
花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館 GPS:24.007964, 121.624651

Hualien County Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Center
Open:09:00-17:00,Closed Mondays,Free to visit
Address:No.460, Beixing Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(Hualien County Indigenous Museum)座落於花蓮市郊,緊鄰七星潭、48高地曼波園區、花蓮觀光酒廠及花蓮觀光漁市場等著名風景區。機場、火車站車程在10分鐘內即可到達,四通八達的交通網絡相當便捷。為呈現台灣原住民族獨特及豐富多樣性的文化特色,外觀主要採雙斜屋頂蓋灰色平板瓦,以原住民的石板斜頂建築之意象設計。館內設立足以容納518人之大型演藝廳,提供各類藝術團隊展演,亦可開放供大型學術研討會議之場所。館內一樓規劃為原住民族工藝作品及文化藝術之展示空間,以求動態且具深度之藝術文化饗宴。

📸 快來!讓原民館的拍立得幫你抓住那些“瞬間”! 😆✨你是不是也曾經想過,當下的那個搞笑瞬間、那個意外的表情,該怎麼保存下來?別擔心!原民館的拍立得服務幫你輕鬆解決!💥🎉 即拍即得,超乎你想像的快速!按一下快門,照片就馬上出現!📷💨沒錯,就...

📸 快來!讓原民館的拍立得幫你抓住那些“瞬間”! 😆✨

🎉 即拍即得,超乎你想像的快速!

🤣 不僅是照片,是回憶的超大顆糖果!

🌿 來原民館,還能一探獨特的裝置藝術!
在拍立得捕捉回憶的同時,別忘了來欣賞原民館的精彩裝置藝術🎨。你可以近距離觀賞代表布農族文化的布農族家屋🏠,感受那份歷史與文化的深厚!📜 也不要錯過代表布農族祝福與守護的送子鳥貓頭鷹木雕🦉,為你的每個瞬間增添一份特別的意義!💫


🌍 最近,來自海地、澳大利亞、摩洛哥、法國、英格蘭等國家的自由行觀光客們,紛紛踏進原民館,留下了他們的笑聲與難忘回憶,每一位都是我們故事的一部分! ✨🌏

📸 Come on down! Let the Atayal Cultural Center's instant photos capture those " moments"! 😆✨
Have you ever thought about how to preserve that funny moment or unexpected expression? Don’t worry! The Atayal Cultural Center’s instant photo service has got you covered! 💥

🎉 Instant photos, faster than you can imagine!
Press the shutter, and the photo appears right away! 📷💨 Yes, it’s that quick, letting you instantly relive that special moment. 💖✨

🤣 Not just photos, but giant candy-sized memories!
Each instant photo is a sweet memory candy 🍬! Whether it’s laughing with friends 😂, silly family expressions 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, or those irreplaceable moments 📸, they can be kept forever! 🎉

🌿 Come to the Atayal Cultural Center and explore unique art installations!
While capturing memories with instant photos, don’t forget to enjoy the wonderful art installations 🎨 at the center. You can take a close look at the Bunun tribe house 🏠, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture! 📜 Also, don’t miss the Bunun tribe’s guardian and blessing owl wood carving 🦉, adding a special meaning to every moment! 💫

What are you waiting for? ⏳ Bring your friends 👯‍♂️, family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, or beloved pets 🐶 and head to the Atayal Cultural Center! Let our instant photos capture every laugh-out-loud moment 😄, while you enjoy a different kind of memory in the atmosphere of art! 🎈📷

🌍 Recently, travelers from Haiti, Australia, Morocco, France, England, and other countries have been visiting the Atayal Cultural Center, leaving behind their smiles and unforgettable memories, with each one becoming a part of our story! ✨🌏

🎉**1月文化館盛開幸福美好,一起手作迎新年!**🎉🧵 假日DIY體驗活動正式開跑!期待已久的手作體驗來啦‼️限量名額,免費參加,快搶報名🔆✨第一場手作課程:薏苡串珠鑰匙圈 ✨🔹 時間:1/10(六)下午2:00🔹 講師: #施玉英老師精緻...


🧵 假日DIY體驗活動正式開跑!

✨第一場手作課程:薏苡串珠鑰匙圈 ✨
🔹 時間:1/10(六)下午2:00
🔹 講師: #施玉英老師

✨ 第二場手作課程:汎札萊春聯吊飾 ✨
🔹 時間:1/11(日)下午2:00
🔹 講師: #高瑋辰老師

✔️活動須知 ✔️
✅ 線上優先報名,每堂限15位,名額滿額為止!
✅ 課程開始前10分鐘內未到者,開放現場補名額。
✅ 請準時到館,共享手作時光!

👉 手刀報名:https://reurl.cc/p98kla
#原住民文化手作 #免費體驗 #假日好去處

🌟 阿勒飛斯文化藝術團《汎札萊花蓮》歌舞劇演出!

