The vision
Etika d.o.o. is the company for ethical advertising. Its wish is to deal ethically towards the client, the media, the public and the environment. It also wishes to promote the activities, products and services which support the man as the individual in the development of his personality and spirit, and therefore contribute to the formation of a global community which bears the responsi
bility towards the fellow man and the nature. The strategy
Etika d.o.o. achieves its vision through its development, marketing, production (the making of) of ethical advertisements and with the creation of new, more ethical media and media approaches. In order to achieve the best possible price of advertising for the client on individual medium, we transmit the advertising directly and with the help of an intermediary (an agency). Every client of Etika d.o.o. receives a personal approach and is monitored throughout the year. The mission
The promotion of quality products and services
The promotion of healthy products and services like healthy food and healthy way of life, natural cosmetics and means of cleaning, clean tehnologies, ecology, ecological tourism and building
The production of quality advertisements - New approaches to marketing
The creation of new media
The promotion of good news and nonviolent contents (of movies, rubrics, news)
The goals
The company, specialized for ethical advertising and operating; - The company, specialized for marketing of ethical products, services and media; - Become the “lawyer” of advertisers in advertising and marketing of ethical products, services and media in Slovenia and broader