theater, poetry, demonstrations, literature, and a lot of comrades! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Age limit only for the clubs. No study requirements.

Read more and

NOMINATION SEASON! Deadline 1st of MaySend nominations to valberedning@smalands.orgQuestions? DM us


Deadline 1st of May
Send nominations to [email protected]

Questions? DM us

Smålands Nation har bildat ett parti: Smålands Nations Intersektionella LokalSamrörelse för Demokratiska Arbetares Centr...

Smålands Nation har bildat ett parti: Smålands Nations Intersektionella LokalSamrörelse för Demokratiska Arbetares Centralkommitté (ekologerna). Förkortat till (S)Nils Dack(e) partiet.
Det här är (S)Nils Dack(e) partiets partiprogram och det är partiets viktigaste dokument. Det innehåller de värderingar, teoretiska utgångspunkter och principiella ställningstaganden som ligger till grund för (S)Nils Dack(e) partiets politik.
Stort tack till IMT som visade oss att vägen fram till revolutionen endast går fram genom bildandet av ett parti.
Vi kommer att ställa upp i EU valet. Lägg din röst på oss och främja lokal småländskpolitik!
/(S)Nils Dack(e) partiet

ENG: Smålands Nation has formed a party: Smålands Nations Intersectional Local Movement for the Central Committee of Democratic Workers (the ecologists). Abbreviated to (S)Nils Dack(e) party.
This is the (S)Nils Dack(e) Party's party program and it is the party's most important document. It contains the values, theoretical starting points and principled positions that form the basis of the (S)Nils Dack(e) Party's policy.
Many thanks to the IMT for showing us that the only way to revolution is through the formation of a party.
We will be standing in the EU elections. Vote for us and promote local Småland politics!
/(S)Nils Dack(e) party


Are you interested in volunteering at Smålands?

Sign up here!

Please click the link to complete this form.

A dear friend is celebrating their birthday, and you are all invited to the party! 🥳Bass Blasted

A dear friend is celebrating their birthday, and you are all invited to the party! 🥳

Bass Blasted

Marvel: "Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history"Smålands: "Hold my Club Mate": En Vän Med En Klub...

Marvel: "Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history"
Smålands: "Hold my Club Mate":

En Vän Med En Klubb: Indiepop på Smålands x Special K: BASS BLASTED

New in Lund? Old in Lund? Either way, get your membership at Smålands Nation now! If you are a student, you can become a...

New in Lund? Old in Lund? Either way, get your membership at Smålands Nation now! If you are a student, you can become a member online at or by coming by our office at Kastanjegatan 7. We are open Tuesdays-Thursdays at 13:00-16:00 and Fridays at 12:00-14:00. Not a student? Don't worry! You can join us by coming by our office as well.


Ny i Lund? Gammal i Lund? Oavsett så kan du skaffa ditt medlemskap i Smålands Nation nu! Är du student så kan du bli medlem via eller genom att besöka vårt kontor på Kastanjegatan 7. Vi har öppet Tisdagar-Torsdagar kl. 13:00-16:00 och Fredagar kl. 12:00-14:00. Inte student? Ingen fara! Du kan också bli medlem genom att komma förbi vårt kontor.

Our office will be closed between December 20th and January 8th. If you have a question, please E-mail us at smalands@sm...

Our office will be closed between December 20th and January 8th.
If you have a question, please E-mail us at [email protected]!

We hope you have a great winter break and that we'll see you all in the new year! Get ready for a great spring!🎉❤️ I

Grattis till antagningen! ❤️ // Congratulations on your admission! ❤️Det är snart vårtermin och dags att fixa medlemskap...

Grattis till antagningen! ❤️ // Congratulations on your admission! ❤️

Det är snart vårtermin och dags att fixa medlemskap hos Smålands - Lunds enda socialistiska nation. Vi är stolta över vår radikala historia och välkomnar alla socialister, feminister och antirasister! 🚩


It is almost spring term and time to get your membership at Smålands - Lund's only socialist nation. We are proud of our radical history and welcome all socialists, feminists, and anti-racists! 🚩

INDIE LOVERS and BASS LOVERS!On the 2nd of December, we are running a double event! EVMEK INDIE POP CLUB and Special K: ...

On the 2nd of December, we are running a double event!

Two stages, two clubs, DOUBLE THE FUN!!!!!!!

It is election time!On Monday, November 6th at 18:00, we will have our big Nation Meeting and lots of elections! Make su...

It is election time!

On Monday, November 6th at 18:00, we will have our big Nation Meeting and lots of elections! Make sure to apply by November 1st at the latest.

If you have any questions regarding the positions please let us know! Find all the available positions on our webpage ❤️

In the last few days, we have witnessed an attack by Palestinian fighters from inside Gaza and following attacks from th...

In the last few days, we have witnessed an attack by Palestinian fighters from inside Gaza and following attacks from the Israeli government. The killing of innocent civilians is beyond words. But the violence did not begin there. The imperialist state of Israel has been conducting an illegal war and occupation of Palestine for decades. Countless war crimes have been committed against the Palestinian people, with the complicity of the US and its allies.

