Came for the seminar, stayed for the food #suntecsingapore #corporateevent #corporatelunch #businesslunch #lunchbreak #worklunch #eventcatering #eventfood
Visit Celebfest at Suntec. Follow us for weekly events #celebfest #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore
Just a typical Tuesday afternoon #workbestie #officebesties #watercoolertalk #officelife #worklife #corporatelife #girltalk #suntecsingapore
Visit AIRPARK at Suntec #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #inflatables #inflatableslide #inflatableplayground #bouncycastle #ballpit #kidsfriendly
Visit Hanami Mkt at Suntec #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #hanamimarket #artisanmarket #artistmarket
Visit FOMO Weekend Market at Suntec, now till 9 Feb #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #fomoweekendmarket #weekendmarket #foodmarket
Visit Fleawhere at Suntec, now till 9 Feb #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #fleamarket #thifting #thiftshopping #thriftfinds #secondhandshopping #prelovedclothes
Visit Hitcheed Wedding Wonderland at Suntec, now till 9 Feb #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #weddingfair #weddingexpo #weddingshopping #weddinginspo #weddingplanning #weddingvenue #weddingvendors #weddingphotography #weddingvideography #weddingfood #weddinggown #weddingdecor #weddingdress #weddinginspiration #weddingcatering #weddingband
Our favourite hangout spot #workbestie #officebesties #watercoolertalk #officelife #worklife #corporatelife #girltalk #suntecsingapore
Would you like to experience an event like this? #suntecsingapore #corporateevent #eventcatering #vipexperience
Visit AIRPARK at Suntec #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #inflatables #inflatableslide #inflatableplayground #bouncycastle #ballpit #kidsfriendly
Visit Twilight: Flea & Feast at Suntec, now till 19 Jan #suntecsingapore #sgevents #thingstodoinsingapore #twilightfleanfeast