BIG BOYS!!! Hälsning från Silja båten till Miller Time!
#pistonheadlager #sthlmwrestling #seeitlive
Nu är hans sikte inställt på Dakota Duke...
Ricky Skarsgård, oäkting och familjens svarta får samt ägare av Stockholm Wrestling, fann sig djupt påverkad av de kontroversiella idéerna från Andrew Tate och manosfären. Fördjupad och övertygad om att han behövde hävda sin dominans i alla aspekter av sitt liv. Detta ledde till en dramatisk förändring i hans beteende och beslutsfattande. Inte en bra sådan. I tron att han förtjänade den ultimata erkännandet, bestämde sig Ricky Skarsgård för att tilldela sig själv det svenska tungviktsmästerskapet.
Now his sights are set on Dakota Duke...
Now his sights are set on Dakota Duke...
Ricky Skarsgård, bastard and black sheep of the family as well as the owner of Stockholm Wrestling, found himself deeply influenced by the controversial ideas of Andrew Tate and the manosphere. Immersed and convinced he needed to assert his dominance in every aspect of his life.
This led to a dramatic shift in his behavior and decision-making. Not a good one.
Believing that he deserved the ultimate recognition, Ricky Skarsgård decided to award himself the Swedish Heavyweight Championship. It truly shocked the wrestling community and fans alike, as it was seen as a blatant display of ego and self-importance.
The never-respected owner had now become even lower, a controversial figure, driven by the extreme ideologies he had embraced.
Now his sights are set on Dakota Duke...
On Saturday they will clash...
1 feb. Hamngatan 4. #pistonheadlager #seeitlive #sthlmwrestling
See the interview!
On February 1st, witness the epic showdown as Kenzein faces off against Ender Kara for THE CAPITAL CITY CHAMPIONSHIP, the prestigious Stockholm title!
Here's a quick recap: Ender STOLE the title in a shocking turn of events and later enlisted help to BRUTALLY ATTACK Kenzein. Despite the odds, Kenzein triumphed in his match, earning a rematch for the coveted championship belt!
Get ready for an unforgettable battle!
@enderkarapw @kenzein_prowrestler #pistonheadlager
Nästa Show 1 Feb!
1 Feb....! 🚩Få biljetter kvar!🏴☠️ Hallwyska Palatsets innergård!
Welcome To the Abusement Park!
#pistonheadlager #sthlmwrestling #seeitlive