Best for someone whose favorite colors are purple and pink !! Arranged by our select florist using a variety of different shades of purple and pink tones. Lavender ruffle carnations, delicate lavender roses, purple stock and fragrant scented stargazer lilies, paired with purple butterfly asters and natures freshest greens, all arranged in a majestic glass vase.
Try our "Florist's Designer Bouquet" and choose from one of our Tier -
*Florist's Design (Basic)
*Florist's Delight
*Florist's Extravaganza
Whatever the occasion you can feel confident allowing one of our expert floral designers create a made to order bouquet using their own signature style and flair.
#flowersanddecorbysean #flowers #florist #flowershop #floralstagram #occasions #weddings #anniversary #graduation #birthdays #love #justbecause #bouquet #fruitarrangments #websiteorders #deliveryservice #floraldesign #floral #floristdesigner #worldwidedelivery #floraldelivery #internationalfloraldelivery #trinidadflowers #sunflower #cymbidiumorchids #lilies #callalily #roses #yellowtulips #tulips
There's no better way to say "I LOVE YOU" than with a bouquet of romantic ❤ flowers 💐 .Everyday is the right day to spoil your sweetheart ❤!!
Get a hand-crafted bouquet made by our select florists at Flowers & Décor by Sean. You can get started by placing your order via our website at or by calling us at 622-4525. Your arrangement will be designed by our select florists and then dispatched for delivery. Put a smile on a loved one's face today with Flowers & Décor by Sean.
Design your bouquet with us. You can get started by placing your order via our website at or by calling us at 622-4525. Your arrangement will be hand-crafted by our select florists and then dispatched for delivery. Put a smile on a loved one's face with Flowers & Decor by Sean.
#flowersandecorbysean #fdbs #flowers #florist #floraldesign #occasions #arrangement #flowershop
Music: Fumblerooski by LAB HITS - Felix Manzi
Design your bouquet with us. You can get started by placing your order via our website at or by calling us at 622-4525. Your arrangement will be hand-crafted by our select florists and then dispatched for delivery. Put a smile on a loved one's face with Flowers & Decor by Sean.
#flowersandecorbysean #fdbs #flowers #florist #floraldesign #occasions #arrangement #flowershop
Music: Fumblerooski by LAB HITS - Felix Manzi
Plan your special occasion with our expert florists, and have a custom-designed bouquet created for your one and only! Our flower shop specializes in modern, glam and chic arrangements for all occasions.
Visit us online at or call us at 1-868-622-4525 to get a free consultation.
#flowersandecorbysean #fdbs #flowers #florist #floraldesign #occasions #birthday #anniversary #arrangement #flowershop
Music: Orange Loops by Imperss
Get ready for Graduation 2022 with Flowers & Décor by Sean! 💐🎓
We offer corsages, boutonnieres & bouquets that match any suit or dress. Make it a night to remember!
(868) 622-4525 or (868) 622-3261
18 Salazar Street, St James, POS
Delivery is available!
#graduation #prom #flowers #flower #floral #flowershop #trinibusiness #trinidadandtobago #868business #fruitarrangment #trinidad #trinidadandtobagoweddings #flowersanddecorbysean #fdbs #wedding #weddingideas #weddingflowers
Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace....
Wherever life plants you,
Bloom with grace... Happy Saturday 😊
Sunflowers 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻
Sunflowers Symbolize 🌻 🌻 🌻
Happiness, Optimism, Honesty, Longevity, Peace, Admiration and Devotion...
#flowersanddecorbysean #internationalfloraldelivery #floraldelivery
#redroses #roses #birthday #maybirthdays #mothersday #mothersdaygift #mothersday2022 #mothersdaygiftideas #mothersdayflowers #flowers #carnations #lilies #tulips #Iris #orchids #freshflowers #floralarrangements #18salazarstreetstjames #stjamesflowershop #portofspainflowershop #flowershoptrinidad #floristtrinidad