Ramiro Lopez ta pozyva na svoj debut uz tento piatok ✌️
Španielska techno legenda RAMIRO LOPEZ prvýkrát na Slovensku!Jeho tracky vyšli na top labeloch ako Drumcode, Filth on Acid a Terminal M. Okrem toho si založil aj vlastný label Odd Recordings a Union Three spolu s dj Spartaque.Počas pandémie vydal album “Al retortero” s 15 originálnymi trackmi a keď práve nemixuje, vrhá sa do projektu Cheflopez, kde kombinuje hudbu s varením na cool miestach v jeho rodnej La Manche.Okrem toho sa môžeš pripraviť na exkluzívny, 2h set od najžiadanejšej dvojice ELSY B2B DRAHOSH!Elsy aj Drahosh sú známi pre svoj technický skill a cit pre hudobný flow, ktorý zaručí tú pravú klubovú atmosféru až do konca.O support sa postará aj Kristy Jay, ktorej prvý techno release si budeš môcť vypočuť na jednom talianskom labeli už tento rok a dorazí aj slovenský dj pôsobiaci najmä v Prahe, Zolike.TICKETS - GOOUT.NET 1. VLNA 10€ 2. VLNA 13,50€Na mieste 15€— — — — — — — — — — ENG:Spanish techno legend RAMIRO LOPEZ for the first time in Slovakia!His tracks were released on top labels such as Drumcode, Filth on Acid and Terminal M. In addition, he also founded his own label Odd Recordings and Union Three together with DJ Spartaque.During the pandemic, he released the album "Al retortero" with 15 original tracksand when he's not mixing, he throws himself into the Cheflopez project, combining music with cooking at cool spots in his native La Mancha.In addition, you can get ready for an exclusive, 2-hour set from the most sought-after pair ELSY B2B DRAHOSH!Both Elsy and Drahosh are known for their technical skill and feeling for musical flow, which guarantees the right club atmosphere until the end.Support will also be provided by Kristy Jay, whose first techno release you will be able to hear on an Italian label already this year, and a Slovak DJ working mainly in Prague, Zolike, will also arrive.TICKETS - GOOUT.NET 1. PHASE 10€ 2. PHASE 13,50€On the door 15€
Bass Awards CZ/SK Djka
7th place @dj_lucca
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16.2. @wax_bratislava
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