As long as the illegal occupation of Palestine continues, the occupiers put the lives of innocent civilians on both sides on the line. Only through breaking the illegal occupation of Palestine can we break the cycle of merciless slaughter. The last days' attacks by Palestinian fighters changes nothing in the nature of the situation. Just as the people of Ukraine have an indubitable right to defend themselves against the Russian invasion, the people of Palestine have the same right to fight for their freedom.

The cause of these cycles of violence is oppression, and the only solution is to address the roots. Smålands Nation stands in solidarity with Palestine.

Here's what the next two weeks at Smålands look like! 🙌❤️ Come get an introduction to getting active at Smålands on Wedn...

Here's what the next two weeks at Smålands look like! 🙌❤️ Come get an introduction to getting active at Smålands on Wednesday 30/8 and 6/9 before the Pubs and then grab a beer! 🚩✊🍻


This post was originally published by an unknown user of the Smålands Facebook Account on the 4th of July 2023. At the same time, a similar post was also published on the Smålands Instagram account (). This was during a time period when someone unknown was in sole control of the social media accounts of the nation.

No current active member, nor any former active member of ours (including the only one so far confirmed to have resigned at the time of the publishing of the following text), claims to have been in control of our social media at the time.

The publishing of this text comes at the end of a long internal conflict in our organisation. A conflict that has had many forms and many different conflict lines over the last couple of years. This was a conflict in which political disagreements and personal distrust became hard to distinguish.

Even though we hope to have moved past the conflict, we do not wish to forget about it but rather to learn, reflect, and be better prepared for the future through the process. Therefore, we do not simply want to erase the text, but leave it here for transparency.

We, the last remaining POC active members of Smålands Nation, hereby announce our joint resignation from Smålands Nation due to the pervasive racism within the organisation and Swedish socialism.
Despite our best efforts, the previous generations of POC active members and ourselves have repeatedly failed to create a safe and inclusive environment within Smålands Nation. This failure is due to internal structural issues, problematic members and the external pressures and abuses faced from Swedish "socialists" who are not even members of the organisation.
Our decision to resign is particularly prompted by a recent racist mob attack against two of our socialist POC active members. Shockingly, there was an attempt to throw them out of the nation and replace their positions with two white members, despite prior concerns raised by POC members regarding the problematic views of these two individuals. This incident marks the second attempt this year to throw out POC members, with a previous plea from 23 POC members in the form of a petition for reconsideration being completely disregarded and even ridiculed.
It is worth noting that this racist mob attack and their online and organised mobilisation for this attack occurred at the same time that Smålands Nation, particularly its POC members, were facing national backlash from the far-right for organising a separatist event. At the same time that poc members were fearing for their safety from the far-right, somehow these “socialists” decided to throw out poc members and make smålands even more unsafe for the poc. This incident clearly exposes the priorities of these so-called socialists.
We acknowledge that the attack on these two socialist poc members whose work has been invaluable to smålands was solely motivated because of their anti-racist work and their socialist and materialist critique of the Swedish legislation on s*x work and its harms to s*x workers of the working class and poc and migrant communities. These two members have also been attacked for months with outrageous lies and accusations without having any platform to defend themselves from this organised defamatory campaign.
In recent months, POC members, and even white international members, have faced vehement attacks from these Swedish “socialists” both online and in-person,more than before, often resorting to racist and xenophobic rhetoric. Statements like "We should make Smålands Swedish again," "The international students are ruining the Swedish left," "We should throw out the international students", and “poc members weaponize calling out racism against white members” have been disturbingly common. Additionally, it has come to our attention that they even exposed the residency status of one of our poc migrant members as a means of intimidation to discourage their involvement within Smålands Nation.
POC active members have continuously been silenced by racist remarks during nation meetings, and the cumulative racist abuses have become unbearable for us.
Given the circumstances, we feel we lack the resources to continue the fight. The lack of diversity within Smålands Nation is not a mere coincidence; POC members have not felt safe in this space for years. We know many other poc active members who have resigned in the past due to the racism whitin the nation and swedish socialism.
We have remained silent for so long and bore the extensive racism silently because we believed in the unity of socialists. However, considering our inability to stand up against organized racist and nationalist Swedish “socialist” groups and recognizing the historical failure of socialists uniting with those who deviate from socialist principles, we view this public resignation as our last and undesired resort.
We also saw this statement as our responsibility towards other poc and We hope that this statement would also act as a cautionary warning to them regarding smålands nation and the racism there.

Thank you all for coming to our fair! We had many fun tables from customized nails to wonderfull teas. Wait for the next...

Thank you all for coming to our fair! We had many fun tables from customized nails to wonderfull teas. Wait for the next one to support small business!

May at Smålands!/ Maj på Smålands:)!

May at Smålands!/ Maj på Smålands:)!

POP PUNKS NOT DEAD BBY‼️‼️👅👅Pics from  live last week 12/04🌋


Pics from live last week 12/04🌋


Kastanjegatan 7


Tisdag 13:00 - 16:00
Onsdag 13:00 - 16:00
19:00 - 00:00
Torsdag 13:00 - 16:00
Fredag 12:00 - 14:00
Lördag 22:00 - 02:00




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