
electriXmas Based in Malmö, Sweden, electriXmas is an alternative/electronic music event. electriXmas 2024

There will be no electriXmas in 2024.

It’s been a hard decision and the reasons are many, not least of which being that recent years have been a tough economic climate for everyone. This has meant that it’s been increasingly harder for music events, especially in the alternative scene, to be economically viable. And by “economically viable” we mean "break even and cover all costs". Contrary to what many people may believe, events like

electriXmas don’t make massive profits. In fact in many cases they run at a loss. None of the people who run electriXmas, who work hard and invest many hours of their time, actually get paid or even have their own costs covered. We are going to take this year off to reevaluate the event and it’s future. To all of our regular attendees who year after year come to electriXmas regardless of the bands that are performing, we thank you wholeheartedly for your dedication and support. We really wish there were more people like you. We’re sorry to disappoint you this year. If you want to support the event please feel free to make a supporter donation. Your contribution will be gratefully received. We’ll be back later with more information regarding what happens next.

Viktig info…

Viktig info…

Hej alla musikälskare!

Vi ser att flertalet spelningar har blivit inställda på grund utav icke allt för övertygande förköp. Detta är tråkigt, men inte helt överraskande.

Låt detta fungera som en påminnelse om två saker.

1. Betydelsen av att köpa sina biljetter i tid och inte vänta till samma kväll. Det blir otroligt svårt för både band och arrangör om man behöver gissa sig till hur många som kommer.
2. Ta inte den alternativa musikens existens i Sverige för givet. Stötta inte bara etablerade band utan för att gothscenen ska fortsätta finnas i Sverige så behöver du konsumera musik och konserter från oetablerade unga band. Det är vi som håller scenen vid liv.

Så med detta sagt så kommer alla resterande datum med Klubb DÖD att ske och har hälsosamma förköp så ta med alla era vänner på dessa evenemang så ses vi snart! Älskar er!

Biljetter: www.klubbdod.se



electriXmas 2024

There will be no electriXmas in 2024.

It’s been a hard decision and the reasons are many, not least of which being that recent years have been a tough economic climate for everyone. This has meant that it’s been increasingly harder for music events, especially in the alternative scene, to be economically viable. And by “economically viable” we mean "break even and cover all costs".
Contrary to what many people may believe, events like electriXmas don’t make massive profits. In fact in many cases they run at a loss. None of the people who run electriXmas, who work hard and invest many hours of their time, actually get paid or even have their own costs covered.

We are going to take this year off to reevaluate the event and it’s future.

To all of our regular attendees who year after year come to electriXmas regardless of the bands that are performing, we thank you wholeheartedly for your dedication and support. We really wish there were more people like you. We’re sorry to disappoint you this year.

If you want to support the event please feel free to make a supporter donation. https://secure.tickster.com/sv/fmll4c3f9c7kkrt/products

Your contribution will be gratefully received.

We’ll be back later with more information regarding what happens next.

Many thanks to HYMN for the fantastic review of this year’s electriXmas, and the support & encouragement for our work 🖤

Many thanks to HYMN for the fantastic review of this year’s electriXmas, and the support & encouragement for our work 🖤

"En verklig insats för att skapa en inkluderande alternativ elektronisk scen som har resulterat i en genomstark line-up"

electriXmas, Sveriges långvarigaste tradition för alternativ elektronisk musik, ägde rum på Inkonst i helgen och presenterade ett framåtblickande program med SIERRA.synthmusic, Karin Park, Promenade Cinema, SoftWave och CAPITAL X.

Stort reportage med text av Anton Lindskog och bilder av Petter Duvander:

That’s electriXmas wrapped up for another year!A huge thank you to all the artists, crew and venue staff for making this...

That’s electriXmas wrapped up for another year!

