RÆHAT Kolektiv iz slovenske Istre, ki ponuja novo platformo za razvoj moderne elektronske glasbe.


Redko kdo se spomne koncertov s terasa bendi pred nekdanjim Hotelom Triglav v Kopru, zato bomo nostalgični večer pričeli...

Redko kdo se spomne koncertov s terasa bendi pred nekdanjim Hotelom Triglav v Kopru, zato bomo nostalgični večer pričeli z Ansamblom TaMar izpod Ponc iz Triglavskega narodnega parka. Napoveduje se odlično vreme za dolge plesne polete z duom, ki prisega na Slakovo harmoniko (Marzi) in tisto plastično modro kitaro (Tamorra). Pričela b***a z umirjenimi koračnicami s katerimi b***a dobro ogrela podplate prvih gostov željnih valjčka, v nadaljevanju pa b***a stopnjevala ritem do te mere, da bo nostalgija po terasa bandih hitro popustila in se bomo hitro preobuli v udobne športne copate.

Dobrodošel Marzi v istrskem podzemnem ansamblu RÆHAT!

Catch Tamorra at Pandemonium Festival on the 24th of august❤️‍🔥

Catch Tamorra at Pandemonium Festival on the 24th of august❤️‍🔥


Tamorra (RÆHAT/ Magazzino / Druxy)
Sin jadranske krvi Tamorra, kao član obalnog kolektiva RÆHAT, redovito organizira seriju događaja Magazzino u koparskom kulturnom središtu Libertas. Njegove plesne vještine, koje uključuju profinjene prelomljene ritmove, energične plesne kadence i živahne poskočice, nerijetko skupljaju kondenz na stropu lokacija. U njegovoj kolekciji, osim housea i techna, često se nađu trance i electro himne. TA MORRA doći, MORAŠ i TI !


A son of Adriatic blood, Tamorra, as a member of the coastal collective RÆHAT, regularly organizes the Magazzino event series at Koper's cultural hub, Libertas. His dance skills, which include refined broken beats, energetic dance cadences, and lively jumps, often cause condensation on the ceilings of venues. His collection, in addition to house and techno, frequently features trance and electro anthems.

~• 𝓘𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓲𝓰𝓼 •~Če letos poleti še niste dovolj zašvicali 🥵••

~• 𝓘𝓷𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓰𝓲𝓰𝓼 •~

Če letos poleti še niste dovolj zašvicali 🥵

🚨Pozor!🚨Potrebujemo vašo podporo. ✊Občani Kopra, ki so starejši od 15 let lahko glasujejo na participativnem proračunu M...

🚨Pozor!🚨Potrebujemo vašo podporo. ✊

Občani Kopra, ki so starejši od 15 let lahko glasujejo na participativnem proračunu Mestne občine Koper. Ostali, ki niste občani Kopra, pa lahko podprete tako, da delite objavo in informacijo med prijatelji, ki so iz Kopra.

Radi bi, da se Bastion uredi za glasbene in ostale prireditve. Tako bi imeli primeren prostor za nadaljevanje programa, ko bo Skladišče Libertas v prenovi.

Glas lahko oddate preko povezave spodaj.


Hvala za vašo podporo ❤️

https://predlagamodlocam.koper.si/projects/157 podprite projekt ureditve Bastiona za izvajanje kulturnih prireditev!

https://predlagamodlocam.koper.si/projects/157 podprite projekt ureditve Bastiona za izvajanje kulturnih prireditev!

Bastion za izvajanje kulturnih in drugih prireditev✊

PiNA že vrsto let podpira vračanje javnih prostorov v domeno izvajanja javno relevantnih vsebin. Leta 2020 smo vstopili v skladišče Libertas in z izvedbo Festivala IZIS podprli prizadevanja različnih organizacij in posameznikov ter posameznic za pridobitev večjega prostora, namenjenemu izvajanju urbanih kulturnih in drugih vsebin. 🎭🎵🖼️

Ta prizadevanja je prepoznala tudi Mestna občina Koper ter skladišče odkupila, uredila in s tem postavila trdne temelje za istrsko kulturno stičišče Skladišče Libertas. Množičnost dogodkov in odziva publike vse do danes dokazujeta, da je bila ta poteza smiselna ter potrebna.

Konec leta bo Libertas deležen prepotrebne prenove in bodo organizacije ter posamezniki in posameznice, ki se vsa ta leta trudimo z organizacijo dogodkov, ostali brez lokacije. Zato vas prosimo, da na glasovanju za projekte participativnega proračune Mestne občine Koper Predlagam-odločam podprete projekt "Ureditev Bastiona za izvajanje kulturnih in drugih prireditev".

To storite na povezavi spodaj 👇

Omogočimo začasno rabo prostora, ki se je že v sklopu Festivala IZIS X CEVI izkazal za odlično lokacijo!

Glasujete lahko vsi občani Mestne občine Koper, stari najmanj 15 let.

Verjamemo, da nam skupaj lahko uspe najti začasno drugo lokacijo za vsebine, ki se trenutno dogajajo v stičišču Libertas in se, zaradi njegove prenove, ne bodo imele kje izvajati.

