M creperie

M creperie The little vintage caravan for special events. Crepes with love.

Our end of 2024 has been tough. Pretty bad actually. You know when there are a lot of little tought things that come tog...

Our end of 2024 has been tough. Pretty bad actually. You know when there are a lot of little tought things that come together and make a pretty big mountain? 🤦‍♀️
But… we are now seeing the light. 🫶

We put the sell of our business in stand by for a while, because our heads couldn’t handle more open fronts.
We had a lot of people interested in the creperie and we are so happy! some were just for gossip, 😂 others to get billing information 🫣 and some serious but we saw that they did not have the same vision as us. Maybe we are idiots but we do not want to sell this beauty just for money. We want someone to take care of it and make it grow.
If you know someone interesting,
get in touch with us. 💌

Also we received sweet requests like this one from Ida and Joakim, which are very difficult to say no to. Thank you very very much for the dozens of emails we received asking for a catering. We have considered that we might do some special catering and some events this summer. Because it is sooo difficult not do it. It is too fun! But we don’t know when yet. We will let you know.
We also have received many messages about what our next project will be. And we are so happy you are curious. We don’t know exactly what we will do yet. This year will be a kind of a sabbatical year.
At the moment we have started a little project, which is only at the beginning. If you are curious (I know you are 😉) check out the last photo to see what it’s all about and wish us luck! ✌️
Oh, and even though it’s a little late...
we wish you all a happy new year! 🎉


Hello Stockholmers! GIVEAWAY 🎉🎉🎉Are you back from holidays and already need a bit of extra joy? We propose you a game!We...

Hello Stockholmers!

Are you back from holidays and already need a bit of extra joy? We propose you a game!
We want to giveaway 5 M creperie “Best-friends card” !
If you win one of them you can have a crêpe for yourself and one for a friend for free every time you see us at a public event in Stockholm and surroundings. Yes, every - single - time!
Savory or sweet, what you prefer! and… Avoiding queues! (Go directly at our pick up window)
1 time a day only
Valid for this season 2023!

How to participate? EASY!
1 Follow us on Instagram
2 Like this post 👍🏼
3 Comment tagging up your friends whom you would like to share our crêpes if you are the winner and saying the reason why yoi must be one of the 5 winners! There is no limmit of times you can participate! The more you tag the better your chances!

The winners will be randomly selected, but remember to follow the instruction.
Giveaway closes on Monday 21st August at 21pm.

How do you feel? 🎉
Do you want to play? 🦀
YES!!! 🤪

Best of luck!
We want YOU as a M creperie BEST FRIEND! 🫶

This weekend that we have worked with  we have remembered the wedding we did last year with them too. It was on Midsumme...

This weekend that we have worked with we have remembered the wedding we did last year with them too.
It was on Midsummer’s day for Kristina & Markus.
When Kristina contacted us she had so clear on what she wanted: something special, fun and unique to add in their classic wedding. And… we + were the perfect for them. Don’t you think?
We had been planning the menu together through the winter. If we don’t have the menu you want, we always can do a special thing for you. 😉 And it’s always super fun to do it.
For the mingle we made a cake bar/sweet corner with differents types of desserts, and another stand with different tapas/welcome canapes. It was a very international wedding and it seems everyone love it.

One year after this wedding I am sharing the amazing photos from .
I have noticed we have an a-ma-zing pictures I never posted and I feel I need to do a better job here. But is always better late than never. 🤦‍♀️

And yes, for us it was a special, fun and unique midsummer celebration too. 🥰🥹🌸

Why M?Many of you will be surprised! No, our names are not Mr creperie or Mc Creperie. As many think! 🤦‍♀️ M. It's just ...

Why M?

Many of you will be surprised! No, our names are not Mr creperie or Mc Creperie. As many think! 🤦‍♀️
M. It's just an M.
If you have read previous posts, you will know a little about our story and you will understand the whole meaning behind the M.
M is for my father, Manel. Starting this project was the last push I needed to get over my depression. And I had to pay tribute to him somehow. To the most positive, energetic, altruistic, sensitive and vital person I have ever met. Someone who in the 60s followed his dreams and was one of the pioneers of alpine and water skiing in Spain. He has had a fun life, and always doing what he liked the most. For me he is a benchmark of how your work and life should be.

This winter I have been interviewed by .pirineus_89.8 to talk about him and my Swedish adventure. It’s in Catalan and that’s why I didn’t share it here, but it’s fun that you know the reason for our name.

M is just a love story between a girl and her father. 😉

BEHIND THE BRAND 2/2RaquelSensitive and perfectionist. With a bunch of crazy new ideas every day. Obsessed with the litt...



