De Hal, multipurpose exhibit hall

De Hal, multipurpose exhibit hall ▫️ Rental space in Paramaribo Suriname 🇸🇷 ▫️ Uses: Art, craft, cultural and business e From the patio the hall is entered through an entryway.

This for profit business is based on the concept of offering an exhibition space capable of accommodating fine art, craft, cultural, social, business and fusion exhibitions and shows. It is located in a highly frequented area, at walking distance from the ‘uitgaans centrum’ (social hub) in Paramaribo. The exhibition space is complemented with a functional and spacious entry garden which is locate

d at the Grote Combe weg number 45. HALL SPECS

The entry garden measures 10 x 65 meters and has a cemented path way (drive way if necessary) that leads to a cemented patio measuring 10 x 12 meters. The patio is covered with light construction roofing material against wind and light rain. The entry garden will be ideal for the display of outdoor projects or for the eventual accommodation of tents or booths to be supplied by third party rental companies. The hall measures 12 x 17 meters, by 4 m in height, is air conditioned and has 3 and 3/4 full walls (no windows) and the entire floor area for display. The hall is well lit but it also has possibilities for additional lighting display. The hall is also accessible during build-up from a rear service entry located at the Louise Laan, which is especially convenient for use during the set up of exhibits and shows. It is accessible for cars & small forklifts (max 2,5 ton). The building includes three additional support spaces which function as follows: one is an entry with enough space to accommodate a signing station and/or a cash registrar’s station, one room is the catering support room with refrigerator and dishwashing station, one is a field office space. In the hall, on the right hand side upon entry there are 2 restrooms. Outside of the hall there is 1 restroom for guests enjoying the outside patio space. See our photo album:


Email: [email protected] , phone: 472808, fax: 425890

Uw evenement in De Hal! Super Cool!Exposities !Opnames !Pop-ups !Phone: (597)472808Mobile: (597) 8821186Email: de.hal.da...

Uw evenement in De Hal! Super Cool!
Exposities !
Opnames !
Pop-ups !
Phone: (597)472808
Mobile: (597) 8821186
Email: [email protected]

Make your product pop!Uitstekende locatie om foto en video opnames te makenPhone: (597)472808Mobile: (597) 8821186Email:...

Make your product pop!
Uitstekende locatie om foto en video opnames te maken
Phone: (597)472808
Mobile: (597) 8821186
Email: [email protected]

Uw evenement in De Hal!Make your product pop!Exposities , Opnames , Trainingen!Phone: (597)472808Mobile: (597) 8821186Em...

Uw evenement in De Hal!
Make your product pop!
Exposities , Opnames , Trainingen!
Phone: (597)472808
Mobile: (597) 8821186
Email: [email protected]


Grote Combe Weg 45





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