15. 6. nas lahko ujamete na Skladišče/Magazzino Libertas Festival 4 (S/M LiFe 4)! Se vidimo🫶

15. 6. nas lahko ujamete na Skladišče/Magazzino Libertas Festival 4 (S/M LiFe 4)! Se vidimo🫶

A few days ago Tamorra released a fresh EP titled “Theban Necropolis” on our Soundcloud. The 2 track EP characterized wi...

A few days ago Tamorra released a fresh EP titled “Theban Necropolis” on our Soundcloud. The 2 track EP characterized with a dreamy yet dark sound and pumping energy can be heard and downloaded for free from the link below.

“While I did not find myself within the sound I managed to create with these two tracks, I still decided to post them. Most tracks I manage to produce just end up sitting on my hard drive because I never feel they are “good enough”. I guess at some point you have to start publishing what you create, even if you aren’t entirely happy with the final product (if that is even possible). I would like to thank Gisaza for the mastering and brother .kylberg for the wonderful cover art. As written above, you can listen to the tracks on our soundcloud page. Enjoy🫶”

2 track EP by Tamorra. Feel free to download the tracks if you enjoy them. Mastered by Gisaza Cover art by Philip Kylberg

After a long hiatus we continue with the 8th episode of RÆCAST in which we are joined by Meelo, who is a DJ and producer...

After a long hiatus we continue with the 8th episode of RÆCAST in which we are joined by Meelo, who is a DJ and producer from Ptuj, based in Ljubljana.

He is one of the founding members of re_lined collective, who have been organizing quality, driving techno parties for the past 3 years in Ljubljana and elsewhere. His style can be described as highly energetic, dark, groovy and very dancy, accompanied by a constant hypnotic drive leading to catharsis through rhythm.

Apart from playing at events organized by his collective he has been a frequent guest in Ljubljana’s club scene. In 2023 he played at Magazzino II which was the second edition of the series of events hosted by RÆHAT in Koper.

After a long hiatus we continue with the 8th episode of RÆCAST in which we are joined by Meelo, who is a DJ and producer from Ptuj, based in Ljubljana (Slovenia). He is one of the founding members of

6. zasedanje v obrtniški zbornici Magazzino Libertas se je zaključilo uspešno. Obrtniki smo iz zbora zadovoljno odkoraka...

6. zasedanje v obrtniški zbornici Magazzino Libertas se je zaključilo uspešno. Obrtniki smo iz zbora zadovoljno odkorakali, čez kakšno uro pa so nam sledili še ostali. Posebej se želimo zahvaliti razsvetljenemu obrtniku Amadej Arnuš za konstantno vlaganje truda v vizualne potrebe naših zasedanj, tako kot tudi vsem ostalim, ki ste sodelovali pri pripravi in obisku zasedanja.

Se vidimo spet septembra, ko bo to najbrž zadnji Magazzino v taki obliki, saj gre Libertas v prenovo.

📸 : Ángela Medina Hvala za fotografije!

Cover design: Melissa Hessa Ceric

Za vse tiste, ki ste zamudili ali bi radi podoživeli 5. edicijo Magazzina v botaničnem vrtu, so posnetki zdaj na voljo n...

Za vse tiste, ki ste zamudili ali bi radi podoživeli 5. edicijo Magazzina v botaničnem vrtu, so posnetki zdaj na voljo na našem Soundcloudu. Še enkrat hvala za obisk in podporo! ❤️🌞


For all those who missed it or would like to relive the 5th edition of Magazzino in the Botanical Garden, the recordings are now available on our Soundcloud. Thank you again for coming and for your support! ❤️🌞

Link in bio

Recorded sets from the 5th edition of Magazzino, held in Libertas warehouse in Koper, Slovenia.

For the 7th episode of RÆCAST we are joined by Philip Kylberg, who is an Italian-Swedish DJ and producer, part of Opific...

For the 7th episode of RÆCAST we are joined by Philip Kylberg, who is an Italian-Swedish DJ and producer, part of Opificio, a collective based in Venice.

The artist explores trippy, introspective and primitive looks into the obscure shades of Neural Hypnotic Techno, carrying his deep and pumping rhythm sets with dark tones and cryptic percussion patterns to turn the music into a mindful meditation.

For the 7th episode of RÆCAST we are joined by Philip Kylberg, who is an Italian-Swedish DJ and producer, part of Opificio, a collective based in Venice. The artist explores trippy, introspective an

Huso 19:11"Dear God, is there a place where individuals can boundlessly love one another and enjoy in the freedom, or ar...

Huso 19:11

"Dear God, is there a place where individuals can boundlessly love one another and enjoy in the freedom, or are we all destined to leave this world in bitterness and envy?" asked Mary.

God responded, "Persist in your search, and your people will find you."

Huso 19:11 "Dear God, is there a place where individuals can boundlessly love one another and enjoy in the freedom, or are we all destined to leave this world in bitterness and envy?" asked Mary. God responded, "Persist in your search, and your people will find you."

In the mesmerizing symphony of Ræcast's sixth edition, we are graced by the presence of Rahul, a co-founder of RÆHAT. Hi...