📷 必來打卡景點推薦!
🏠布農族傳統石板家屋:花蓮最北區的布農族傳統家屋,我們不只是蓋,而是與你分享布農族lumah 從裡到外的知識體系🪵

💫 文化館1月滿滿驚喜,和我們一起迎接新年,感受原住民文化的繁花盛開🌹

✨新年快樂👋感謝大家讓我們的心更靠近✨在這嶄新的❷⓪②❺年,我們真正地👍感謝來自世界各地的朋友蒞臨文化館!無論距離多遠,你們的到來讓我們深刻感受到跨越時空的連結,也讓我們倍感驕傲與溫暖🫶🙏 衷心感謝大家的支持與厚愛! 💖因為有你們的陪伴,我...



🙏 衷心感謝大家的支持與厚愛! 💖


✐☡✐☡✐☡✐☡✐☡✐☡✐☡✐☡ ✐☡✐☡
🌟 1月感動延長加碼
延續2024年的熱情回饋❤️❤️阿勒飛斯文化藝術團加碼演出 ①月份再度帶來動人舞碼不能讓你錯過👀

📌 趕快報名吧➡️ https://reurl.cc/aZxb69


❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚* ❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚*

✨Happy New Year! Thank you for bringing our hearts closer together✨

As we step into the brand-new year of 2025, we truly 👍 appreciate friends from all over the world for visiting our Cultural Center! No matter how far apart we may be, your presence bridges time and space, filling us with pride and warmth🫶.

🙏 Heartfelt thanks for your support and love! 💖
Because of your companionship, we continue to work hard and grow steadily. In the future 🌺, we will bring you even more wonderful exhibitions and events, ensuring every visitor feels the passion and sincerity of our Cultural Center 🎉.

✨Let’s weave happiness and beauty together in 2025✨

🌟 **January Bonus Events**
To carry forward the enthusiasm of 2024, ❤️❤️ the Alefis Cultural Arts Troupe is adding more performances this January. Don't miss these mesmerizing dance performances! 👀
Performance Dates
➡️ 1/3 (Fri), 1/9 (Thu), 1/10 (Fri), 1/11 (Sat), 1/12 (Sun), 1/15 (Wed), 1/16 (Thu), 1/17 (Fri), 1/19 (Sun), 1/22 (Wed), 1/23 (Thu), 1/24 (Fri), 1/25 (Sat), 1/26 (Sun).

Snake It Till You Make It” Craft Workshop - New for January!
For handmade enthusiasts, this fun and therapeutic crafting class is a must-try! Experience the unique joy of creating something truly special!
📌 Sign up now ➡️ https://reurl.cc/aZxb69

We look forward to meeting you in the new year 🐍. Let’s share and embrace an exciting cultural journey filled with blooming beauty together! 🚗

❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚* ❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚*

🔔【原民館公告】🔔 ⟐❀Kalipahakan  i valuhay nu mihcaan⟐❀(新年快樂) ❤️‍🔥元旦假期,原民館將於 1月1日(三) 休館一天。📌 休館期間造成的不便,敬請見諒!💫🌹我們將於 1月2日(四) 恢復正常開館...


⟐❀Kalipahakan i valuhay nu mihcaan⟐❀(新年快樂) ❤️‍🔥
元旦假期,原民館將於 1月1日(三) 休館一天。

📌 休館期間造成的不便,敬請見諒!💫🌹
我們將於 1月2日(四) 恢復正常開館,歡迎您的蒞臨!ᴗ̈

🌟 祝大家元旦快樂,開啟美好新一年!☺


🔔【Indigenous Culture Center Announcement】🔔

⟐❀Kalipahakan i valuhay nu mihcaan⟐❀ (Happy New Year) ❤️‍🔥
The Indigenous Culture Center will be closed for the New Year’s holiday on **Wednesday, January 1**.

📌 We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the closure! 💫🌹
We will resume normal operations on **Thursday, January 2**, and warmly welcome your visit! ᴗ̈

🌟 Wishing everyone a joyful New Year’s Day and a wonderful start to 2025! ☺

💥 2025的腳步近了,今年我們一起精彩收尾! 💥時光飛逝,2024年即將告別。感謝大家在這一年對文化、手作與藝術的熱愛與支持!👏邀請您在歲末為生活添上一抹文化色彩,並迎接嶄新的開始!❣️ 🌟12月手作體驗壓軸場\名單公佈/ 🌟 ‼️🎀活動...

💥 2025的腳步近了,今年我們一起精彩收尾! 💥

🌟12月手作體驗壓軸場\名單公佈/ 🌟 ‼️
🎀活動名稱:原風竹杯 DIY 手繪
👩🏻‍🏫講師介紹: #高瑋辰


📌 若課程開始後10分鐘內未到,將開放現場報名,額滿為止。

📢在我們的產業區,由工藝家 #潘秀嫈老師 精心製作的皮雕藝術品,廣受國內外旅客喜愛!👍還有,LiMA原選專櫃,產品充滿故事與細膩手工的作品,不僅成為收藏佳品,也是旅途中最有溫度的紀念品。🎁來到館內的您,除了欣賞「乙~定」要帶回一份專屬於您的文化美好!
汎札萊舞台即將迎來 今年最後三場精彩展演,邀請您共襄盛舉,一同齊聚文化館,欣賞阿勒飛斯文化藝術團帶來的華麗演出!
➡️ 12/28(六)、12/29(日)、12/31(二)