Sensitive and perfectionist. With a bunch of crazy new ideas every day. Obsessed with the little details and driven by curiosity. Raquel is the one behind the concept, style and communication at our both projects: and . Behind this instagram account too. (hello! It’s me 👋🏼😊)

Born and raised in a small village in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. Moved to Barcelona to study Psychology, gave it up, and then changed it to Design and found my passion. I am an interior architect by training, spezialized in retail design and worked for , and other little brands. But suddenly life changed.

At the age of 24 I fell into a -quite strong- depression. I spent two years with anxiety, and barely eating. I came to weigh 43 kg. During this process my father also fell ill and died after a year. It was difficult. Very difficult. Why deny it?
It was also when I met Genís. Little by little he became my best friend and we moved to Sweden together because I needed to get away from my life at home. I needed some new fresh air. Here we started to be a couple and after a year of a slow process of healing I came up with the idea of ​​starting this project. For me it meant a return to creativity, energy and the desire to live. For this reason, M creperie has never been and will never be just a business.

Not only my father passed away. In six years I have lost my entire family (long story). Perhaps this is the simple and melancholic reason why we began to miss our roots and felt the need to create , our other brand project.

My grandparents were all farmers from the mountains. I grew up in a family with a deep love for nature and food and I cannot be happier with this heritage.

Ps: hope you like the “behind the brand sessions”

Ps: how hard is it to talk about yourself! It was soooo much easier to write the previous post about Genís. 🖤

📸 .soderstroms .photography

BEHIND THE BRAND 1/2GenísSelf-taught in almost everything he does. Dynamic but calm, always with a yes for everyone, kin...



Self-taught in almost everything he does. Dynamic but calm, always with a yes for everyone, kind and stubborn. Genís is the chef behind every single bite of our kitchen and the carpenter of all our setups and furniture. He is also behind accounting, logistics, purchasing, warehouse... 🤪

Genís was a pretty good football player in his early age. Even though he doesn't admit it, he was training at Barça . But it didn't go well. He left his hometown near Barcelona when he was 16 to become a mountain guide in the Pyrenees where met Raquel. At the age of 18 he moved with her to Stockholm, and he was 19 when they started their first company in Sweden. Genís discovered his passion for cooking and entrepreneurship thanks to starting M creperie and since then he has never stopped learning.

In his family there is a tradition of cooking paella. They prepare a large table on the patio and cook together. Grandparents, parents, brother and sister, cousins and friends get together and spend the day eating and talking about life. 🖤

Pictures: .photography
1- Although he is much more comfortable in the kitchen, he sometimes serves canapes.
2- cooking millions of crêpes
3- serving paella from our other brand
4- delivering picnic boxes (the only delivery we do since pandemia)
5- counting kvittos
6- having fun at a catering
7- more cooking
8- making pur catering experience something different
9- being a carpenter
10- last minute shopping 😂

After-BeforeWhat was promised is debt and here is a little more of our journey. Today is the story of the main protagoni...


What was promised is debt and here is a little more of our journey. Today is the story of the main protagonist when we started this project: our caravan.

It was 2013. I installed the instagram app on my phone and began to discover a world. I followed artists and creatives from different branches and interesting projects from all over the world. I started to discover projects on wheels, especially in Australia, California and France: cocktail bars, clothing stores, food trucks… and I felt in love. I got a little obsessed to be honest.
At that time we had been living in Sweden for less than a year.
When we arrived we didn't speak a word in Swedish and barely few words in English. I (Raquel) was an aupair and Genís worked as an assistant in a photography studio and we both served as a dishwasher and extra waiter on weekends. We didn't have any money back then… and I told Genís very seriously:
R- We should buy a caravan.
G- And for what?
R- I want to open a creperie.
G- Aha, ok…
R- We should buy a caravan to open a creperie.
G- Do I have to remind you that we don't have any money? And that we have no idea how to start a business and even less in Sweden?
R- Yes I know… we'll think about it… but we should buy a caravan. 😬😂
I don't know how I convinced him but we started looking for a caravan everywhere.

Beginning with a simple idea we went searching for the perfect caravan. It took time but one day we came across an add on and we knew that this was the one. It was love at first sight. We invest all our savings to buy it. Exactly 4.000 sek. After much fun and hard work it was completely rebuilt by us to become M Creperie.

When Genís was worried about how to start a business in Swede he was right. It was hard for us because at that time there were still no laws for food trucks in Stockholm. We were one of the first food trucks in the city and I remember a meeting at the town hall when we went to ask for permission and they didn't even know what to say.

continue in comments ⬇️

I've been wanting to do this for many months (years?!😱) and I never find the time. But starting this 2023 season feels l...

