Solar Pulse Music

Solar Pulse Music SOLAR PULSE MUSIC organizes alternative gigs in Maribor, Slovenia (mainly in Gustaf, Pekarna). Ključne besede: deficitarnost, neodvisnost, indie, D.I.Y.

KUD Solar Pulse Music je društvo, ki organizira koncerte neodvisnih glasbenih skupin in v Maribor v povprečju prinaša koncert ali dva mesečno. Izhodišče cikla je nadomestiti manko takšne glasbene scene in zagotoviti tovrstno ponudbo ter ustvarjalnosti v širši regiji. KUD Solar Pulse Music predstavlja vse zvrsti glasbe, ki izhajajo iz avtonomnih ustvarjalno-produkcijskih pogojev ter premorejo lastn

e kriterije. V skladu z deficitom glasbenih vsebin znotraj širšega okolja in regije ter interesi organizacijskega kolektiva pa se odloča za stilsko raznolikost, ki se giblje med indie rockom, elektroniko, ambientom, avantgardo, stoner rockom, nojzom, hardkorom in drugimi zvrstmi, ki jim je blizu preseganje žanrskih okvirov; če je že potrebna zamejitev, potem je govora predvsem o kreativnem razmerju med 'kitarsko' in 'elektronsko' glasbo. (naredi sam), glasba kot socialno-družbeni eksperiment in (vsaj vpričo dostopnosti produkcijskih sredstev) praksa demokracije, neprofitnost, dostopnost, organskost, odprtost, lastna produkcija, mednarodnost, inovativnost. KUD Solar Pulse Music is a society that books independent music shows and brings a concert or two per month to Maribor. The basis of our work is the lack of such music scene and the type of service and creativity in the wider region. KUD Solar Pulse Music represents all genres of music, coming from autonomous creative-productive conditions and possess their own criteria. In accordance with the deficit of musical content within the wider community and the region and the interests of the organizing collective, a stylish diversity is ruled, ranging from indie rock, electronics, atmosphere, avant-garde, stoner rock, noise, hardcore and other genres, which identify with surpassing genre frameworks; if there is a necessary limit, then a creative relationship between the 'guitar' and 'electronic' music is what we can speak of. Keywords: deficiency, independence, indie, DIY (do it yourself), music as a social experiment, and (at least facing the availability of the means of production) practice of democracy, non-profit, accessibility and organic, openness, own production, internationality, innovation.

‼️Mondo Generator & OMEGA SUN & Harrowist @ Dvorana Gustaf‼️

‼️Mondo Generator & OMEGA SUN & Harrowist @ Dvorana Gustaf‼️

Za obisk tega koncerta sem se odločil bolj ali manj v zadnjem trenutku. Na eni strani je trenutna nasičenost koncertov, ki jih želim obiskati, neznansko...

Mondo Generator & OMEGA SUN & Harrowist @ Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna!Karte lahko še danes in jutri kupite na:

Mondo Generator & OMEGA SUN & Harrowist @ Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna!
Karte lahko še danes in jutri kupite na:

Vstopnice za Mondo Generator (USA) + Omega Sun (SLO) + Harrowist (A), 08.05.2024 ob 21:00 v Dvorana Gustaf - KC Pekarna, Maribor

California's stoner punx Mondo Generator are coming to Maribor on May 8th... accompanied by slovenian stoners OMEGA SUN ...

California's stoner punx Mondo Generator are coming to Maribor on May 8th... accompanied by slovenian stoners OMEGA SUN and austrian hc punx Harrowist! You don't wanna miss out on this madness @ Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna! ❤️
International coproduction with No Profit Recordings, Stone Kraft Prod. and Solar Pulse Music!

These awesome dudes, Harrowist, just released a video for their new single No Hope (from album Pamir coming out next wee...

These awesome dudes, Harrowist, just released a video for their new single No Hope (from album Pamir coming out next week)!
You'll be able to see them live in action in Maribor on May the 8th, joining forces with Mondo Generator and OMEGA SUN @ Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna! ❤️

Die Single "No Hope" von unserem neuen Album "Pamir", welches am 09.02.2024 erscheinen wird.Produced by Nadine GeuterDirected by Nadine Geuter/Katharina Rieg...

Tickets for Mondo Generator (USA) + Omega Sun (SLO) + Harrowist (A) @ AGD Gustaf, 08.05.2024. are now available at:

Tickets for Mondo Generator (USA) + Omega Sun (SLO) + Harrowist (A) @ AGD Gustaf, 08.05.2024. are now available at:

Vstopnice za Mondo Generator (USA) + Omega Sun (SLO) + Harrowist (A), 08.05.2024 ob 21:00 v Dvorana Gustaf - KC Pekarna, Maribor

SOON... 🤯

SOON... 🤯


Ob Zeleznici 16



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