別忘了還可以與文化館的祝福使者—— 🦉、不吹風也能體驗 #七星潭疊石樂趣的拍照牆 打卡,留下最美好又深刻的回憶📸

浪花朵朵✰ 逐浪啟程✰
花蓮縣政府誠邀您攜家全家 #114年的第一道曙光!🌞與我們一起沿著絕美海岸線健走,沐浴晨光,擁抱全新的希望與活力!🤾

💥 As 2025 Approaches, Let’s Wrap Up 2024 with Brilliance! 💥
Time flies, and 2024 is drawing to a close. Thank you for your love and support for culture, crafts, and arts throughout the year! 👏 We invite you to add a touch of cultural charm to your life this season and embrace a fresh beginning! ❣️

🌟 December Craft Experience Finale \ Announcement of Participants / 🌟‼️
🎀 Event Name: Indigenous-Style Bamboo Cup DIY Hand-Painting
📅 Event Date: Saturday, December 28, 2:00 PM
👩🏻‍🏫 Instructor: Wei-Chen Kao

🌻 Join us to experience the joy and charm of handmade crafts. Create and take home your own memorable masterpiece! 🌻

⚠️ DIY Experience Reminders⚠️
📌 Online registration has priority. Each session is limited to 15 participants, so please arrive on time!
📌 If participants do not arrive within 10 minutes of the start, on-site registration will open until the session is full.

📢 At our Craft Zone: Discover leather carving artworks carefully handcrafted by artisan Pan Hsiu-Ying, beloved by travelers from around the world! 👍 Don’t miss the LiMA Indigenous Crafts Boutique, where every product tells a story and boasts exquisite craftsmanship. These items make perfect collectibles and heartfelt souvenirs for your journey. 🎁 Visit us and be sure to take home a piece of cultural beauty uniquely yours!

🎭 Special Performances|Alefis Cultural Arts Troupe – Final Three Shows of the Year!
The Vansarei Stage will host the final three dazzling performances of the year. Come celebrate and enjoy the splendid show presented by the Alifis Cultural Arts Troupe!
Dates: Saturday, 12/28; Sunday, 12/29; Tuesday, 12/31

🦅 Don’t miss this last opportunity of the year! Join us to experience the unique charm of Indigenous culture and end the year on a passionate note!

Don’t forget to stop by our cultural center’s photo wall to snap memories with Tuqu the Owl 🦉 and enjoy the Seven Star Bay pebble-stacking experience—even without the sea breeze! Capture unforgettable moments 📸.

Waves of Hope ✰ Embark on a New Journey ✰**
Hualien County Government warmly invites you to welcome Year114’s first sunrise with family and furry friends! 🌞 Join us along the stunning coastline for a morning walk, bask in the dawn’s glow, and embrace new hope and vitality! 🤾

🎉 不約而同相聚文化館,感受在地文化魅力❗️❗️🎉文化館充滿了熱鬧與驚喜!近450位遊客10台遊覽車擠滿了文化館,共同體驗豐富的文化活動,沉浸於傳統與創新的美好。✨  #阿勒飛斯文化藝術團 展演,帶來樂舞文化的力量,《汎札萊·花蓮》樂舞劇讓...

🎉 不約而同相聚文化館,感受在地文化魅力❗️❗️🎉


✨ #阿勒飛斯文化藝術團 展演,帶來樂舞文化的力量,《汎札萊·花蓮》樂舞劇讓人目不轉睛,舞蹈動作勾勒出傳統文化的靈魂,現場觀眾無不被深深吸引,掌聲此起彼落。


📸 不吹風也能打卡七星潭🌊🌊
館內設置的太平洋打卡區成為大家的喜愛拍照的新亮點,疊石文化巧妙融入設計,讓遊客不用受寒也能感受到七星潭的 #花蓮藍。



❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚* ❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚*

12🈷️阿勒飛斯文化藝術團 《汎札萊·花蓮》倒數3場次演出✔️


🎉 A Heartfelt Gathering at the Cultural Center – Feel the Charm of Local Culture!❗️❗️🎉

The cultural center is alive with excitement and surprises! Countless tour buses and visitors filled the venue, all coming together to experience the rich cultural activities and immerse themselves in the beauty of tradition and innovation.

✨ Alefis Cultural Arts Troupe performance, bringing the power of music and dance culture. The musical dance drama Fangcalay· Hualien was mesmerizing, with dance movements that depicted the soul of traditional culture. The audience was deeply captivated, with applause echoing throughout.

🌳🦉 Cultural Center Blessing Messenger – Tuqu the Owl
An owl stood proudly by the Bunun tribe’s slate house in the park, offering warm New Year blessings. Symbolizing guardianship and wisdom, the owl added a cozy atmosphere to the cultural center.

📸 No wind needed to snap a photo at Qixing Platform! 🌊🌊
The Pacific photo area inside the center has become a new favorite spot for visitors to take pictures. The cleverly designed stone stacking culture allows tourists to experience the of Qixing Platform without the cold.

Thanks to all the visitors today 🙏🙏for bringing such energy to the cultural center! If you haven’t visited yet, make sure to plan a trip and join us for some 🎶🌟

📍 Cultural Center, waiting for your exploration and experience!🫶🫶

❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚* ❁。゚❀。*。❀゚*❁゚*

✔️12/28 (Sat), 12/29 (Sun), and 12/31 (Tue)
Alefis Cultural Arts Troupe’s Fangcalay·Hualien – 3 performances remaining!

