Musical Arts Appreciation Group [MAAG] of UWI
Our group is a non-profit entity which intends to provide a forum for amateur artists, poets and other semi- professional artists within and, to a lesser extent, around The University of the West Indies Community. Acopy of our consitution as follows;
I Pledge alligance to the constituion of the maag
Music and Arts Appreciation Group
Enrichment, Enl
ightenment, Inspiration and Sophistication
Section A
Article 1. The above mentioned organization shall hereafter be referred to as the Group or MAAG. The Group shall take seat where ever the executive council decides via a fifty percent majority vote. Aims and Objectives of the Group
The Group shall provide a forum for artists, musicians, poets and any other performing artist that may be allowed by the executive for the purpose of exposure of talent within the university and outside the university community for the benefit of the performers and the community. The Group shall take special bias towards facilitating guitarists and poets within the university. Any other artists shall be facilitated as the executive committee sees fit via vote of more than thirty percent of the standing members. The Group shall educate its’ membership in the use of musical instruments in theory and practice within various art forms and will promote as many art forms of music as possible. [where controversy may arise as to the legitimacy or suitability of a particular art form, the executive council has a right to decide on such matter]
The Group shall try to inform its’ membership of activities that may boost artistic development. Again, the executive shall take special bias in the dispensation of such information. Composition of the MAAG
The Group shall comprise of three types of members. These are Executive members, Ordinary members and Extraordinary members. Executive members: These shall comprise of elected members who have run for positions as executive officers in the executive committee and currently serve as such officers. They shall also consist of voluntary members of any standing committees. These members are not required to register as ordinary members. Ordinary members: These shall comprise all registered members of the Group.[refer to registration]
Extraordinary members: These shall comprise of members that the executive has recognized as people who play or have played an influential role in the operation of one or more of the groups’ aims and objectives of the Group as defined in Article 2. As such, past executive members shall automatically be considered extraordinary members unless removal of the member is deemed a necessary act to sustain order within the Group or as disciplinary action. Otherwise, the president shall nominate anyone to be recognized as an extraordinary member and a simple majority vote taken by the executive committee to recognize such members. The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of elected executive officers for the following offices:
Vice President
Public Relations Office
Inter-club Relations Manager
Instruments Manager
Chief Coordinator
Duties of the office
The President shall
1. Convene and chair meetings of the executive committee.
2. Ensure that the executive carries out its duties
3. Delegate duties to executive members with the approval of the executive committee
4. Have an original and casting vote at all meetings
5. Ensure that agendas appropriate and relevant to the Groups’ functions are prepared for each meeting of the executive committee
6. Ensure that bias is kept according to article 2 at all meetings of the MAAG in which he/she presides and hence may use bias as the basis of a decision.
7. Be the signatory on the Group[MAAG] accounts.
8. In the event of absence of or failure of duties of an executive member, the President may temporarily delegate the said executive member’s duties to a volunteer with the approval of the executive committee for period not exceeding three executive committee meetings
The Vice President shall:
1. Assist the president in performing his/her duties
2. Deputize for the president when requested by the president or more than 75% of the executive in his absence
3. Assume presidential duties in the event of resignation of or the failure of duties due to absence , illness or explained unforeseen circumstances(In such cases the president must explain his or her absence in the subsequent meeting, failure to do so will result in disciplinary action decided by over 75%.of executive committee votes
4. Assist the treasurer and instruments manager in the function of there duties
5. Bring concerns of ordinary members to the executive committee
6. Be the signatory on the Group[MAAG] accounts
7. Ensure the bias is kept according to article 2 at all meetings of the MAAG in which he/she or the president resides
The Treasurer shall:
1. Be the principal signatory for [MAAG] bank accounts
2. Ensure a ledger or petty cash book is kept and maintained for purposes of cash Transactions involving credit and debit
3. Collect and Archive all statements, invoices, bills and cheques relevant to transactions made.
4. Ensure responsible financial management of the Group’s investments, purchases, procurements, contracts and any other relevant financial transactions.
