Our Kitchen SG

Our Kitchen SG At OKSG we believe in . We make an effort that our food must not only be affordable Our range of O's have been well receive fm all.

Started with only wanting to train low income families to learn cooking & baking we have evolve into so much more within a period of 8 months. We have provided platforms for them to start retailing their products. While encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship, Our Kitchen SG also have evolve to produce our own products for consumer markets. Testimonial from clients and supporters have keep floo

ding because we stand by the philosophy of the more you give the more you get. Our products is produce in a clean & healthy environment and we do not cut corners in producing it. Taste & Presentation is emphasis by our founder, always.

'Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.~ Louise Fresco '

As we forge forward with our growing numbers of products and apprentices, we count on your support - because we are here not to compete but to compliment services, products and manpowers for a better living. Our Kitchen Singapore

One of the basic human skill is listeningAn art form in itselfWe listen a lotWe listen to customers, We listen to suppli...

One of the basic human skill is listening
An art form in itself
We listen a lot
We listen to customers,
We listen to suppliers
We listen and listen
While we do all the listening we also strategise
Because our business is not only about selling food
We sell food
We sell experience
We also give food
We give love
Admist the busyness of ❤️ we still will be collating for the for distribution of every Friday
We do what we can with what we have from where we are 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
Hv a good start to this wonderful week ahead

A post was written...A back button deleted the whole post...I could be grumpy!But I chose to be Yellow!Hv a good Thursda...

A post was written...
A back button deleted the whole post...
I could be grumpy!
But I chose to be Yellow!
Hv a good Thursday peeps ❤️
Later got time Ill rewrite the original post
Now want to go n pick up supplies


I dun hv a sweet tooth
I rarely eat desserts
But i like making them because it give me a chance to share it with friends n family
While I dun understand the craze with Kunafa, its interesting to try making it
While I hv no intention of selling this, i made this for fun n to kick start our ❤️ campaign
Show people you care for nothing
Not for favours
Not for hidden agendas
Not for anything
Just because tomm may be a totally different day (isnt it always? 😝😝😝)
Salam Maghrib ❤️

We spend our time on getting validated by others who dun walk in our shoes, who don't pay our bills, who tells us how to...

We spend our time on getting validated by others who dun walk in our shoes, who don't pay our bills, who tells us how to live but would back away when trouble starts to brew!!
Yup this world is full of people like that!
The need to be uber fancy n 1st in anything n everything....
Take a chill pill ..... its raining cats n dogs outside
And i need to go and pick up our raw ingredients fm the market in this wet wet wet weather 🫣🫣🫣
Allahuma Soyyibban Nafi'aan
O Allah makes this rain beneficial for us

Humour makes life easier most timesIt dispels tensionIt balance emotionsIt evokes harmonyBut we take humour for grantedB...

Humour makes life easier most times
It dispels tension
It balance emotions
It evokes harmony
But we take humour for granted
But we think slapstick is humour
But we condone pranks as humour
But we allow rudeness n self loathing as part of humour
Anything for that laugh!
Humour should be use to ease a distraught heart not to add on the burden n never ever as a weapon of insults!
Make someone happy because its sunnah
Today is my late mum birthday - she hv left us many years ago but one of my fondest memories of her is her laughter n humour
Always a joy to be around (must be because i dun live with her so i seldom get scolded 🤣🤣🤣)
May you too be around humorous people who bring joy to you today n always 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
Alfatiha to Almarhumah Aisah Bte Nizam

Today is exactly a week a storm raided our premises....Last Monday morning one staff voiced her displeasure and wanted t...

Today is exactly a week a storm raided our premises....
Last Monday morning one staff voiced her displeasure and wanted to leave immediately
Its much easier to let go and forget n get a new one and move on
So so so much easier
But that was what we hv done previously and its not as easy as it seem....
The internal conflict will arises in days that follow and the why, the how come, the sure or not will bugged you no end...
Reminding myself that being human we need to be humane and that is not just lip service or for soc med only 🫢🫢🫢
So I asked her to sit down n hv coffee with me
The first hour was only me asking the why n why n she refuse to answer accept that she cant find the chemistry to work
Then i decided to stop and request she complete her notice period for the next week in the best possible way she can.
She agreed n i speak to the rest to treat her in the most honourable way she started her job n not treat her differently or blame her for her decision...
Its tough for me more coz it involves time wasted in training, resources n practices that we took time to train her...
The one thing about human is they want to be respected, heard, supported n acknowledged
When we give that to others it will comes back to us many folds - not because we are good but because we make an effort...
On her last day i invite for another cup of coffee to thank, to appreciate n value her effort no matter how fast or small it was
Things took a different turn and she wanted to stay n apologise for her abruptness due to a misunderstanding with a co worker
The last few days she said she saw the potential of fostering a happy work environment if everyone make an effort
Masya Allah Tabarakalla
My learning curve have been : Easier to be mad and act out especially if you are the boss or the older sibling or manager in a company but try to understand that coins do not flip by itself without the outside force
Alhamdulilah for opportunities to develop n change for the better
I know she do not need us more than we needed her to grow 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼

Lets kick some September Vibes!!Its the best month for the moment 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼Today is the start of a new month n its on a wee...

Lets kick some September Vibes!!
Its the best month for the moment 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
Today is the start of a new month n its on a weekend - how great is that to veg out infront of the tv with warm teh tarik n jemput2 bawang 🤪🤪🤪
And next Thursday we are welcoming favourite month of the year ❤️❤️❤️ coz ❤️ is back!
Its our favourite month because we get to give out more food boxes, snack boxes, drink bottles n more of everything!!!
We love giving n we are quite good at it 😝😝😝
On top of that we are launching our ❤️ giftboxes to coincides with our grocery bags distribution starting this Friday 6th September
Its giving necessity (rice,eggs,noods) plus makan2 for those in need 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
Im just excited but dunno forget to dm us if u want to get in on our special promotions - specially for orders for Maulid bentos
Ok for now our foot is grounded firmly coz we hv Nasi Lemak Crispy Chicken to be prepared for dinner order for Darul Ihsan Childrens Home!
Bismillahi Alhamdulilah 🫰🏼

As im trying to sip my hot coffee n burn my lips - im laughing at myself 🤪🤪🤪Do i not know the coffee is hot? Of coz i do...

As im trying to sip my hot coffee n burn my lips - im laughing at myself 🤪🤪🤪
Do i not know the coffee is hot?
Of coz i do i bought it myself!
Do i not hv any common sense that if i take a sip without caution i will burn my lips?
Somehow i assume it will turn to be just the right temperature because hey im drinking it right 😬😬😬
We may know things and the danger it may pose to us if we proceed with challenges in life
And yet most time we do the exact same thing yet again n again...
I dunno my lips to burn to think 🤭🤭🤭
Hv a awesome morning uolls!
N dun forget is still ongoing this week!

You wake up with hope of a even better day than yesterday... This is the wish n hope of every living breathing humansThe...

You wake up with hope of a even better day than yesterday...
This is the wish n hope of every living breathing humans
Then u receive a platter of bad news, issues to settle, orders to complete n what not...
But you take a deep breath n you plough on!
Challenges are not meant to paralyse its meant to propel you further
Today is one of those days
Its started on a rocky road but i firmly believe we will make it to the smooth sailing road by the end of the day...
Its always mind over matters...
As the rain is falling hard outside the windows we pray may our deliveries personnel reach the customers venue safe n sound...

We are all planners in life Even when we fail its because we plan for it Nothing is left to chancesHowever when we get w...

We are all planners in life
Even when we fail its because we plan for it
Nothing is left to chances
However when we get what we want we forget that while we may plan the biggest planner is not us...
We plan and Allah swt plan...
Cannot be our plan is bigger n better than His planning right!
Masya Allah Tabarakallah
As usual on Friday we will run our weekly
As usual we chose 4mosque to receive your sadaqah, infaq or nazar...
Sometimes we manage
Sometimes we don't
Sometimes instead of 4 we managed only 3 or 2...
But its never about the amount we collate...its about the quality and and the value we share always
If you find value in this do share it around k n hopefully we get to reach our goals!

To be or not to be must always be your decision in lifeI wanted to exist as a pillow 😂😂😂 but im human with responsibilit...