✨ A local indigenous cultural musical and dance drama you absolutely can't miss! ✨

聖誕快樂!🎄kulisemas kalipahakan qanianan(撒奇萊雅族)文化館的聖誕氛圍讓人感到溫馨又可愛,讓我們一同沉浸在這個特別的季節中🦉。同時,還有假日手作的體驗等著大家參加🌟🌟 12月手作體驗倒數2場 🌟以文化之美連結...

kulisemas kalipahakan qanianan(撒奇萊雅族)


🌟 12月手作體驗倒數2場 🌟

✨ 第15場手作體驗\名單公佈/‼️ ✨
🎀 活動名稱:圖騰流蘇鑰匙圈
📅 活動時間:12月21日(六)下午2:00-2:30
🎓 講師介紹: #施玉英老師

❤️ 邀請大家來一起體驗手作的溫度與樂趣,創造屬於我們的手作時光!❤️

⚠️ DIY體驗小提醒 ⚠️
📍 以線上報名優先,每場限額15人,請準時參加!
📍 若課程開始後10分鐘內未到,將開放現場報名,額滿為止。
🎉 感謝每一位支持手作文化的朋友,正是有了你的參與,傳統工藝才能延續,生活也因此更加充滿可能!
💖 記得追蹤我們的粉絲專頁,掌握最新的手作資訊。

🌿 新世紀文化藝術團【夢中的撒固兒】撒奇萊雅族音樂劇演出 🌿



🌐 售票連結


#傳承與時光交融 #手作體驗 #音樂劇 #假日精彩無比

Merry Christmas! 🎄
kulisemas kalipahakan qanianan(撒奇萊雅族)

The Christmas atmosphere at the cultural center feels warm and delightful, inviting us to immerse ourselves in this special season together. 🦉
At the same time, holiday crafting experiences are waiting for everyone to join. 🌟

🌟Only 2 sessions left for the December crafting experience countdown! 🌟
Connect heart and hands through the beauty of culture, experience the dialogue between tradition and modernity, unleash your creativity, and brighten up your daily life! 😊

✨ The 15th crafting experience session./ The list has been announced. /‼️ ✨

🎀 Event Name: Totem Tassel Keychain
📅 Event Time: December 21 (六), 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
🎓 Instructor Introduction: Teacher Yu-Ying Shih

❤️ We invite everyone to experience the warmth and joy of crafting together, creating a special time for handmade creations! ❤️

⚠️ DIY Experience Reminders ⚠️
📍 Online registration takes priority, with a limit of 15 participants per session. Please arrive on time!
📍 If you are not present within 10 minutes after the session starts, on-site registration will be available until the session is full.
🎉 Thank you to every friend supporting handmade culture. Your participation ensures the continuation of traditional crafts and brings endless possibilities to life!

💖 Don’t forget to follow our page to stay updated on the latest crafting news
🔥 Special Event Bonus 📢
🌿 New Era Cultural Art Troupe: "Sakur in My Dreams" Musical Performance by the Sakizaya Tribe 🌿

his is a story about identity and history, confusion and courage. It follows a young girl who, having never returned to her tribal village since childhood, often feels lost and uncertain about her identity. Deep inside, she carries a profound emptiness until one day, she recalls her grandmother patiently sharing the Sakizaya legends under the tree.
📆 Performance Date: December 21, 2024 (Saturday) at 2:30 PM
📍 Location: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Center, Hualien County
(No. 460, Beixing Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County)
🌐 Ticket Link
Let us immerse ourselves in this story, feel the essence of culture and history, and rediscover our own sense of belonging.

年度最後一場!花蓮限定|南島講座、市集、音樂表演!▌南島講座第十場:玉見南島的文化印記花蓮豐田玉,宛如跨越千年的橋梁,串聯古老南島文化與現代。本次講座將帶您探索玉石的文化歷程,感受其在人文生活中的重要性,以及大地與海洋結晶的自然之美。📌 活...


📌 活動資訊
📍 地點:花蓮縣運動休閒園區 H棟(吉安鄉中山路一段195號)
🗓 時間:113年12月20日(五)10:30-17:00
🎶 內容:音樂表演、市集、講座
👩‍🏫 講師:洪曉純(澳洲國立大學考古與自然史學系資深研究員)
🎤 表演者:呂文翔(Kincyang.Lihang)
✨ 市集資訊
1. Ko's Aroma Studio 香氛蠟燭、蜜蠟花、石膏捏塑、調香手作
2. #谷礫斯文化藝術工作室
3. 咪兔愛肉園
4. Whatever 都好咖啡 Sca花蓮咖啡教室
5. 魚的家,Loma ni Futing
6. 花蓮縣原住民族野菜學校
7. 木別子工坊-原民農藝品
8. 沐稼mumutasty
9. 馬耀咖啡藝術大學Mayawcofe Art Word University-MAWU
10. 印尼共學團 Indonesia Bersemi
11. #瑪食樂麻辣串串

布農族「送子鳥Tuqu 」的生命祝福 🦉在花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館,一座布農族傳統石板家屋旁,矗立著精美的貓頭鷹木雕。石板屋象徵家庭的穩固與溫暖,而貓頭鷹則被布農族人視為「送子鳥Tuqu 」,傳遞新生命的祝福。傳說中,夜晚聽到貓頭鷹鳴叫,預...

