Indian Summer in Levoca

Indian Summer in Levoca An innovative music festival in the secret heart of Europe.

The most exciting classical music festival in Central Europe. 2022 features among others
the Czech Philharmonic Quartet, the British tenor Philip Sheffield, the pianist Jonathan Powell and the Mojse Band, with music of Mozart, Dvorak, Borodin, Bartok, Vaughan Williams and many others.

Our 2024 programme! Seven great concerts in September 2024 for the 17th Annual Festival! Wihan Quartet, Moyzes Quartet, ...

Our 2024 programme! Seven great concerts in September 2024 for the 17th Annual Festival!
Wihan Quartet, Moyzes Quartet, Litomysl Symphony Orchestra, Philip Sheffield, Mark Viner, Haydn Baryton Trio Budapest...

Programme 2024 Monday16 September 19.00 Lytomyšl Symphony Orchestra (Czechia)Lucie Vavřínová (soprano) / Leoš Krejší (bass)Bendl Choir (Česká Třebová, Czechia)Otakar Choir (Vysoké Mýto, Czechia)David Lukáš (conductor) Antonín Dvořák – Slavonic Dance op, 46 no. 8 : Biblical songs ...

Review of the Festival on TVLevoca

Review of the Festival on TVLevoca

💬 Záverečným koncertom v divadle minulú nedeľu vyvrcholil medzinárodný festival vážnej hudby Levočské babie leto, ktoré opäť ponúklo pestrú paletu mimoriadn...

Le nuove musiche a Tomas Kamieniak (16 a 23 september) - TV Levoca

Le nuove musiche a Tomas Kamieniak (16 a 23 september) - TV Levoca

💬 Medzinárodný festival vážnej hudby Levočské babie toto leto otvoril svoje brány už po 16. krát, a po posledných dvoch víkendoch má zatiaľ za sebou dva kon...

Schubert, Schumann, Mozart - dnes 17.00 Divadlo Levoca!Wiener Kammersymphonie / Kateřina Englichová  (harfa) / Vilém Vev...

Schubert, Schumann, Mozart - dnes 17.00 Divadlo Levoca!
Wiener Kammersymphonie / Kateřina Englichová (harfa) / Vilém Veverka (hoboj)

Dnes - Viedenské komorné symfonické kvinteto   (Divadlo Levoca 19.00) - Mahler, Haydn a valciky a polky Josefa Straussa ...

Dnes - Viedenské komorné symfonické kvinteto (Divadlo Levoca 19.00) - Mahler, Haydn a valciky a polky Josefa Straussa a Josefa Lannera!

Dnes - Kateřina Englichová (harfa) a Vilém Veverka (hoboj) (Česko)- Galeria,  Levoča 17:00

Dnes - Kateřina Englichová (harfa) a Vilém Veverka (hoboj) (Česko)- Galeria, Levoča 17:00

Dnes! „Zimná cesta" Schuberta...

Dnes! „Zimná cesta" Schuberta...



Fabulous recital by Tomasz Kamieniak - Silvestrov, Fried Ann, Scharwenka, Liszt, and an epic performance of Chopin's 3rd...

Fabulous recital by Tomasz Kamieniak - Silvestrov, Fried Ann, Scharwenka, Liszt, and an epic performance of Chopin's 3rd Sonata.


LBL Festival coverage on Radio Tatras International!!


TVLevoca Interview with Nadia and David Conway previewing the 2023 Levoca Festival

21/09/2023 in on Friday at 13.00 when David and Nadia will be telling Eric all abou...
Listen in on Friday at 13.00 when David and Nadia will be telling Eric all about the treats in store at the 2023 Festival!

Postcard From Poprad the alternative news show from Radio Tatras International with Award Winning broadcaster Eric Wiltsher, Award winning journalist Leigh Banks and Rachel Brunsden from Roo Land. Everything from Tech to Tabloid News.

Tomasz Kamieniak plays Silvestrov, Friedman, Scharwenka, Liszt and Chopin at Levoca ZUS, 18.00 23 september - volny vstu...

Tomasz Kamieniak plays Silvestrov, Friedman, Scharwenka, Liszt and Chopin at Levoca ZUS, 18.00 23 september - volny vstup!

Super opening concert last night by Le nuove musiche!

Super opening concert last night by Le nuove musiche!

LBL Festival v Rádiu Devín 14 .9.23 (Ars Musica)1:38:15 Kateřina Englichová a Vilém Veverka (harfa a hoboj)1:42:40 Rozho...

LBL Festival v Rádiu Devín 14 .9.23 (Ars Musica)
1:38:15 Kateřina Englichová a Vilém Veverka (harfa a hoboj)
1:42:40 Rozhovor s Nad'ou Conwayovou

LBL Festival on Radio Devin 14 .9.23 (Ars Musica)
1:38:15 Katerina Englichova and Vilem Veverka (harp and oboe)
1:42:40 Interview with Nad'a Conway

Vypočujte si archív našich rádií. Rádio Slovensko, Rádio Regina, ale aj ostatné stanice a relácie kedykoľvek chcete.

Our 16th International Music Festival at Levoca - coming soon and featuring amongst others Le nuove musiche, Kateřina En...

Our 16th International Music Festival at Levoca - coming soon and featuring amongst others Le nuove musiche, Kateřina Englichová ,Tomasz Kamieniak, Jonathan Powell, Vilém Veverka, Philip Sheffield and the Wiener Kammersymphonie!