To be or not to be must always be your decision in life
I wanted to exist as a pillow 😂😂😂 but im human with responsibility
So there will be days i roll around in life like a big round bolster 😜😜😜
But most days Im a responsible adult who cannot decide if me making a point jokingly is acceptable to my staff or they already know that the person who slog to pay them in a closet joker 😬😬😬
Maybe I would be a success if being a pillow is a a feasible career 🫣🫣🫣
But what's a success anyway if you are contented with life n I'll choose contentment at every stop
For now I'll choose teh tarik n thosai before we started the kitchen for our tahlil orders for the day!
Have a dosa a day n maybe your 'dosa' can be atoned away 😝😝😝


The daily battle is - what to cook?
For most of us that seem to be THE QUESTION you keep asking daily...
Putting food on e table for the family does not have to be nerve wrecking 🤭🤭🤭
A simple rice n soup is sufficient
A sunny side egg with a sprinkle of soya sauce seem to be enough when we were growing us
A side of ikan bilis with onion use to be a luxury
As times changes our need change, our tastebud change n food is no longer just about not going hungry
Rice, chicken with eggs n veggies n sides of bagedel or sambal with tofu n such - you end up with a table full of food for the family
Simplicity is no longer the goal
This son prefer chicken
This daughter only take fish
Grandfather need soft diet
Hubby prefer to hv meat
You end up cooking for different tastebud daily .... everytime
But as the kids grow up n move you realise you hv too much time on hand with less people to feed n the joy of eating with the family diminished
We dun cook because its a chore - we cook because its an expression of love...
Today do thank the person who cooks for you because it will come a day when it will no linger be available for you 😣😣😣
Someone told me once upon a time.... food is just food its the people who eat it gives meaning n experience to it
So true!

Some people are good at making dessertsSome are great at making main dishesSome are better at eatingSome can write well ...

Some people are good at making desserts
Some are great at making main dishes
Some are better at eating
Some can write well of the food they eat
Not everyone can be all but some hv it all 🤭
We at do not have it all
Yes we do most things n we cook almost everything but we cannot do all...
Any one who wants to order J*p, Korean or even Arab dishes we would say NO!
We can do the food as long as there is a known recipe but no it wouldn't be right and the taste would not be authentic as it should have been
Not everyone can be anyone!
Same like desserts - we can do simple ones but for more precise baking n what not we would collab with other bakers
Because while we can cook straight fm the heart our baking may cost us a kidney or a liver of stress 😬😬😬
Sometimes in the quiet afternoon i might just enjoy a couple of hrs of me time to make some agar2 but i do not hv a sweet tooth thus its always happen after a long period of time
Whatever it is dun beat up yourself if you cannot do everything
Life is not meant to be lived like that
That is the reason why everyone is equipped with different talents n ability so we can complement each other in life...
Same like its not meant only for a group of people its for everyone
You hv more to share? Give
You hv a little less? Give
You hv much lesser? Give
If really not much but still want to share for the sake of Allah swt .... try out our at $1.50 per cup
Its not about how much you can give its always about how sincere you are giving!
Hv a blessed Tuesday uolls!

People say the darnest things i'd say!This morning i overheard an auntie scolding the spouse for finishing his plate of ...

People say the darnest things i'd say!
This morning i overheard an auntie scolding the spouse for finishing his plate of nasi lemak
'Why you finish it! Later ur blood sugar will rise, haiyoo!'
Im amused n accidentally let out a small chuckle 🤭🤭🤭
Auntie Oh Auntie! He should not even be eating Nasi Lemak for breakfast if you are so worried about his health...
Or instead you should ask for a lesser portion...
I hv noticed that our plates are getting bigger to justify the price we pay for food...
In our excitement to adopt western eating culture we began upsizing our food without realising its impact on our waist line
Upsizing this and that and our love for desserts hv landed most of us in a state where having diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension n what not is normal
We as a food provider is guilty too sometimes
Once upon a time nasi lemak cost $2 in a small portion but that doesnt make money - if u sell a hundred plate a day it only makes $200
It u added extra rice, chicken wings, otah, instead of a piece of slice onion omelette u change to a full size sunny side up egg n an extra heap of sambal it might just push the price to 5-6 dollars a plate n that is almost 150% more profit per day at the same 100plate
Its not the vendor fault actually fm a business point of view - they are trying to make money
Fm a consumer point of view it would be - if i ask for less rice, less sambal, and took the basic set its not like they will decrease the price its still gonna be the same what, so might as well get my money worth!
True, very true indeed
But is it worth it if it affect your health in general?
I dunno.... to each his own i guess
Its something we need to ponder
Maybe just maybe we can start by eating right not less
They say SG is a food paradise but in order to savour n enjoy everything you need to be healthy too
May we all make the best choicest for our health!
Do join us on our n spread healthier choices by contributing bananas n apples for our Jemaah this Friday 23rd August 2024 😍

Waking up every morning is a choice you make yourselvesSome choose to wake up at 4am to hv an early startSome chose 7am ...