A huge thank you to all the artists, crew and venue staff for making this years event go without a hitch. Especially our tech crew this year who worked miracles to ensure that Karin Park could perform as planned!
And of course, thank you to all the happy synth fans who came and partied with us!! We appreciate your support - without you, our customers, there is no way we can put on these events.
We hope to be back again next year with more new, exciting and talented artists!! 🖤

Inkonst, SIERRA.synthmusic, Karin Park, Promenade Cinema, SoftWave, CAPITAL X, te-music

Better late than never, but we’ve had some challenges with djs for this year. Here’s the first batch!

Better late than never, but we’ve had some challenges with djs for this year. Here’s the first batch!


We’ve been asked about possible restrictions for bags at electriXmas.
There are currently NO restrictions.

Also, the schedule for the artists performance times are now available on the website: https://electrixmas.org/schedule/

One week to go!!  We appreciate it’s been a tough economic year for many, but without your support, alternative events l...

One week to go!!
We appreciate it’s been a tough economic year for many, but without your support, alternative events like electriXmas may not be able to continue.
Support the scene and experience some exciting new talent.
Tickets can be bought via the event or via the electriXmas website.
If you’re not able to attend and still want to support the event, then there’s supporter tickets available for the price of a beer!

Promenade Cinema are making waves and have landed in the top 5 list of new releases for The Sol of Synth-Pop!Just anothe...

Promenade Cinema are making waves and have landed in the top 5 list of new releases for The Sol of Synth-Pop!

Just another excellent reason to not miss them at this year’s electriXmas!

Är ni redo för årets electriXmas med SIERRA.synthmusic?! Skaffa biljetter via eventet 2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö

Är ni redo för årets electriXmas med SIERRA.synthmusic?!
Skaffa biljetter via eventet 2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö

 It’s high time to grab your tickets if you haven’t already done so!This is easily done via the link in the event 2023 e...

It’s high time to grab your tickets if you haven’t already done so!
This is easily done via the link in the event 2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö or via the electriXmas website.

Your support is important for the continuation of the alternative electronic music scene in Sweden. We put these events on for YOU! 🖤

SIERRA.synthmusic is the up-and-coming star of the synthwave scene having performed as support to none other than Carpen...

SIERRA.synthmusic is the up-and-coming star of the synthwave scene having performed as support to none other than Carpenter Brut.
Currently touring on her debut album “A Story Of Anger” she’s already amassed a huge following, topping ~200 thousand monthly listeners on Spotify!
This year we’re daring to put new talent to the front, as well as lifting the female artists of the scene.
Now we hope you, our audience, also choose to support new and exciting talent!
Get your tickets via the link in the event 2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö, and while you’re doing that, put Sierra’s new album on - Spotify link in the comments 😎

2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö is nearly here, so here comes your Saturday listening tips! 😎If you’ve not yet taken t...

2023 electriXmas | Inkonst, Malmö is nearly here, so here comes your Saturday listening tips! 😎

If you’ve not yet taken the opportunity to listen to Promenade Cinema’s amazing new album then do it now!
Links to Spotify and Bandcamp in the comments!


Bergsgatan 29


19:00 - 03:00




Var den första att veta och låt oss skicka ett mail när electriXmas postar nyheter och kampanjer. Din e-postadress kommer inte att användas för något annat ändamål, och du kan när som helst avbryta prenumerationen.

Kontakta Affären

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About electriXmas

electriXmas is an annual alternative electronic music event based in Malmö, Sweden and is usually scheduled for the middle of December. electriXmas is Swedens longest running alternative music event. It’s the perfect round off to the year and the years most anticipated electronic Xmas party!

There is no dresscode for electriXmas but the majority of visitors commonly dress according to the synth subcultures: synth, industrial, ebm, goth, cyberpunk, steampunk etc. Regardless of your style we encourage you to dress up to make it an evening not to be forgotten! *********************************************** The lineup for electriXmas 2019 is:

DAF (de) Dive (be) Lights Of Euphoria (de/dk) Empathy Test (uk) The Juggernauts (be) Promenade Cinema (uk)
