Will I die tonight? And if I do, will I rage against it or will I go peacefully, knowing that I have lived a good life?
I said goodbye to a very good friend last year and another this year; and in those goodbyes, I was reminded of how short life is for some of us.
Not all of us get a second chance to do what we enjoy or to say I love you to the ones we love because tomorrow may not come. Not all of us get to truly live before we die because we squander what little time we have by living someone else’s dream instead of our own or allowing ourselves to be paralysed by fear.
Each moment that passes, brings us closer to our end. Each moment that passes, another light goes out.
I don’t want to get to the end of my life and face the horror of knowing that my whole life has been wrong or that I could have done so much more.
As E-TracX’s 22nd Anniversary approaches, I am reminded of how far we have come as a family and all the good that we’ve done. And, we can do so much more; not only for our community and loved ones but for ourselves too.
I love the E-TracX Family, and I’m very proud of what we have created together but the time has come for us to build something new. And, in true E-TracX spirit, it’s something that will unite the community as well as support and inspire one another to live our dreams.
When I go to my grave, I go with my head held high for I’ve had the privilege of working with the best to change this world for the better.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed. It’s time to celebrate life now. It’s time to take courage and live your dream!Happy 22nd Anniversary to the E-TracX Family! A FAMILY OF CHAMPIONS. A family that I am so proud to be part of. Thank you. I love and miss you guys. See you soon.
Sandra, Pearry, Raphael, and Sani, I’ll see you guys on the other side. :)(Rest in peace, Chester. Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, we do.)
One love,