Waking up every morning is a choice you make yourselves
Some choose to wake up at 4am to hv an early start
Some chose 7am to join friends for walks n breakfast
Some decided noon is the best time to start the day
Whichever timing you choose you know best
Same like you would know best the benefit of sedekah, infaq or sharing your sustenance with others
These are personal rewards that goes straight to you and no one else
Some get better sustenance when they infaq a carton of bananas, some sleep better at night because they contribute a set of bottle drinks for the jemaah of solat jumaat...
Some share their wealth by sponsoring and in turn their family relations are better than ever
Wallahualam bis'sawab
What you give n what you will receive is never for us to say or promised
Its never about us
Its never about them
Its about you and your willingness to share
We provide a service and space to make it easy for others to share because we love sharing since 2012
To join us this coming Friday 23rd August 2024 .... by contributing :
reach out to us at :
Free Delivery to 4 Mosques this Friday!

Always treat life as a cup!Be it a cup of coffeeBe it a cup of chaiBe it even a cup of milo dinosaur It doesnt matter wh...

Always treat life as a cup!
Be it a cup of coffee
Be it a cup of chai
Be it even a cup of milo dinosaur
It doesnt matter what drink u filled it with as long as you fill it
Fill your cup of life today with
It does not matter if its positive or negative coz you get to choose to filled it as such
The saddest part of life is when you hv a cup n you do not use it....
Its like having a life waking up and not doing anything....
Your Cup
Your Life
Filled it!
May your cup runneth over today with the things that make you feel alive ❤️❤️❤️
Happy Living Peeps 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼

In life little things does mattersReally no kidding!Look at the cups you're having your coffee or tea now - does it make...

In life little things does matters
Really no kidding!
Look at the cups you're having your coffee or tea now - does it make you happy?
Observe your feelings when you having nasi lemak for breakfast... a plain pack against the banana leaf pack!!! Or ur chee cheong fun serve on a red plate against the peranakkan inspired plate... it does makes a difference!
It set the moods n tones of ur day 🥰🥰🥰
Many years ago i learn that while our food we serve may be ordinary our packaging need not be
Visual arts will effect the taste buds before the scents of the food n drinks decides if its tasty or nah!
Such is the play of senses that affect our daily lives 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
At this point im quite lost if im writing about coffee, plating and packaging or scents??
Ok ok i think i need my cuppa too before i kickstart today 🤭🤭🤭
Between running a food delivery co n caregiving amongst other things we need to get realistic n hv get 2cups of kopi o to get started NOW!
May your morning starts strong! 😬😬😬

We dun take care of ourselves! We take care of spouses, kids, families, friends, neighbours etc,etc,etc...But seldom our...

We dun take care of ourselves!
We take care of spouses, kids, families, friends, neighbours etc,etc,etc...
But seldom ourselves 😏
If u clean ur face nightly with toner n serum n eat a multitude of supplements that is not taking care of urself per se..
Taking care of urself is slipping a few quiet moments when you wake up to be thankful to the AlMighty, hv a cup of hot honey lemon drinks which will do wonders for your body
Taking care of yourselves means taking stock of what needs to be done while incorporating rest time, meal time, me time n whatever time it need for you to pace yourselves
Not every one is built the same
Some are super fast
Some are super slow
Some are super neither here nor there
And its ok... just take time n honour yourself to do your best daily everytime ❤️
Do not be fooled by this, Im sharing this is because I am REMINDING myself 1st and foremost coz i am always rushing, and being busy until i didn't know when i am pacing myself
But that's the beauty of life isn't it...
we remind each other till we hv the courage n discipline to pursue it 🥰🥰🥰
Hv a great day ahead peeps!

Brand new week brand new monthThis is a short week coz Friday 9th August is a Public Holiday!!!All of a sudden this is m...

Brand new week brand new month
This is a short week coz Friday 9th August is a Public Holiday!!!
All of a sudden this is my favourite week so far 😜😜😜
Thou the week is short the responsibilities is not 🫰🏼
Orders to fulfilled
Food to be Packed
Drinks to be Delivered
Amanah to be Carried Out
will ve carried out as usual and this week 500 will be delivered to 5 selected mosques
Its the beginning of the month of Islamic Calendar of Safar too ❤️
May this month brings us new opportunities n places

Waking up super early on a Friday is an understatement really!Prepping out final ingredients for foodboxes, bottled drin...