布農族「送子鳥Tuqu 」的生命祝福 🦉
在花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館,一座布農族傳統石板家屋旁,矗立著精美的貓頭鷹木雕。石板屋象徵家庭的穩固與溫暖,而貓頭鷹則被布農族人視為「送子鳥Tuqu 」,傳遞新生命的祝福。

👉 分享你的照片,祝福自己,也祝福身邊的人!

The Bunun "Stork of Blessings" and the Gift of Life 🦉
At the Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Museum in Hualien County, a finely crafted owl wood sculpture stands beside a traditional Bunun slate house. The slate house symbolizes the stability and warmth of family, while the owl is revered by the Bunun people as the "stork of blessings," delivering the gift of new life.
According to legend, hearing the owl's call at night foretells the joyous news of a family expecting a child. 🤰 The Bunun people believe the owl is a messenger sent by the gods, bringing hope and happiness. This legend imbues their lives with poetry, making the owl a spiritual symbol of blessings and life.
The slate house near the owl sculpture features sturdy stone walls and a cozy roof, showcasing the architectural wisdom of the Bunun people. It is more than a shelter; it is a vessel of emotions and culture, embodying the harmony between the people and nature. When the owl’s call echoes around the slate house, it feels like a heartfelt dialogue between nature and home, celebrating the essence of life. 🏡
📢 [Creative Photo Contest: Capture Your Blessing Moment!] 📸

Would you like to create a special memory of blessings? From now until December 31, visit the Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Museum in Hualien County, take a creative photo with the owl sculpture, and share it online! We’ll select three of the most creative entries, and the winners will receive delightful gifts! 🎁
🎉Don’t miss this opportunity! Join us in experiencing the charm of Bunun culture and capturing precious memories with your unique creativity.
👉 Share your photo to bless yourself and those around you!

年度最後一場!花蓮限定|南島講座、市集、音樂表演! 不容錯過的精彩活動,感受知識與歷史交織的魅力。花蓮的年度壓軸之作,立即加入,為今年劃下最難忘的句點!「每一塊玉石,都承載著一段跨越千年的南島故事。」▌南島講座第十場:玉見南島的文化印記花蓮...

📌 活動資訊
📍 地點:花蓮縣運動休閒園區(H棟)
吉安鄉中山路一段195號 https://reurl.cc/M6N5pp
🗓 時間:113年12月20日(五)10:30-17:00
🎶 活動內容:音樂表演、市集、講座
👩‍🏫 講師:洪曉純 資深研究員(澳洲國立大學考古學和自然史學系)
🎤 表演者:呂文翔 Kincyang.Lihang
✨ 市集資訊
1️ Ko's Aroma Studio 香氛蠟燭、蜜蠟花、石膏捏塑、調香手作
2️ #谷礫斯文化藝術工作室
3️ 咪兔愛肉園
4️ Whatever 都好咖啡 Sca花蓮咖啡教室
5 魚的家,Loma ni Futing
6 花蓮縣原住民族野菜學校
7 木別子工坊-原民農藝品
8 沐稼mumutasty
9 馬耀咖啡藝術大學Mayawcofe Art Word University-MAWU
10 印尼共學團 Indonesia Bersemi
11 #瑪食樂麻辣串串



【汎札萊.花蓮】感謝一路以來的支持與期待 💕親愛的朋友們:原訂於 12/12(四)及12/21(六)的場次,暫停⏸️演出,在此我們深感抱歉,感謝大家的體諒與理解!💌我們深信更精彩的活動與展演正等待著我們共同期待!💫 每一次聚會,每一場演出,...

【汎札萊.花蓮】感謝一路以來的支持與期待 💕

原訂於 12/12(四)及12/21(六)的場次,暫停⏸️演出,在此我們深感抱歉,感謝大家的體諒與理解!💌

我們深信更精彩的活動與展演正等待著我們共同期待!💫 每一次聚會,每一場演出,都是因為有你們的熱情參與,才讓汎札萊充滿了無數感動與回憶!❤️

✨ 一起回顧精彩瞬間✨
11月的演出,每一刻都是難忘的。從舞台上洋溢的汗水到場下的歡笑,你們的支持讓 【汎札萊·花蓮】的文化與歷史更加深刻。如果在回顧照片中找到你的身影,歡迎留言與我們分享,讓回憶延續更久唷!📸

🎉 接下來的12月演出
汎札萊的舞台仍然精彩不間斷‼️12月我們為大家準備了 8場展演,希望能在這些日子裡再次與你們相見:
👉 12/14(六)、12/15(日)、12/17(二)、12/22(日)、12/24(二)、12/28(六)、12/29(日)、12/31(二)
#汎札萊 #文化與歷史的交織 #感謝支持 #精彩繼續

