Jaša danes v Kopru v dobri družbi na Libertas Festival 2022 w/ Lorenzo Senni , money lang & 𝙁𝙪𝙟𝙞𝙩𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚
Pred nami je 5. edicija tradicionalnega briškega gozdnega rejva. 🧬🔫💎
Rezervacije vstopnic bodo na voljo od ponedeljka dalje. Vsi zainteresirani nam pišite na DM, da vam posredujemo vse ključne informacije. 📩
Russell Sprout
Blažen DJ
Nocoj bo divje >>> La segunda venida del S*xo Cósmico
Channel Zero // Vrata ob 22h
Vozni red:
23-01 Anasta
01-02 Blažen DJ
02-03 Jaša
03-04 Đakka
04-05 Russell Sprout
Nova poliritmična fiesta de baile v režiji kolektiva Cosmic S*x!
La segunda venida del S*xo Cósmico // 30. april // Channel Zero
🌸 Anásta (Ustanova)
🌸 Đakka
🌸 Russell Sprout (Cosmic S*x)
🌸 Jaša (Cosmic S*x)
🌸 Blažen DJ (Cosmic S*x)
+ Cosmic Lights by TW
Rog 4 ever <3 (#tb Analogue S*x w/ Bruce, 15 Mar 2019)
That moment at 0.32 ❤️ It's the end of an era. In the short period between our birth and the closure Koncertna Dvorana Rog, the most awesome alternative open space in Ljubljana, we've managed to organise 3 unforgetable parties with SZCH, Christian Kroupa / Alleged Witches, Tritch, Matej Mihevc, Roli Roland, N/OBE and Bruce as our guests.
It's because of this place and the team behind it, especially Špela Spojzy and Jasmin Pervanic, that we managed to book Bruce in March 2019 as our 2nd international guest, even though we're just starting as promoters and still learning the ropes. No institutional support or bureaucracy, just a group of friends with a collective vision and an open space to make it happen!
@Tovarna Rog was a place of openness and opportunity like no other in Ljubljana with all the problems that come with such utopian endeavours. Drugs, crime and ocassional violence, yes, but most of all a concert hall, a circus scool, a skatepark, a social centre for the socially disempowered and marginalised, Roglab, various festivals, film nights, exhibitions and so fu***ng much more!
Yesterday was a sad day for sure as we're now stepping into a new era.
The stuggle between capital and public interest never felt so omnipresent. In the same way, the need for new autonomous cultural spaces for communal practices where people can gather, collaborate or just procrastinate never felt so urgent. The more you dive into the history of various social and art movements, the more you acknowledge the importance of non-institutional, independent and autonomous spaces as prerequisites for any positive change whatsoever.
The walls of Rog may be reduced to ashes but the people that constituted its soul are still very much alive and they'll make sure Ljubljana doesn't turn into a gentrified Potemkin village for tourists as so many other cities have in the past decades.
Nocoj ob 20h vabljeni, da se priklopite na malo drugačen stream v sodelovanju s KUD Channel Zero - najprej polurni ambientalni sprehod s psi in frendi po Jezerskem, potem pa N/OBE s čisto svežim live actom!
Ob 20h na Ch0 Youtubu 👇👇👇https://www.youtube.com/user/ch0metelkova/
Monade 2020
Letos poleti smo na domačem terenu tretjič zapored organizirali Monade, ki so glede na razmere presegle vsa pričakovanja, sigurno najlepša noč tega leta. Če želite (po)doživet ta večer, smo objavili del Jaševega uvodnega miksa >>> https://soundcloud.com/cosmicsex/jasa-buzinel-monade-2020
Kmalu pride še neki od Blaža!
Partijska linija #40
Danes Partijska linija #40, Jaša in the mix, tune in ob 22h na Radio Študent 89,3 MHz.
Za #40ko je zaradi terenskih obveznosti Jaša pripravil miks nekaj povsem frišnih, nekaterih celo še neizdanih produkcij, prepletenih s kopico lanskih presežkov, ki jih doslej nisva uspela predstaviti, ter nekaj starejših produkcij, za katere sva enostavno morala najti mesto v oddaji..od danskega ambienta do irskih techno meditacij in bristolskega basovskega techna ter duba, preko postmoderne slovenske avantgarde in aktualnih mehiških klubskih inovacij pa do sodobnih futurističnih interpretacij afriških poliritmij in newyorške eksperimentalne elekronike.
Ljubljana Zagreb Beograd via Cosmic S*x, Channel Zero, 27.12.2019
* čustven post warning *
Res zveni čizi, ma težko bi si zamislili boljš zaključek leta. Kljub letošnjim gostovanjem Brucea in Ploya (guys, thanks for playing our party this year, two unforgettable sets!), Dimensionsu ter drugih Monadah je bil to najbrž naš najbolj specialen event doslej v smislu ljudi in atmosfere. Od 3-urne vratolomne uverture N/OBEja in Korneta (hvala momci!), do res zakon reakcij na najina seta in epskega zaključka Lil Tatyja (dojaja, brate!) s komadom od Zicer Inc. ob 6h, ko je v klubu bengalo še okoli 60 ljudi. Res mega, nad vsemi pričakovanji ob poplavi dogodkov v Ljubljani. Ljudje so vedno bolj receptivni za drugačno, novo muziko, brejki in poliritmije > 4x4, to najbolj šteje! :P
Hvala briški familji in goriški druščini za ves support, vsem, ki redno hodite na naše žurke, vsem padalcem, ki ste kdaj zašli k nam, in ekipi KUD Channel Zero za prijaznost in pomoč. Cenimo precej!
+ specialna omemba našega Alena, ki je odlično sfural ognjeni krst za mixerjem za luči!
Lepo praznujte, se vidmo v 2020!
Ljubljana Zagreb Beograd via Cosmic S*x
Zadnji s**o cósmico tega desetletja z gosti iz Jugosfere!
N/OBE ~ Lil Taty ~ Kornet ~ Blažen DJ ~ Jaša Bužinel
Ljubljana Zagreb Beograd via Cosmic S*x, petek, 27. december 2019