This selector began the history of his musical path in the year 1999 under the pseudonym „Dj MeSs“.

First years of his selections are associated with Hip-Hop and R’n’B. In the same year, for the first time in his life, he visited Jamaica. Culture of this island impressed him so much, that since that time until today he is presenting himself as a DJ playing reggae and dancehall. The hometown, Trencin knows him as a fix star, the founder of corner stone of the first Trencin sound system „Ghetto Yo

uths Sound“ and the propagator of this culture. ROOTING

In the year 2004 and 2007 he flew again to Jamaica and gained contacts with the artists from this island. Thanks to these connections, he happened to be the first Slovak collector and selector playing *dubplates (*dubplate = track, sung by a singer with a dedication to sound or selector). In 2005 and 2006 he took part in the Czech tournament “45 CLASH”, where thanks to his selection and support from the Trencin massive he got to the final round. He is also known as a musical promoter. 14th September 2005 in Trencin he founded the “Red, Gold & Green” club, uniting people who support a culture associated with the Caribbean music (Reggae, Dancehall & Soca). Thus he was providing regular entertainment in the city, everyone surely remembers the legendary parties “Welcome To Trenchtown”. Many achievements are on his account. The biggest is the first Slovak sound clash “One Will Survive”, where he stood up to its formation, he was also the organizer of the first Slovak “Dancehall Queen”. EVOLUTION

The breakthrough came in 2008 when the DJ MeSs realized that people have learned to a stereotype and decided to cancel the “Red, Gold & Green” club. Set aside to open the door to a new idea, he founded the “Most High Records”. He began the new era, which started with parties called “Higher Level”. It is essential to know, that the establishment of “Most High Records” was a start of a label and a recording studio, under which he is publishing titles, mostly MIX CD’s focused on Caribbean music (Reggae, Dancehall & Soca). Under the auspices of the “Most High Records” he organized battle of sound systems from Czech and Slovak Republic, called the “Royal Sound Clash” which was the second clash in Trencin. In Slovakia he is still the first and only selector playing Caribbean style SOCA (Soul Of Calypso), which he made famous with mixtapes “Socaration”. PRESENT

Dj MeSs is constantly working to improve himself and actually is fully working on expanding the activities of “Most High Records.” After a successful series of “Higher Level” parties he began to organize an event titled “DUTTY VYBZ”. The name carries the best in Afro-Caribbean parties ever “Trenchtown” experienced, but also dance workshops with different lecturers and tutors of big names. As the first in his country, Dj MeSs, fell for the new musical genres “Moombahton” and “Future Dancehall”, and began by promoting a series of mix CD’s “Moombahlize It” and “Moombah Yard”. Dj MeSs fundamentally is not a fan of stereotype and doing nothing, so you can always look forward to new events, parties, workshops, other activities and cooperation.

Nie je to tak dávno, čo si naši rodičia a prarodičia nemohli robiť čo chceli, cestovať kam chceli, študovať kde chceli, ...

Nie je to tak dávno, čo si naši rodičia a prarodičia nemohli robiť čo chceli, cestovať kam chceli, študovať kde chceli, dokonca ani počúvať hudbu akú chceli...

Dnes oproti minulosti len my a naše hlasy vo voľbách rozhodli o tom kto nám tu dnes vládne a kam unáša našu krajinu. Ak chceme aby naša budúcnosť bola slobodná, tak sa dnes treba postaviť na námestie a vyjadriť svoj nesúhlas so súčasnou politickou situáciou.


Dj MeSs | Official Titles

Dj MeSs | Official Titles


Socaration is a music project started in 2008 by Dj MeSs. It is published by the Slovak label Most High Records. New episode is out now!

Shatta Ranks Mixtape vol.1 presented by Dj MeSs

Shatta Ranks Mixtape vol.1 presented by Dj MeSs

by Dj MeSs on | Shatta

Dovoľte mi popriať Vám veselé Vianoce a už onedlho aj šťastný Nový rok 2025! Rád by som sa poďakoval za Vašu priazeň nie...

Dovoľte mi popriať Vám veselé Vianoce a už onedlho aj šťastný Nový rok 2025! Rád by som sa poďakoval za Vašu priazeň nielen v tomto roku a práve preto by som sa Vám chcel odvďačiť novým, v tomto roku posledným oficiálnym titulom od vydavateľstva Most High Records. Jedná sa o úplnú novinku v mojom portfóliu. Konečne som sa odhodlal nahrať svoj prvý mixtape zameraný na hudobný žáner Shatta. Názov tohto mixtape-u je Shatta Ranks s poradovým číslo jedna, pričom obsahuje 82 skladieb a takmer 100 minút kvalitnej selekcie. Prijmite prosím tento mixtape ako vianočný dar a spríjemnite si tieto krásne sviatočné dni v príjemnej a pohodovej atmosfére. Ďakujem!

Ďakujem za support - Multikultúrny portál

Ďakujem za support - Multikultúrny portál

Dovoľte nám popriať Vám veselé Vianoce a už onedlho aj šťastný Nový rok 2025! Radi by sme sa poďakovali za Vašu priazeň nielen v tomto roku a práve preto by sme sa Vám chceli odvďačiť novým, v tomto roku posledným oficiálnym titulom od vydavateľstva Most High Records. Jedná sa...

Dnes v noci presne o 00:00 hrám na tradičnom slovenskom Švanda Claat vol.11. Nesmierne sa teším na Vaše vypapané brušká.

Dnes v noci presne o 00:00 hrám na tradičnom slovenskom Švanda Claat vol.11. Nesmierne sa teším na Vaše vypapané brušká.

Rok 2018 bol v Steps Clube ešte jeden z tých silných. Rád naň ako aj na iné spomínam a zároveň stále verím, že ľudia nes...

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