Fangcalay. Hualien] Thank you for your continuous support and anticipation. 💕
Dear Friends:
The performances originally scheduled for December 12 (四) and December 21 (六) have been temporarily postponed ⏸️.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused and sincerely appreciate your understanding and support! 💌
We firmly believe that even more exciting events and performances await us, and we look forward to them together!
Every gathering and every performance is filled with countless heartfelt moments and memories because of your enthusiastic participation. You are what makes Panzalay truly special!
Let’s look back on the wonderful moments together!
The performances in November were unforgettable, with every moment etched in our hearts. From the sweat on stage to the laughter in the audience, your support has deepened the cultural and historical significance of [Fangcalay·Hualien].
If you spot yourself in our photo retrospectives, feel free to leave a comment and share your memories with us. Let’s keep the spirit alive even longer! 📸
Upcoming Performances in December
The stage of Fangcalay will continue to shine brilliantly‼️

🎉This December, we’ve prepared 8 spectacular shows, and we look forward to seeing you on these dates:
👉 12/14 (六), 12/15 (日), 12/17 (二), 12/22 (日), 12/24 (二), 12/28 (六), 12/29 (日), and 12/31 (二).

🔥Join us for another round of unforgettable performances!

# Fangcalay
# The Interweaving of Culture and History
# Thank you for your support!
# The excitement continues!

🎶 文化館一週熱鬧精彩不停歇‼️全縣音樂比賽圓滿結束,還有來自  #宜蘭縣龍潭國小 的學生畢業旅行🧳讓文化館成為聚會、學習與創意交流的最佳場地,這裡不僅是活動的舉辦地點,更是一個讓人流連忘返的美好空間💗💗🦉接下來ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡...

🎶 文化館一週熱鬧精彩不停歇‼️
全縣音樂比賽圓滿結束,還有來自 #宜蘭縣龍潭國小 的學生畢業旅行🧳讓文化館成為聚會、學習與創意交流的最佳場地,這裡不僅是活動的舉辦地點,更是一個讓人流連忘返的美好空間💗💗

🦉接下來ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ

✨ 第13場手作課錄取‼️名單公佈 ✨
୨୧ 🎀蝴蝶結手機帶 🎀୨୧
📅 活動時間:12月7日(六)下午2:00-2:30
🎓 講師介紹: #官珮君老師

🌟 更多手作體驗活動即將開跑!🌟
🔗 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

⚠️ DIY體驗溫馨小提醒 ⚠️
📍 以線上報名優先,每場限額15人。請準時出席!
📍 若課程開始後10分鐘內未到,將開放現場報名,額滿為止。

🎉 感謝每一位支持手作文化的你

💖 別忘了追蹤粉絲專頁,掌握最新手作資訊

🎶 The Cultural Center Offers a Week of Non-Stop Excitement and Festivities. ‼️
The county-wide music competition concluded successfully, and students from Longtan Elementary School in Yilan County also visited on their graduation trip 🧳. The cultural center has become the perfect venue for gatherings, learning, and creative exchange. It is not just a place for hosting events but also a delightful space that leaves visitors enchanted. 💗💗

🦉Next up ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ
🌟The Handmade Surprise Unveiling in December 🌟
Connecting hearts and hands through the beauty of culture, experience the dialogue between tradition and modernity, and embellish your daily life with creativity. 😊
✨ Enrollment is now open for the 13th Handmade Class. ‼️
The list has been announced. ✨
୨୧ 🎀Bow-shaped phone strap. 🎀୨୧
📅 Event time: December 7th (Saturday), 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM.
🎓 Instructor Introduction:Teacher Guan Pei-Jun

🌟 More handmade experience activities are coming soon! 🌟
The handmade courses in December are exciting and non-stop. Click to register now and join us on this creative journey:
🔗 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd
❤️ Let's experience the warmth and joy of handmade creations together❤️

⚠️ DIY Experience Warm Reminder⚠️
📍 Online registration is prioritized, with a limit of 15 participants per session. Please be on time!
📍 If participants do not arrive within 10 minutes after the course starts, on-site registration will be available until full capacity is reached.
🎉 Thank you to everyone who supports handmade culture.
Your participation helps preserve traditional crafts and fills life with endless possibilities!
💖 Don't forget to follow our fan page to stay updated on the latest handmade events.
Let's create our special handmade moments together!

Kacahedalantu ku remi’ad anini.🔆🔆今日天氣放晴了🔆🔆🎶 全縣學生音樂比賽正式展開 🎶從今日12/3起,為期5天的全縣學生音樂比賽在文化館精彩紛呈‼️各校學生帶著滿滿的熱情和才華,走上舞台,演奏或演唱精心準備的...

Kacahedalantu ku remi’ad anini.