In the mesmerizing symphony of Ræcast's sixth edition, we are graced by the presence of Rahul, a co-founder of RÆHAT. His artistic evolution seamlessly weaves the timeless allure of hypnotic techno with the pulsating rhythm of dance, crafting a sonic landscape that transcends boundaries.

''I kept putting off recording the set, always finding flaws and never settling on a version. Setting a pretend deadline pushed me to finally choose a version and share it – hence the name.''

- Rahul

In the mesmerizing symphony of Ræcast's sixth edition, we are graced by the presence of Rahul, a co-founder of RÆHAT. His artistic evolution seamlessly weaves the timeless allure of hypnotic techno wi

New track from Huso on Formaviva."During a tour at the Museum of the Siege in Sarajevo, I came across a letter from a da...

New track from Huso on Formaviva.

"During a tour at the Museum of the Siege in Sarajevo, I came across a letter from a daughter to her father: 'Dad, say hello to all of your people. Read this letter every day.'

May the free spirit of all children find a secure and warm home beyond those whose hands would harm them. As they sail through the sky, you try to shatter their rainbows and white clouds. Chained by the weight of empty promises and your dishonesty, you will never reach their purity."

Fresh warm tea from Sarajevo 4 you. I love you 🫵❤️

May the free spirit of all children find a secure and warm home beyond those whose hands would harm them. And as they sail through the sky, you try to shatter their rainbows and white clouds. Chained by the weight of empty promises and your dishonesty, you will never reach their purity.

Jutri ob 19:30 na Neodvisni obalni radio! Prisluhnite za zanimive, primerne in banalne vsebine! 📻📡

Jutri ob 19:30 na Neodvisni obalni radio! Prisluhnite za zanimive, primerne in banalne vsebine! 📻📡

Jutri ob 19:30 žal že spet pogovorna oddaja szi Rešeto in Tomijem. Tokratni gostje so ekipa RÆHAT. Pogovor bo tekel (al pa ne) o vice city, tehno, reddit lore,... nebuloze predvsem. Sobota ob 19:30 na noradio.org

Po dolgem razmisleku, je bila sprejeta odločitev, da objavimo prejšnji fantazijski pogovor. Oddaja je delo fikcije. Vsaka podobnost z dejanskimi osebami ali dejanskimi dogodki je zgolj naključje.


V uredništvu opozarjamo, da se niti približno ne strinjamo s povedanim in se v celoti distanciramo od oddaje.

New release from Huso on Formaviva"This project is based on river formation. The artist used this process as guidelines ...

New release from Huso on Formaviva

"This project is based on river formation. The artist used this process as guidelines for introspection. Guided by Mother Nature, they unlocked the door that leads away from monotony and static thoughts.”

This project is based on river formation. The artist used this process as guidelines for introspection. Guided by Mother Nature, they unlocked the door that leads away from monotony and static thoughts.

Tamorra with a new spicy trancy set on our Soundcloud🔥⚡️🌶️“With this set I really tried to stray away from the invisible...

Tamorra with a new spicy trancy set on our Soundcloud🔥⚡️🌶️

“With this set I really tried to stray away from the invisible boundaries and barricades that I built up and just relax, enjoy playing and moving with the music. Just general feel good vibes from my side. Enjoy❤️”

Special thanks to Philip Kylberg from Opificio

“With this set I really tried to stray away from the invisible boundaries and barricades that I built up and just relax, enjoy playing and moving with the music. Just general feel good vibes from my s

Ujamete nas lahko na naslednjih dogodkih:11. - 13. 8. Huso - Izvir ~ Formaviva(Libeliče, Koroška, Slovenija)18. 8. Tamor...

Ujamete nas lahko na naslednjih dogodkih:

11. - 13. 8. Huso - Izvir ~ Formaviva
(Libeliče, Koroška, Slovenija)

18. 8. Tamorra - 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗔𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗶 // Obscur, Variable, Kendi, Brtinzz, Tamorra // 18. 8. // Izola
(Izola, Istra, Slovenija)

15. 9. Magazzino III - Skladišče Libertas
(Koper, Istra, Slovenija)

Huso playing at re|lined’s re|tual on Saturday! See you there🖤

Huso playing at re|lined’s re|tual on Saturday! See you there🖤

The final lineup for the entrancing Jack at the rave experience happening this Saturday!

Welcome warriors of rhythm, we embark to fight the future that is Aku’s subtle beat. Join us on the journey to find the portal of sound into the past, to join the adventure you have to SIGN UP here: https://forms.gle/7PAGd5kBByZYPmRF7

Let us embrace the vibration of the future together again!⛩️

Po čudovitem vikendu na svežem pomjanskem zraku, lahko tisti, ki ste 2. edicijo Odbora zamudili, prisluhnete setu Seiich...

Po čudovitem vikendu na svežem pomjanskem zraku, lahko tisti, ki ste 2. edicijo Odbora zamudili, prisluhnete setu Seiichira Itoyame na našem Soundcloudu 🖤

Event organizer based in the Slovenian part of Istria.



Event organizer and label based in Slovenia.




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