At last! First recording of Steve Elcock's great quartet 'The Cage of Opprobrium', written for and premiered at the Indi...

At last! First recording of Steve Elcock's great quartet 'The Cage of Opprobrium', written for and premiered at the Indian Summer in Levoca Festival!

On 7 April, The Tippett Quartet releases the second volume of Steve Elcock Composer's Chamber Music! Preview and pre-order today:

The English composer Steve Elcock (b. 1957) spent years writing music without ever expecting it to be heard: based in rural France, he worked as a translator, composing in his spare time. The emergence of his orchestral and chamber music on Toccata Classics over the past few years has led to his being acclaimed as one of the most important composers at work today. This recording of his four works (to date) for string quartet confirms that judgement: all in single spans, they generate tension and energy in equal measure – animated, in one of them, by a lively sense of humour.

At last! First recording of Steve Elcock's 'Cage of Opprobrium', written for and premiered at the Indian Summer in Levoc...

At last! First recording of Steve Elcock's 'Cage of Opprobrium', written for and premiered at the Indian Summer in Levoca Festival!

On 7 April, The Tippett Quartet releases the second volume of Steve Elcock Composer's Chamber Music! Preview and pre-order today:

The English composer Steve Elcock (b. 1957) spent years writing music without ever expecting it to be heard: based in rural France, he worked as a translator, composing in his spare time. The emergence of his orchestral and chamber music on Toccata Classics over the past few years has led to his being acclaimed as one of the most important composers at work today. This recording of his four works (to date) for string quartet confirms that judgement: all in single spans, they generate tension and energy in equal measure – animated, in one of them, by a lively sense of humour.

Слава Україні!! 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑈𝑘𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 2022 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝐿...

Слава Україні!! 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑈𝑘𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 2022 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑐𝑎 𝐹𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙.

Jonathan Powell plays a selection of romantic Ukrainian piano repertoire at the 2022 Indian Summer in Levoca Festival.Mykola Lysenko - Lullaby, op.33 (1890)...

Wishing everyone the best for Christmas and a happy 2023 from The Indian Summer in Levoca Festival! Here to celebrate ar...

Wishing everyone the best for Christmas and a happy 2023 from The Indian Summer in Levoca Festival! Here to celebrate are Bartok's Romanian Dances from Juraj Tomka and Ivan Palovic at the 2022 Festival.

Juraj Tomka (violin) and Ivan Palovič (viola) play these famous pieces, based on folk-tunes collected by Bartok himself in Transylvania, at the 2022 Indian...

Ivan Palovic and Juraj Tomka at LBL2022 - report by TVLevoca

Ivan Palovic and Juraj Tomka at LBL2022 - report by TVLevoca

💬 V seriáli reportáži venovaných Levočskému babiemu letu vám dnes priblížime koncert v mestskej galérií v podaní dvoch skvelých slovenských interpretov husl...

Mojse Band at the Levoca Festival this September - report by TVLevoca

Mojse Band at the Levoca Festival this September - report by TVLevoca

💬 Mojše Band na prvom koncerte Levočského babieho leta priblížil židovskú smiechovu hudobnú kultúru. ✔️ Ak vás naša reportáž oslovila, dajte jej 👍 a zdieľa...

Zhrnutie festivalu od TVLevoča - podrobnejšie reportáže/rozhovory/videá z vystúpení...s vďakou všetkým našim úžasným hud...

Zhrnutie festivalu od TVLevoča - podrobnejšie reportáže/rozhovory/videá z vystúpení...s vďakou všetkým našim úžasným hudobníkom......

TVLevoca's summary of the Festival - more detailed reports/interviews/performance videos to follow.....with thanks to all our great musicians......

💬 Medzinárodný hudobný festival Levočské babie leto má už má za sebou aj ďalší jubilejný 15. ročník. Ten bol síce poznačený menšou finančnou dotáciou, no ma...

Hudba vymyslená a pretvorená naprieč storočiami – Mozart, Borodin a Krček na festivale dnes večer s Českým filharmonický...

Hudba vymyslená a pretvorená naprieč storočiami – Mozart, Borodin a Krček na festivale dnes večer s Českým filharmonickým kvartetom a Ivanom Palovičom

Music invented and reimagined across the centuries - Mozart, Borodin and Krček at the festival tonight with the Czech Philharmonic Quartet and Ivan Palovič

Britský tenorista Philip Sheffield dnes večer na festivale zaspieva anglické piesne vrátane slovenskej premiéry skladby ...

Britský tenorista Philip Sheffield dnes večer na festivale zaspieva anglické piesne vrátane slovenskej premiéry skladby „On Wenlock Edge“ od Vaughana Williamsa na oslavu skladateľových 150. narodenín.

The British tenor Philip Sheffield sings English songs at the Fetival this evening, including the Slovak premiere of "On Wenlock Edge" by Vaughan Williams, to celebrate the composer's 150th birthday.


Klastorska 36


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Indian Summer in Levoca......

...the most exciting classical music festival in Central Europe! 2020 is our 13th year, with the artists and programming as exciting as ever. Watch our FB page for news, and come and join us in Levoca on 2nd-6th October 2020 to hear thrilling performances from Europe’s finest musicians.

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