These sensitive blossoms are shed so easily, like our inchoate love —
they do not suffer gladly a careless hand.
Yesterday Lizzie and I went to this dog run near where we stay.
As we passed through the gates, this Japanese Spitz came dashing right at Lizzie and - as it came within biting distance - bared its fangs and let out a low growl.
I instinctively put myself between Lizzie and the dog; shortly after, a lady in her early twenties came running and shouting the name of her dog.
I tried to catch her eye, half-expecting her to apologise or proffer some sort of explanation for her dog's behavior but she studiously avoided eye contact and simply led her dog away.
A little shakened, I brought Lizzie to this bench where a few of the smaller-bred dogs and some owners were hanging out and observed the Spitz and its owner from a distance.
The dog was now acting perfectly sociable, sniffing other dogs and playing with them, no trace of its former hostility. The lady did likewise: she resumed her easy conversation with a circle of owners.
A few minutes later, the Spitz trotted towards us and began sniffing the air around Lizzie in a seemingly harmless manner.
I watched them closely, which was why I reacted the moment I saw the dog snapping its jaw at Lizzie.
I clasped my arms around her, and was rewarded with sharpness of teeth against the skin between my thumb and index finger.
"Taro!" This time, the owner lay her hands on her dog, applied pressure and pushed the wild-eyed Spitz away.
A flash of anger rose in me, at the danger that came so close before, and at her continuing refusal to acknowledge me or the events that had just transpired.
"Your dog is quite aggressive, isn't she?" I said in an undertone.
No response.
I looked at the dog owners around me to assess their reactions and saw that everyone's gaze was averted.
Was it possible that no one had noticed what had happened? I thought to myself in bafflement.
A childish impulse seized me: I wanted to walk right up to the owner and show her my hand, which was beginning to pool with tiny droplets of b
Happy Birthday to our dear, dear friend.
We love you even though you have a one-track mind.
#onawhimandprayer #theboywhomtheflowersloved #conversationswithmyflorist #underthefloralspell #allthingsbotanical #liveunscripted #theeverydayproject #prettylittlethings #posttheordinary #seekinspirecreate #slowlived_explore #ihavethisthingwithplants #boysandplants
Always, always filled with gratitude for the love Lizzie inspires.
📷: @karenkarisma
#onawhimandprayer #theboywhomtheflowersloved #conversationswithmyflorist #underthefloralspell #allthingsbotanical #liveunscripted #theeverydayproject #prettylittlethings #posttheordinary #seekinspirecreate #slowlived_explore #ihavethisthingwithplants #boysandplants
Thank you, Aunty Mindy for the yummy treats!
Lizzie needed a little help with her cupcake due to the ginormous portion.
Reuben: You're forgoing dinner tonight, young lady.
📷: @ct83jh