5. Collect registration fees from the ordinary members from the Group
6. Collect sponsorship monies from any sponsors, approved by the executive, for the purposes of running the Group’s activities.
7. Ensure that tutors are paid regularly and punctually.
8. Ensure that authorization is acquired and held for the purchasing of assets for the Group.
9. Propose a listing of budget revenues and expenditures within six weeks of the start of tenure of office.
10. Prepare an annual financial statement, for two weeks prior to the end of his/ her term of office, consisting generally of the monies held and utilized.
11. Advise the executive committee on matters of finance and may use bias, according to article 2, as an adequate reason but only in this respect.
12. Delegate duties 2,3,5,6 and/or 7 to only one suitable volunteer as he/she may see fit but will be held responsible for the actions of that volunteer
The Secretary shall
1. Ensure accurate minutes of all meetings are taken [running minutes not required], submitted at subsequent meetings for inspection by the executive committee and appropriately archived for future reference.
2. Accurately record attendance of members to executive committee meetings
3. Ensure that all decisions and all instances of or matters of bias are recorded as such [in such cases, the president may be asked by an executive member if bias is being used and must state such use of bias to make any decision]
4. Collect and dispatch all correspondence of the MAAG on its’ behalf
5. Write documents as required by the Executive committee on behalf of the MAAG
6. Ensure that matters concerning executive members are communicated to all executive members in a timely manner. This will include the communication of agendas of meetings to executive members before the meetings occur.
7. Be the official bearer of the MAAG constitution and may be asked to respond in reference to constitutional matters.
8. Delegate duties 1,2,3,4,5 and/or 6 to only one suitable volunteer as he/she may see fit but will be held responsible for the actions of that volunteer
The Public Relations Officer shall
1. Be the chair of the Social Outreach and Promotion Committee
2. Sit on the Finance and Fundraising Committee
3. Be responsible for the management of the marketing and promotions
4. Communicate the initiatives and activities of the MAAG to its’ membership and the university community.
5. Not be allowed to use bias as defined in article 2 at his/her discretion but may request to use such at an executive meeting from the committee. The use of bias in the dispensation of duties without permission is deemed an act of gross misconduct
6. Encourage new unbiased membership and participation of members and the community in activities of the MAAG
7. Lobby for sponsors for various MAAG initiatives
8. Bring concerns of ordinary members to the executive committee
9. Establish email contacts for the MAAG membership
10. Must organize at least one social outreach project in one week or weekend of the calendar year
The Inter-Club Relations Manager shall
1. Liaise with other clubs, societies and organizations, such as the student guild, within the university to ensure that university community benefits from combined coordinated activities
2. Report on liaison matters to the executive committee and state benefits of such activity
3. Act as the official representative at the any meetings convened to assist in liaison matters on behalf of the MAAG
4. Sit on the Social Outreach and Promotion Committee
5. Sit on the Instruments Committee
7. Delegate duties 1,2 and/or 3 to only one suitable volunteer as he/she may see fit but will be held responsible for the actions of that volunteer
8. Not be allowed to use bias at his/her discretion but may request to use such at an executive meeting from the committee. The use of bias in the dispensation of duties without permission is deemed an act of gross misconduct
The Instruments Manager shall
1. Be responsible for the proper maintenance, management and accounting of MAAG properties and fixed assets
2. Hold records of all MAAG property in a MAAG property register
3. Assist in Coordinating all major MAAG performances
4. Help in the musical development of future and current artist by organizing regular performances, talent shows, musical workshops, and tutors
5. Use the Bias to perform his task efficiently
6. Be the chairman of the instruments management committee
7. Sit on the Coordinating committee
The Chief Coordinator shall
1. Be the chairman of the coordinating committee
2. Efficiently organize and co ordinate all MAAG events as decided by the executive committee
3. Sit on the Finance and Fundraising Committee
4. Report on matters of finance on events to the finance and fund raising committee
5. If needed, request assistance of the instruments manager in his endeavours
Article 6
Duties of the Executive committee
There shall exist an executive committee made up of elected members unless section B article X is enacted. This committee shall:
1. Enforce the policies of the MAAG with respect to section B
2. Represent the members of the MAAG in every thing done
3. Ensure that the objective of the club remains constant as said in section A- article 2
4. Collectively enforce the Bias as defined in section A article 2 in decision making by certain members as defined in section A article 5
5. Ensure that the standing committees are run properly and their main objectives for the planned tenure of events are given and executed in a timely manner
6. Approve of the annual budget
7. Approve of events for a calendar year
8. Develop any policy needed for the appropriate running of the group
Article 7
Standing Committees
There shall be four standing committees of MAAG. These are as follows:
Finance and Fundraising Committee
Instruments Management Committee
Coordinating Committee
Social Outreach and Promotion Committee
Article 8
Duties of the standing committees
Finance and Fundraising Committee shall;
1. Consist of Chairman, a vice Chairman, Secretary, Fundraising coordinator and treasurer of which the executive treasurer is the chairman
2. Have as its permanent members: the Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer and the Chief Coordinator
3. Be responsible for all financial engagements put to them by the executive committee
4. Keep a ledger and accounting books, receipts, transactions of all the committees engagements
5. Ensure that all events are properly funded and monies from such events collected
6. Hold all fund raising events and collect all monies from all engagements by the MAAG
7. Keep in close contact with all other committees concerning all financial engagements
8. Report to the executive treasurer when financial assistance is needed
9. Give copies of all financial transaction to the executive treasurer
Instruments Management Committee shall;
1. Consist of Chairman, a vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of which the executive instruments manager is the chairman
2. Have as its permanent members: The Instruments Manager and the Inter club Relations Manager
3. Be responsible for all property of MAAG
4. Perform duties given to them by the executive committee in a effective and efficient manner
5. Be responsible for finding teachers and developing the group artists talents by developing classes and showcases or gigs [it is in the pervue of the instruments Manager to develop the artist themselves and not necessarily the MAAG as a whole]
6. Report all matters of finance to the executive treasurer
Coordinating Committee shall:
1. Consist of a Chairman, Vice chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of which the Executive Chief Coordinator is the Chairman
2. Have as its permanent members: the Chief Coordinator, the Instruments Manager and the Inter club Relations Manager
3. Be responsible for the coordination and subsequent ex*****on of all MAAG activities and engagements given to them by the executive committee
4. Ensure that adequate personnel and materials are obtained for any event coordinated
5. Report all matter of finance to the executive treasurer
Social Outreach and Promotions Committee shall
1. Consists of a Chairman, Vice chairman, Secretary, MAAG Agent, Treasurer of which the Public Relations Officer shall be the Chairman
2. Have as its permanent members: the Public Relations Officer and the Inter club relations Manager
3. Be responsible for the Promotion of the MAAG artist and performers to the wider public and ensure that public awareness and confidence in the MAAG
4. Organize one social outreach project per year as decided by the executive [ that means two per tenure of office]
Section b
Article 1
Election Policies
1. In the group of the MAAG all the executive members are to be elected by means of private ballot box to members of the MAAG.
2. Elections shall be held in a timely manner once every year
3. One term in office is to a maximum of two(2) semesters after which elections must be held
4. Elected Positions will be open to only any existing members of the MAAG
5. One person may only run for an elected position for only two consecutive terms in office after which he/she is require to run for another position or kindly vacate the position in the following term
6. In the event of absence of a previously elected committee, a non elected committee may operate for a maximum of one term in office. Such members may run for office in the following term and will not be subject to the penalty in section B article 1 sub article 5. Article 2
Meeting Policies
1. Executive Meetings shall be held at least twice a semester or as the need arises. However ,an annual executive meeting must be held at the beginning and end of term of office in which all members must be present.[big gala event drinks]
2. Executive meetings will be chaired by the President but in his absence the Vice President will assume his role as the chairperson.