I've been wanting to do this for many months (years?!😱) and I never find the time. But starting this 2023 season feels like a good time to make a short introduction about us. I've seen it on some instagram profile and I think it's a great idea. I love following businesses/people and knowing their story, who is behind it, small details... so in the next few days/weeks I will try to be more active around here and tell you our humble story.
Ready? 🙂

Hej YOU! 👋🏼
We are Genis & Raquel, a couple from the Pyrenees mountains, near the fantastic city of Barcelona. ☀️

In 2013 after a hard times we decided to turn our life around. We came to Sweden to spend a sabbatical year to live new experiences. (2013 means 10!! years!!). We would never have thought that the best experience would be to start our own project away from home. 🥰

Our beginning in Sweden was hard, but this project brings us a lot of joy, creativity & selfconfidence, and we become a strong team together. 🌸

We love food, we love to eat & we are crêpe addicts! Longing for the flavors and food culture of home, we didn’t find what we’re looking for in Stockholm. So we decided to do it ourselves without any prior knowledge in entrepreneurship and hospitality. It was a crazy and spontaneous idea. 💡🤪

And you? Who are you?
We would love to know who are YOU, the ones who follow this account from the very first day, or from yesterday.

Is there something special you are curious to know behind M creperie? I hear you. ☺️

Photo 1 expectations: trying to be serious & professionals.
Photo 2: reality: it was April last year and it was freaking cold 🥶

It has happened again.  I haven't posted anything here for 5 months 🤦‍♀️I’ve already told you several times about my lov...

It has happened again.
I haven't posted anything here for 5 months 🤦‍♀️
I’ve already told you several times about my love-hate relationship with social media, and how badly we show what we do. ✌🏼
But hey, it's better to wait until you're ready. It is more honest. More real.
And today I got inspired.
Last week I was talking to my uncle. I found out that he still thinks our business is at a Sunday market making crêpes. My uncle knew that we do some catering but not much.
And that was bad. But then I thought that this is exclusively our fault. How will you know what we do if we don't explain it to you?
Yes, we started selling crêpes at a Sunday market, but now we basically do catering and events with a lot of different food and setups. But not food delivery no. Special catering for special days.
To explain it to my uncle, I guess I went the easiest way: by saying examples of our clients. I went to our website and started seeing names like .se

and I got a little excited when I read all these names if i tell you the truth.
Thinking about our story, when we were young, without experience, without any money, immigrants in a new country, without knowing anyone in this business, (and in almost none)... we started with a small crazy idea without any pretension or goal and now we are here.
And we feel very excited!
And proud.
Why not say it?

We just want to thank all these companies and many more that have believed in our project during these almost 10 years of M creperie. 🙂

📸 .soderstroms

Only 3 more weekends for this season!This weekend you can find us on Saturday at  .se 12-19. We will be there with the c...

Only 3 more weekends for this season!

This weekend you can find us on Saturday at .se 12-19.
We will be there with the crêperie but also with with our handmade ceramics & wooden tables and a selection of traditional objects wrapped in the mediterranean art of eating: paellas, oil cans, wooden spoons… & much more!
We will be waiting for you!

📸 autumn vibes by

BAD NEWS!I don't know if you forgot, but we're a seasonal business.We open half a year. April - September.  When the sun...

I don't know if you forgot, but we're a seasonal business.
We open half a year. April - September. When the sun is here, when you can be outdoors…
We are now receiving a reservation request for October, November and Christmas and we cannot attend to it. Because basically we won't be in Sweden!
So please, if you want to celebrate something with us or it's now or never. Okay... now or next year. But if you can do it now, why wait?

We are already quite full for September but I am sure we can have a gap for YOU ❤️

📸 .photography

The last years our business is more based im caterings than street food. But we are missing markets a little bit. Where ...

The last years our business is more based im caterings than street food. But we are missing markets a little bit. Where all this started.

So here an update:
We will be at Hornstulls Marknad]] every Sunday (with some exceptions)
Here the dates in August:
7, 21 & 28

What? Crêpes?
Where? Hornstulls Marknad]]
When? Sundays!

So, remember:
Crêpes- Hornstulls Marknad]] - on Sundays! 💥💥💥
Hope to see you all there!
Take care!


We love corporate events! And even more so when it is a company that always treats us so well. In May we had the pleasur...

We love corporate events! And even more so when it is a company that always treats us so well. In May we had the pleasure to repeat the experience with and we cannot be happier.
- We want this feeling- “do what you think”. 🖤
We prepared a cheese table with tableware from our sister brand project made carefully by us in our atelier in the Pyrenees mountains. Homemade ice tea, and of course crêpes to a beautiful and relaxed gathering.

We just love to be part of happy little celebrations of cool companies like yours . 🥰

📸 .liisa

Hello friends!  Just wanted to say we're alive & back in business. 😊The algorithm hates me, and so do you. When you foll...