🎶 全縣學生音樂比賽正式展開 🎶


🌟 在這裡🏠不僅聽見了音樂的美妙,更感受到學生們對音樂的熱愛與執著🔥每一位學生的表現都精彩非凡,無論是直笛的悠揚,還是歌聲的清澈,每一個音符都讓小編沉醉其中。

衷心感謝 #教育處 與文化館的合作💗💗讓我們有機會為學生們提供高品質的學習交流場域。我們相信,這不僅是一次音樂比賽,更是一個讓孩子們在藝術的氛圍中成長、收穫的平台。

#全縣學生音樂比賽 #音樂教育 #文化館 #教育合作 #音樂的力量 #藝術與教育

🎶 The county-wide student music competition has officially begun.🎶
Starting today, December 3rd, the five-day county-wide student music competition kicks off with a series of exciting performances at the Cultural Center ‼️
Students from various schools take the stage with boundless enthusiasm and talent, performing meticulously prepared pieces. Their beautiful music and captivating voices fill the air, creating a truly enchanting atmosphere.
🌟 Here, 🏠it's not just the beauty of music that resonates but also the students' passion and dedication to their craft. Each performance is extraordinary—whether it’s the melodious tunes of the recorder or the crystal-clear vocals,every single note leaves me utterly enchanted.

We sincerely thank the Department of Education and the Cultural Center for their collaboration, providing students with a high-quality environment for learning and exchange. We believe this is not just a music competition but also a platform for children to grow and thrive in an artistic atmosphere.
In the coming days, we look forward to even more outstanding performances, giving every child the opportunity to shine on this stage and earn the recognition they deserve.
Of course!‼️The Cultural Center remains committed to creating a superior space for showcasing talent🫡
# County-wide Student Music Competition
# Music Education
# Cultural Center
# Educational Collaboration
# The Power of Music
# Art and Education

🎶 族語傳唱與工藝文化交織的美好場域🎶在文化館裡,樂舞和工藝都成為文化傳承的橋樑。無論是族語聖詩歌的悠揚旋律,還是原民風手工藝的細膩創作,這裡充滿了生命的故事和情感。✨ 圓滿落幕的「113年教會族語聖詩歌及部落歌謠音樂交流會」中,來自各教會...

🎶 族語傳唱與工藝文化交織的美好場域🎶


✨ 圓滿落幕的「113年教會族語聖詩歌及部落歌謠音樂交流會」中,來自各教會詩歌班的生動演出。傳統與當代交融的音樂,帶著原住民族文化的深度與靈魂,讓現場的每一位觀眾都深受感動。從87歲的長者到31歲的年輕人,3代同堂共同演繹族語聖詩與部落歌謠,讓文化的脈絡跨越時空,在音符中延續。


🌸 11月的繽紛手作月來到最後①場🌸

📅 課程時間:11月30日(六)下午2點至2點30分
🎓 課程講師: #陳玉玫老師

🎉 下一步,期待有你👣
🔗 報名手作體驗請點擊 👉 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

📣 感謝每位支持的朋友,因為有你們,文化得以傳承!

💖 記得追蹤我們的粉專,掌握第一手資訊喔!

#族語傳唱 #工藝文化 #原住民族之美 #文化傳承有你真好


夏威夷太平洋國際藝術節觀後分享 直播ING🎬
主講人- 優席夫

Send a message to learn more

🌟 文化館迎來滿滿的學習與交流能量🌟🔥活力十足的  #三棧國小 學生🎒來到文化館參訪,透過互動與導覽,了解花蓮及南島文化的魅力,現場充滿了笑聲與驚嘆,為文化教育注入更多力量💪🏼💡 花蓮縣原住民族部落大學(Hualien Indigenous...

🌟 文化館迎來滿滿的學習與交流能量🌟

🔥活力十足的 #三棧國小 學生🎒來到文化館參訪,透過互動與導覽,了解花蓮及南島文化的魅力,現場充滿了笑聲與驚嘆,為文化教育注入更多力量💪🏼

💡 花蓮縣原住民族部落大學(Hualien Indigenous Community College)香氛課程ENDING ✅
跟上時尚趨勢與學員一同探索了 MBTI人格心理學的奧秘,還有充滿療癒氛圍的香氛課程,知識與五感的雙重體驗,讓文化館濃郁又放鬆的氣息。

🌸 11月繽紛手作🌸
🎉 🎉

✨ 第11場次錄取名單✨ \公告/
📅 課程時間:11月23日(六)下午2點至2點30分
🎓 課程講師: #高瑋辰老師

⏰ 12月豐富手作體驗開始報名了噢💕💕
🔗 手刀報名 👉 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

⚠️ DIY體驗小提醒 ⚠️
📍 以線上報名優先,每場限額15人。請準時出席!
📍 若課程開始後10分鐘內未到,將開放現場報名,額滿為止。

💖 想要掌握最新課程,記得持續追蹤我們的粉專喔!

🎤 幸福喜樂時刻即將來襲👀

𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐰 𝐍𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐨💗𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐰 𝐍𝐨 𝐍𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐨

📅 活動日期:11月28日(四)太陽9點
📍 活動地點: #花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館



🌟 The Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Center Welcomes a Burst of Learning and Exchange Energy 🌟

The energetic students from Sanzhan Elementary School 🎒 visited the Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Center, where they learned about the charm of Hualien and Austronesian culture through interactive tours. The place was filled with laughter and amazement, injecting more strength into cultural education 💪🏼.

💡 Hualien Indigenous Community College Course Completed ✅
Together with the students, we explored the mysteries of MBTI personality psychology and enjoyed a soothing fragrance class. This dual experience of knowledge and the senses created a rich and relaxing atmosphere in the Cultural Center.

