Loop ∞

Loop ∞ 音樂已程式在我們的DNA,推廣電子音樂,集結知音們,與您共鳴無窮∞音樂盛宴
Loop is a musical feast that resonates with you endlessly∞



Dear all sorry outdoor boxes are sold out! Indoor private room are available !0952538103親愛的顧客您好,很抱歉,我們室外的包廂玩售!室內包廂限量供應09...

Dear all sorry outdoor boxes are sold out! Indoor private room are available !0952538103

預售票 到8/31 止590$/2杯酒水

夏威夷泳池派對 " Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung "。台中限定唯一頂樓高空泳池派對,台中李方艾美飯店頂樓泳池 ,Loop Taichung 團隊6位DJS:Jenny , ENA ,Monopoly ,Smokey b...

夏威夷泳池派對 " Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung "。台中限定唯一頂樓高空泳池派對,台中李方艾美飯店頂樓泳池 ,Loop Taichung 團隊6位DJS:Jenny , ENA ,Monopoly ,Smokey bear, Robi Roka ,WEIWEI 接力賽,首發泳池派對與你一起同歡島嶼音樂!
符合3點式比基尼前10名可獲得特調一杯,HAPPY HOURS啤酒買一送一! 當日活動18:00還有舞蹈選拔冠軍賽!冠軍贏得香檳一瓶!你還在等什麼!趕快訂起來!活動詳情:0952-538103
{提醒您禁止酒駕 未滿18禁止飲酒}
A Hawaiian vibes Pool Party "" The Lūʻau Pool Party " on the rooftop of the Le Méridien Taichung. "Loop" have got 6 DJs playing HIP HOP, Latin music , Funky DISCO and more with DJs- Jenny , ENA ,Monopoly ,Smokey Bear, Robi Roka, and Wei Wei.
Hope to enjoy island music with you!
The first 10 girls who wear bikinis get a free drink
HAPPY HOURS 14:010-16:00 Beer! Buy 1 get 1 free!
Dance contest at 18:00.The winner wins a bottle of champagne! What are you waiting for? Can not wait for it!
Event details: 0952-538103
{Reminder: Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol.
Do not drink if you are under 18 years of age}

{夏威夷泳池派對} " Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung "
活動時間Date:8月31日 [六] 14:00-20:00
地點Location:台中李方艾美酒店24F|戶外泳池區 |室內高空酒吧
24F., No. 111, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung
【訂房】Reserve a room: https://www.marriott.com.cn/....../rmqmd-le....../overview/
【預售票】 Tickets: (Before AUG 30)


●預售票:$500 / 每位附2杯飲品 |Presale: $500 / 2 drinks
●現場票:$800 / 每位附2杯飲品 |Door: $800 / 2 drinks
●房客:免費入場 / 無附飲品 | Guests: Free admission / No drinks included

●Presale: $500 / 2 drinks
●Door: $800 / 2 drinks
●Tenants: Free admission / No drinks included
【活動限量包廂】需先付50% 訂金
●室內包廂|3大包廂、4包中包廂、5小包廂 | 須換裝才能入場
大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人) 以上+10%服務費
●戶外泳池包廂|3大包廂 5中包廂 |
大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人)以上+10%服務費
泳衣泳褲比基尼 +拖鞋平底 或拖鞋
|室內區 |正裝
【Event Limited Private Boxes】
●Indoor private rooms | 3 large private rooms, 4 medium private rooms, 5 small private rooms | A change of clothing / outfit is required to enter if attending the pool area
Large Room (10 persons) $10,000 | Medium Room (6 persons) $6,000 |Small Room (2 persons) + 10% service charge
●Outdoor pool box|3 large boxes, 5 medium boxes|
Large Room (10 persons) $10,000 | Medium Room (6 persons) $6,000 | Small Room (2 persons) and above + 10% service charge
【Dress code】
|Outdoor Area|
Swimsuit, swim trunks, bikini + slippers, flat soles or slippers
|Indoor area |Formal wear
李方艾美酒店 Le Méridien Taichung
PANO 24 IG:https://www.instagram.com/pano24_bar/
PANO 24 TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/
Urban Asia
FB: https://www.facebook.com/UrbanAsiaEvents
4請理性飲酒,禁止酒駕 未滿18禁止飲酒。
We stand committed to holding a safe fun pool party for everyone.
Please follow the instructions of the staff members and stay in authorized areas.
1.No outside drinks and food, glass containers, and no contraband allowed.
2.No cannonballs.
3.Please don't litter.
4.Please drink responsibly. Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol. Do not drink if you are under 18 years of age. People under 18 will not be admitted.
5.We will notify police of contraband or violations of public safety and decency.
6.Please bring your IDs. We will have security staff checking personal belongings upon entry.
7.To maintain public safety, the event organizer has the right to evict those who are drunk, impaired, or do not comply with party rules and cause trouble.
8.We reserve the right to deny access to anyone or remove anyone who violates the law or hotel and event rules.
9.We are not responsible for your personal belongings. Please be careful with your stuff.
10.Due to space constraints, please wear flat shoes and flip-flops, heels are not allowed in the pool area. You must be dressed indoors to be seated.
11. The organizer reserves the right to make final amendments, changes, interpretations, and cancellations of this event.
12. In the event of a natural disaster, the event will be postponed, and the ticket fee will be refunded after deducting the platform handling fee.
13. We have adequate public accident liability insurance.