3. Minutes of every executive meeting must be taken and recorded for future viewing at subsequent meetings. However in the Secretary’s absence any member of the executive board can fill his/her duty
4. It is the duty and responsibility of the executive secretary to furnish minutes of previous meetings.
5. Minutes of the previous meeting must be emailed to every executive member at least two [2] days before the next meeting. It is the responsibility of each member to acquire the minutes if not given and read previous minutes to make reference to the next meeting.
6. Meetings maybe held online only through interactive chat or video conference if needed to which all other meeting policies still exist and govern such meetings
7. Executive meetings must have a quorum of at least five {5}executive voting members [inclusive of the chairperson, that is, the president or vice president] for major decisions to be made otherwise the meeting shall be known as an advisory meeting in which no decisions can be made but minutes of discussions and suggestions shall be held.
8. If quorum is not achieved within 30 minutes scheduled time the executive chair may then choose to wait another 30minutes giving reasons, make the meeting an advisory meeting or postponed it until further notice.
9. If quorum has not been achieved for two consecutive meetings the executive president can then make major decisions that need no votes from at least one advisory meeting minutes as he/she sees fit giving proper reason until a meeting of quorum is held
10. All executive members should provide reasonable excuses, beforehand if possible, for tardiness in arrival or absence from meetings.
11. Notice of all executive meetings shall be given by the President to executive members no less than five working days prior to the date of the meeting .notice shall be given via email or telephone or if possible.
12. Chronic absence of a member in executive meting of more than two[2] consecutive meetings without reasonable excuses shall be made a matter of disciplinary action
13. The order of business for executive meetings shall be:
Roll call of those present and apologies of those absent
Chairperson’s Report
Confirmation of Minutes of last meeting(s)
Matters arising from these meetings
Reports from executive officers and standing committees
Reports from external bodies
Any other business
Article 3
Behavior Policies
1. All members of the MAAG are bound by the laws of the land of the government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
2. All executive members of the MAAG shall show exemplary behavior at all times and especially in the public face.
3. Proper behavior is expected from executive members at meetings of the MAAG and no member [executive or otherwise] shall make himself/herself a nuisance during meetings
4. All actions deemed as improper by the executive shall be subject to disciplinary action by the disciplinary committee.
5. All executive members are expected to conduct themselves with proper decorum, politeness and should be helpful towards MAAG members
Article 4
Disciplinary Policies
1. In the MAAG shall exist a disciplinary committee consisting of either the president or vice president, two other executive members, and two members of any standing committee whose not on the executive board.
2. It is the policy in the event of misbehavior ,improper conduct and ,chronic tardiness of a executive member of the MAAG that a Disciplinary Committee be responsible for the investigations
3. The disciplinary committee shall be responsible for the judgment and punishment upon investigations to all allegations
4. Judgment shall be given by majority votes by the members of the disciplinary committee after viewing of the matter investigated.
5. The disciplinary committee has the right to remove members from the executive committee upon verdict as corrective matters for the benefit of the club
6. If a member is removed from the executive committee members of the executive can either choose to hold private elections or fill the post with another member of the MAAG executive upon votes by the committee
Article 5
Property Ownership Policy
All property purchased or given to the MAAG group is thereby considered to be the property of the MAAG and cannot be removed or taken away by one member. Removal or use of the property of the MAAG is solely for the members of the MAAG and proper permission must be sought for its use . Article 5
Awards Policy
1. In the MAAG shall exist an awards committee made up of 5 ordinary members of the MAAG
2. Nominations for all awards may be sent to the committee for various person’s to be considered. This does not exempt the Committee from making its own recommendations for various awards.
3. The “Grass Roots Honor” is the highest award and is to be given to the member who portrait great commitment to the club that is deemed to be prolific.
4. The “MAAG-Nificent honor” is an award that is to be given to those members whose served for two executive terms in the MAAG executive.
5. The “High MAAG-Nitude Award” is an award given to those who have assisted in the in fulfilling the aims and objectives of the MAAG with special distinction. Article 6
Amendments Policy
The constitution of the MAAG can be amended by a simple majority vote of the executive membership at a specially convened general meetings. The executive must present the discussions on the expected change and must ask for public comment on the respective issue before executive members take a vote.