Waking up super early on a Friday is an understatement really!
Prepping out final ingredients for foodboxes, bottled drinks, chili sausage buns, apples, bananas etc for then it hit upon me.....
To what length would we go to be likeable? To be acceptable to be loved n to be inclusive?
Some spent their entire life striving for these while others seem like bochap n yet they are the ones who seem happier
That is the ultimate trick to living - be you n do you!
The world will adjust! The people around you will adjust, your environment will adjust!
However being you is not a ticket to be a pompous prick, racist,or a pain in the ass...
Be you who is compassion
Be you who shows empathy
Be you who is a lil bit nerdy
Be you who looks like a ballerina but walks like a penguin - whatever rocks your boat!
Its Friday today, do not miss the opportunity to selawat more, be more smiley n do good just because ❤️
Ok kitchen is calling n we hv got to go!
Dua for us ok for a great start to today as much as we too will dua for uolls!

Lunchtime! Lunchtime!Lunch time is the time for you to take a break fm routine...Its time to rest ur eyes fm staring at ...

Lunchtime! Lunchtime!
Lunch time is the time for you to take a break fm routine...
Its time to rest ur eyes fm staring at the screens, engage in small talks with your colleagues while waiting in line to buy that food!
Having lunch or just eating a salad does not matter as long as you take a break
Have a rest if you are tired, cool down if you need to hydrate yourselves or just simply be... a 10 min stretch or a 20 min cat nap might just brings you back rejuvenate and ready to crunch the rest of the day before you restart after lunch
Whatever gets u going just make sure you get enough rest n hydration 🥰🥰🥰
Now we will just start prepping the raw ingredients for tonight for a mosques in the north

August!Its not the middle and its not the end 😝😝😝Our favourite month ❤️ because many things happen in August 😬😬😬GST Payo...

Its not the middle and its not the end 😝😝😝
Our favourite month ❤️ because many things happen in August 😬😬😬
GST Payout is OUT!
It's National Day Celebration!!
But mostly today 1st August falls on a blessed Thursday 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼
So Go Grab The most of TODAY!!!
Hv a blessed day ahead uoll! ❤️❤️❤️

Exaxtly a week ago we laid our dearest brother to rest. It was an overwhelming 2months for all of usIts true when the ma...

Exaxtly a week ago we laid our dearest brother to rest. It was an overwhelming 2months for all of us
Its true when the malay idioms says pinch the right thigh n the left thigh would feel the same pinch
He left us peacefully n in smiles
We hv been close on and off since the last 2months
We hv tried to be as focused n as zealeous as we can ~ we hv really really tried!
Today a week later, when the dust hv settled we will be reopening back for tommorrow
Returning to our normalcy
Returning to routine
Returning to life
Its just a week but he will never be forgotten
More than just a brother he is a source of joy n squabbles
We miss him very much but we are continuing what we do because we know he would hate it if we stop n make a fuss over him
His selflessness cant be matched but we will try
In e best of days he is our brother
On e worst of days we are his sisters
Pls sedekah Alfatihah to Rashid Bin Osman may he be granted jannah without hisab n do make dua for us so we will continue to do as much good n be of benefit to others always
and all orders will be back on track fm 1st August onwards
For tomm our n will be distributed to a few mosque for tahlil prayers after maghrib
will follow up with etc on Friday 2.8.24 to 4 selected mosques
Saturday & Sunday scheduled for for 3 orphanages will follow suit as plan
Rabbi Yassir Wa'la Tu'assir
Wa Ta'min bi khair

We hv been quietBut we are still here...Behind every closed door is a flurry of activities n action still going on...We ...

We hv been quiet
But we are still here...
Behind every closed door is a flurry of activities n action still going on...
We are not active on soc med but that does not mean we are closed entirely...
In between care giving, a family member in ICU nearing 50days, own health scare...
We are still here
Planning, Cooking, Delivering, Trying to be of benefit to our customers n others ❤️
We are still here
Behind every close door is a story of betrayal, insults n injustice - but its best to keep it behind close doors
The world is full of idiosyncrasies that if we can lets not add in to it
Behind close door is activities going on to let no one sleep in hunger
We choose not to highlight or share
Not because we are saints
But because we are tired
Struggling to put 1 foot infront of the other
We will make it
We always do with HIS Grace!
We do what we can with what we have from where we are ❤️
We will be back actively sharing on soc med
For now we are still committed to our orders, taking it , preparing it, cooking n delivering it even thou its behind closed doors...
To our customers thank you for your kindness, supportive and patience nature..
Behind these close door is a story of resilience, determination n love ❤️❤️❤️

Because nothing beats homeade 😉😉😉

Because nothing beats homeade 😉😉😉


Jurong West

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday 08:00 - 15:00


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