🌸 Colorful DIY Crafts in November 🌸
🎉 🎉

✨ Announcement for the 11th Session Accepted List✨
🌺 Indigenous-Style Bamboo Cup Making (Embroidered Totem Ribbon) 🌺
📅 Class Time: November 23 (Saturday) 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM
🎓 Instructor:

⏰ Signups for December’s Rich Crafting Experiences Have Begun! 💕💕
🔗 Sign up now 👉 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

⚠️ DIY Experience Reminders ⚠️
📍 Priority is given to online registration, with a limit of 15 participants per session. Please be punctual!
📍 If you do not arrive within 10 minutes of the class starting, on-site registration will open, first-come, first-served until full.

💖 To stay updated on the latest classes, remember to follow our page!

🎤 A Moment of Joy and Blessing is Coming Soon 👀

𝐌𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐰 𝐍𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐭𝐨 💗 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐰 𝐍𝐨 𝐍𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐨

An Indigenous Hymn and Tribal Song Music Exchange Gathering
•°¯••🎀 Invite your friends••°¯••🎀
Listen to the harmonious resonance of Indigenous voices 🎶. Through these tribal songs, let us pray for peace on earth and feel the moment of joy and happiness.

📅 Event Date: November 28 (Thursday) 9:00 AM
📍 Event Location:

Come and cherish every beautiful moment at the Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Center! ❤️

🎶 來自花蓮在地7校聯合音樂會,熱鬧一晚,文化館充滿音樂與活力! 🎶文化館為優質的學習與創意交流場所,迎接來自七所學校的音樂表演,其中,穿著族服的太昌國小所展演《聽見奇萊原野》是  #阿勒飛斯文化藝術團所指導,小小舞者展現老鷹的氣勢呀💪當音...

🎶 來自花蓮在地7校聯合音樂會,熱鬧一晚,文化館充滿音樂與活力! 🎶

文化館為優質的學習與創意交流場所,迎接來自七所學校的音樂表演,其中,穿著族服的太昌國小所展演《聽見奇萊原野》是 #阿勒飛斯文化藝術團所指導,小小舞者展現老鷹的氣勢呀💪

🌸 11月手作好時光 🌸
🎉 🎉
✨ \公告/第🔟場次錄取名單✨
🌟 花蓮六族原住民色系毛線編織鑰匙圈🌟
📅 課程時間:11月16日(六)下午2點至2點30分
🎓 課程講師: #高瑋辰 老師

🔗 馬上報名 👉 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

🚩 小提醒 🚩
⚠️ DIY體驗小提醒 ⚠️
📍 以線上報名優先,每場限額15人,請準時出席!
📍 若課程開始後10分鐘內未到,將開放現場報名,額滿為止。
💖 想要掌握最新課程,記得持續追蹤我們的粉專!
#原住民手作 #免費體驗 #文化體驗 #手作課程 #11月報名

∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ 11月免費加碼 ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧
阿勒飛斯文化藝術團 🦅 #汎札萊花蓮樂舞劇 #延長加碼展演

🎨 展覽必看 🎨
🌺 展覽期間:10月21日至12月21日
🌺 展覽地點:花蓮縣臺灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路460號)

#北昌國小 #太昌國小 #見晴國小 #鳳林國小
#中華國小 #吉安國小 #溪口國小
#原住民手作 #免費體驗 #文化體驗 #手作課程 #11月報名

🎶United Music Concert by 7 Schools in Hualien: A Night of Vibrant Music and Energy at the Cultural Center🎶

The Cultural Center, known for its excellent learning environment and creative exchanges, hosted performances from seven schools. Among them, Taichang Elementary School, dressed in traditional attire, presented *“Hearing the Kilae Plains”* under the guidance of the Alefis Cultural and Arts Troupe. The young dancers vividly embodied the spirit of eagles with their performance🎉🎉

As the notes soared through the air, the children's musical talents and passion took flight, showcasing their boundless potential.

In addition to the concert, the Cultural Center offers a variety of exciting hands-on workshops for everyone to enjoy💕💕

🌸Hualien Indigenous Six Tribes-Themed Yarn Keychain Workshop🌸
📅Course Time: Saturday, November 16, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
🎓Instructor: Teacher Kao Wei-Chen

Don't miss more exciting DIY workshops throughout November‼️
🔗Sign Up Now👉 https://reurl.cc/pvYmAd

Successful registrants will be announced on the Indigenous Museum's page before the event.

⚠️DIY Workshop Guidelines⚠️
-Online registration is prioritized, with a maximum of 15 participants per session. Please arrive on time!
- If participants do not arrive within 10 minutes after the session begins, on-site registration will open until the session is full.
- To stay updated on upcoming workshops, follow our page!


∴∵∴ ୨୧ Free events in November∴∵∴ ୨୧
Cultural and Arts Troupe
Fangcalay Music and Dance Theater

🌊Echoes of Mountains and Seas Austronesian Homeland Craft Exhibition🌴
🌺Exhibition Period:October 21 - December 21
🌺Location:Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Center, Hualien County (460 Beixing Road, Hualien City)

✨Whether it’s music, hands-on crafts, or exhibitions, the Cultural Center provides the best opportunities for children to learn and grow. Let the beauty of culture flourish here✨


Hualien City

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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