Hello friends!
Just wanted to say we're alive & back in business. 😊
The algorithm hates me, and so do you. When you follow an account and see what they do daily and suddenly boom! disappears. It sucks. I know. But since May we have lived a very intense reality. Very very intense. And we needed a pause.
We were so happy with the huge number of caterings & events we had. Both Genís and I are very optimistic and a little crazy people: We prepared a schedule that was not realistic at all.
Also with the pressure that I am a perfectionist and everything has to be perfect. And now it turns out that Genís is also a perfectionist with food. And well, actually with everything. That’s good you say. Yes, I think it is but exhausted too.
During May-June I got up every morning mentally answering the list of emails I had, terrified because everything was piling up. Trying to manage the team that we never had before. Genís was literally running from one place to another. We forgot to eat, and if we remembered we only had time to eat bananas. For ONE month. The adrenaline kept us afloat but it was stressful and insane. We are that kind of people who enjoy stress. Many things to do, here and there, new challenges,… but up to a point. And our point has come. That’s not the life we want. So we decided to take a month's vacation. Feeling guilty because we only work 6 months. But we needed it so we did it. We went back home: Pyrenees & Costa Brava.
The objective was clear: swim in the sea, read a book, climb mountains, take a siesta, eat paella and drink vermouth, family & friends. And talk about how we want our life. How we want M creperie to be for us. Because this project is for now our life. - all entrepeneurs will understand us- And we want it to be a reflection of who we are.

So today we are back in business. But slowly. Today we have a baptism, and tomorrow a birthday party. But alone, Genís and I, with only one event a day and we are excited.

The picture is from when we had time to do fun things! Like this gathering with food & flowers with the best .photography

Thank you for reading. 🖤
Have a good weekend you all and see you around!

This is officially studenter week!And we are ready for it 🎉 📸 🥞 🎈

This is officially studenter week!
And we are ready for it 🎉


Last week was a hard week. We were both sick, and of course as a entrepreneur you work when you are sick. Even if you ar...

Last week was a hard week.
We were both sick, and of course as a entrepreneur you work when you are sick. Even if you are very-very sick.
On Wednesday we had the first wedding of 2022. And on Saturday the second one.
We had no fun at all. And it’s sad to say. Sad to admit it. But it’s a fact.
We had to be in bed, but we couldn’t.
To be a caterer of a wedding is such an honour, but such a big responsability for a small company like our that we don’t have anyone who cover our backs.
But we have a great team that helped us a lot. 🥰
We had no fun, but we feel very good. Very proud of ourselves, to always try to deliver as better as we can. Always. Without exception. And I think this is our success. Actually, I think it is the first time I say it loud: we have success.
I mean, yes! We have our own company for 9 years, abroad from home, and with the help of anyone. Just the two of us. And we have success because a lot of couples love what we do, wants something different for their special day and belive in our project. That’s a big success. Don’t you think?
On Wednesday I took a few pictures of what we cooked for Josefin and Joel day. Their wedding planners choose our “tasting menu”. Our more fancy menu, where you get a lot of different mediterranean treats served as a tapas bar. Informal, elegant, fun. Our style. You know.

This picture in the post is not from Wednesday! This picture is from Matilda and Mattias on their wedding day looong time ago. One of the first times we did our tasting menu and a day that we remind with a lot of joy. The fantastic picture is from .
If you want to see some -not that good pictures - of wednesday wedding click our stories! I will add it in highlighs “weddings”.

Ps: we are feeling sooo much better and ready for the (at the moment) 21 caterings in June! 💥💥💥

We are definitely fully booked for studenter! That is, we do not take more reservations for the first weeks of June.  It...

We are definitely fully booked for studenter! That is, we do not take more reservations for the first weeks of June.
It's going to be a few days a little crazy, hard and fun work… and we love it! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Hopefully we will survive!
Thank you for all your requests and interest in us. We are the happiest on earth 🖤


We have a few things to say:- Thank you all for the last weekend.  For queuing all day at Sickla and for having so much ...

We have a few things to say:

- Thank you all for the last weekend. For queuing all day at Sickla and for having so much patience to wait for a crêpe.
- Thank you for always visiting us at Hornstull.

- Today we have been all day at and we have met with different couples to talk about the last details before their wedding. And we are so so so excited!

- Tomorrow we will share some new fun events for next weekend where will be with our creperie.

- Last but not least: if you have sent us an email and we do not respond in a few days: we are very sorry! We are very busy and will get back to you as soon as we can!

- And the last last thing. And the most important: Thank you for supporting us 🖤

📸 .soderstroms


Hornstull Strand


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Events, catering & street food

A couple from Barcelona with a food truck in Stockholm.


[email protected]