KAISO HOUSE has emerged over the past decade as one of the frontline venues for the performance of the Calypso music during the Carnival season. The top class quality of the calypsos presented, the high standard of the performances, all combine to create an exciting and enjoyable entertainment package. The satisfaction of the audience is a priority on the KAISO HOUSE agenda. The power of the KAISO
HOUSE CALYPSO TENT has only recently been acknowledged by the entertainment media and Carnival researchers alike. While the KAISO HOUSE has built a solid reputation as the flagship for social and political commentary styles, it is the same show which gave the world humorous classics by artistes such as: Lady Aeisha, Brown Boy and Bunny B. Before them came All Rounder, Contender, Hamidullah and the late Puppet Master
As for party songs and power packed festival styled material, the same KAISO HOUSE has rocked the Carnival over many a year with songs. Artistes like Shadow, Lord Nelson, Ella Andell, Crazy, Johnny King, Iwer George, Bunji Garlin and Rikki Jai, have all performed at KAISO HOUSE. KAISO HOUSE …..where royalty is habit. Here in Trinidad and Tobago, there is only one Calypso Tent that can boast of capturing National titles in every major Calypso Competition in the Carnival over the years. The National Calypso Monarch………………………….. Singing Sandra, Black Stalin, Shadow,
Karene Asche and Duane Oconnor and the
Mystic Prowler(deceased). The National Road March……………………
Shadow and the late Wayne Rodriguez
The International Soca Monarch……………………………
Shadow, Bunji Garlin and Super Blue. The King of Kings Title………………………………
Black Stalin
The Veterans Calypso Monarch ………………….. Brother Valentino, Brother Mudada
The National Extempo Championship………………………. Sheldon John(deceased), Winston “Gypsy” Peters
The National Calypso Queen………………………………………
Twiggy, Singing Sonia, the late Lady B. The Zonal Calypso Championships…………………………………
North Zone: Duane O’Connor and Karene Asche. South Central Zone: Mista Shak
And when the history of Calypso is told, the story will unfold to reveal that legendary singers like the late Honourable Pretender and Terror once graced the KAISO HOUSE stage. Today the KAISO HOUSE experience is endorsed by theundisputed Calypso King of the world – The Mighty Sparrow. And as we enter a new decade, a new chapter is being written. The flag bearers are The explainer, Mudada and the peoples Calypsonian Brother Valentino. The mother of the Tent is singing Sandra and along with Twiggy and marvelous marva, they make a statement to the world. Brother Resistance and the Rootsman defend the tradition along with Lasana and Kassman….who could stop KAISO HOUSE now…
Today the voice of the younger Calypso artistes reverberates in the halls of this hallowed institution. A voice of …………………confidence and self assurance
A voice of …………………pride and power
A new attitude, a commitment to the commentary and storytelling ethos of the ancient tradition. Yet it is a voice which expresses the aims and aspiration, the hopes and prayers of this new generation. A voice which boldly proclaims to the world that Calypso is alive. Karene Asche and Duane O’Connor both boasting National Monarch titles represent that voice. Just in her twenties, Karene became the youngest singer to capture the National Calypso Monarch title in Trinidad and Tobago. KAISO HOUSE has provided the platform, the pathway of comfort and camaraderie for this new generation to interact and embrace the excellence and elegance of our elder statesmen and women of the Calypso art. The new era of the Calypso Tent Culture is NOW, and we call it KAISO HOUSE. KAISO HOUSE…
“where excellence…is a tradition”.