Having a 嫁妆/ Dowry return procedure guide. Thank you for the support! Do DM us for any enquires about Dowry returns or to engage our services ! ✨❣️
#Dowryreturn #嫁妆 #过大礼 #AMDwedding
随着2024年的渐行渐远,我们怀着感恩的心,迎接新一年的到来。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,AMD Wedding公司衷心感谢每一位曾与我们携手共度的顾客,是你们的信任与支持,让我们的每一个瞬间都熠熠生辉。
AMD Wedding团队敬上
Dear Friends,
As 2024 gradually fades away, we embrace the arrival of a new year with hearts full of gratitude. In this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, AMD Wedding would like to sincerely thank each and every customer who has walked alongside us. Your trust and support have made every moment we share shine brightly.
Looking back, time flows like a song, and each wedding is a moving melody, etched with love's vows and the laughter of happiness. We are honored to witness your love stories and to serve you with dedication. In the days to come, we look forward to continuing to accompany you and create even more beautiful memories.
As the new year approaches, may each of you compose your own magnificent symphony on the stage of life. May health, happiness, and love always be by your side, and may every dream blossom beautifully in the new year.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year, may your wishes come true, and happiness be ever-present!
Warm regards,
The AMD Wedding Team
#happynewyear2025 #newyearnewme #snakeyear2025
挂灯笼,传统上认为有鸿(红)运当头的吉祥寓意,逢年过节挂的灯笼上,基本都是吉祥的图案和祝福的吉祥话,加之灯笼的正红色是朱砂的颜色,而朱砂是风水上讲去邪挡煞效力极强的宝物,所以自古逢年过节,就有在大门上挂红色灯笼的传统。 灯笼不仅是古代用以照明的工具,在传统风水命理学中,它也是一种吉祥的象征,又因“灯”与“丁”读音相近,更意味着人丁兴旺,被人们视为吉祥好预兆。 每年的农历正月,家家户户都要挂起象征吉祥的红灯笼,来营造一种喜庆的氛围,灯笼也成为中国人喜庆的象征。 我国古代讲究好事成双、福禄双全,挂灯笼也一样,一般都要偶数,而不挂单数,而且讲究对称,要挂在大门两旁,还讲究挂南不挂北等。另外,每年春节时挂灯笼,讲究的是今年的灯笼不能留到明年再接着挂,古代对此一般是以“碰灯”的方式销毁,即是将灯笼互相一撞,灯笼着火后销毁。某宝“亿耀旗帜”的大红灯笼,外层采用高透PVC,PVC材料色彩艳丽不易褪色,长期置于日晒雨淋的户外也不易腐蚀风化。 #ChineseNewYear2025 #CNY #SnakeYear2025 #chineselanturn
Wedding Auspicious Date 结婚择日
#过大礼 #安床 #上头 #迎娶
🌕 Mid-Autumn Festival 🌕 symbolizes family reunion and close connections with loved ones. Just as the full moon represents completeness, family reunions are crucial moments, and weddings signify the coming together of two families, marking the start of a beautiful new life together. 💕
On this warm and blessing-filled day, we not only celebrate the reunion of Mid-Autumn but also wish all couples to experience another kind of joy and happiness in their upcoming weddings. Whether it's each aspect of the wedding or the traditional customs of Chinese weddings, the meaning of reunion is ever-present.
May you and your family have a joyful and complete reunion this Mid-Autumn Festival, and may all newlyweds enjoy a happy marriage, harmonious family life, and eternal completeness.
Warm Regards
Cetric & Family
AMD Wedding
1. 家族聚会:在农历初七人日,家人通常会聚在一起庆祝。他们会一起吃顿丰盛的团圆饭,并举行一些传统的仪式,如祭祖和祭拜神明。
2. 吃人日饭菜:在人日这一天,人们会特别准备一些传统的节日美食,如人日粥、生煎包和长寿面。这些食物象征着健康、长寿和幸福。
3. 祭祀祖先:农历初七人日也是祭祖的重要时刻。家人们会在祖先牌位前烧香、献花,并向祖先祈求祝福和保佑。
4. 看戏、庙会:一些地方会在农历初七人日期间举办戏曲演出和庙会活动。这些活动吸引了很多人前往观看,增添了节日的欢乐氛围。
5. 放风筝:在一些地区,人们会在农历初七人日放风筝。放风筝象征着迎接春天的到来,也寓意着美好的愿望和吉祥。