為了維護大家的安全並確保活動進行順暢,請遵守主辦單位派對區域規劃與管制活動注意事項:1.禁止攜帶外食飲品入場。2.禁止跳水。3.活動過程中垃圾請勿亂丟。4請理性飲酒,禁止酒駕 未滿18禁止飲酒。5.嚴禁違禁品進入派對現場,派對入口設有保全人...

4請理性飲酒,禁止酒駕 未滿18禁止飲酒。

夏威夷泳池派對 ” Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung “。台中限定唯一頂樓高空泳池派對,台中李芳艾美飯店頂樓泳池 ,LoopTC 團隊6位DJS接力賽,首發泳池派對與你一起同歡島嶼音樂!追蹤loop_taichung上TAG 3位好友有機會贏得免費包廂一個! 符合3點式比基尼前10名可獲得特調一杯,HAPPY HOURS啤酒買一送一! 當日活動18:00還有舞蹈選拔冠軍賽!你還在等什麼!趕快訂起來!活動詳情:0952538103
*提醒您禁止酒駕 未滿18禁止飲酒*
{夏威夷泳池派對} ” Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung “�活動時間:8月31日 [六] 14:00-20:00�地點:台中李方艾美酒店24F|戶外泳池區 |室內高空酒吧�【活動入場費】�●預售票:$500 / 每位 附2杯飲品�●現場票:$800 / 每位 附2杯飲品�●房客:免費入場 / 無附飲品
●室內包廂|3大包廂、4包中包廂、5小包廂 | 須換裝才能入場�大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人) 以上+10%服務費��●戶外泳池包廂|3大包廂 5中包廂 |�大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人)以上+10%服務費��【著裝建議】
|戶外區|�泳衣泳褲比基尼 +拖鞋平底 或拖鞋

|室內區 |正裝

      #台中李方艾美酒店       #泳池派對   #台中 {夏威夷泳池派對} " Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung "活動時間Date:8月31日 [六] 14:00-20:00地點Location:台中李方艾美...

#台中李方艾美酒店 #泳池派對 #台中
{夏威夷泳池派對} " Lūʻau Pool Party Taichung "
活動時間Date:8月31日 [六] 14:00-20:00
地點Location:台中李方艾美酒店24F|戶外泳池區 |室內高空酒吧
24F., No. 111, Jianguo Rd., Central Dist., Taichung
【訂房】Reserve a room: https://www.marriott.com.cn/hotels/rmqmd-le-meridien-taichung/overview/
【預售票】 Tickets: (Before AUG 30) 0952-538103
●預售票:$500 / 每位附2杯飲品 |Presale: $500 / 2 drinks
●現場票:$800 / 每位附2杯飲品 |Door: $800 / 2 drinks
●房客:免費入場 / 無附飲品 | Guests: Free admission / No drinks included
●Presale: $500 / 2 drinks
●Door: $800 / 2 drinks
●Tenants: Free admission / No drinks included
●室內包廂|3大包廂、4包中包廂、5小包廂 | 須換裝才能入場
大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人) 以上+10%服務費
●戶外泳池包廂|3大包廂 5中包廂 |
大包廂 (10 人)$10,000 |中包廂 (6 人)$6,000 |小包廂 (2人)以上+10%服務費



噹噹噹 ~~ 畢業囉 🎉🎉~~一定要來場熱鬧的畢業舞會啦!當晚來點精心打扮唷 您可以當:Chaperon- 督察人員 或 Bachelor- 畢業生您也可以上網搜尋一下相關的服裝靈感~我們一起來讓 6 月的畢業季 更熱鬧啦!活動日期: 6/...

噹噹噹 ~~ 畢業囉 🎉🎉~~一定要來場熱鬧的畢業舞會啦!

當晚來點精心打扮唷 您可以當:
Chaperon- 督察人員 或 Bachelor- 畢業生

我們一起來讓 6 月的畢業季 更熱鬧啦!

活動日期: 6/29 (六)
活動時間: 20:00- 2:00am
活動費用: NT$600/含一飲料 (酒或非酒類)
☝️☝️ 晚上 22:00 前 女孩兒免費入場(不附飲品)哦!!
☝️☝️ 目前 早鳥 NT$500/含一飲料
購票連結: https://www.accupass.com/go/promparty
地點: 吃漢 Bar
DJ音樂: 20:00-2:00 不間斷
20:00-21:00 TB
21:00-22:00 ENA
22:00-23:00 DouDou
23:00-24:00 Wei Wei
24:00-2:00 House Rubin

千萬別錯過了 這個代表人生一個重要哩程盃的畢業舞會!!

Graduation time~~~ be sure to have your prom party outfits ready!!🎉

Looking forward to having a great celebration??
You can dress up as a Chaperon or a Bachelor — Please check more outfit options on the internet 😍😍 It’s gonna be fun!

Date: Jun 29 (Saturday)
Time: 20:00pm-2:00am
Fee: NT$600 per person, includes 1 drink
☝️☝️ Before 22:00, Ladies - Free Entrance (not including drink)!!
☝️☝️ Early Bird tickets available now, NT$ 500/ per ticket, includes 1 drink

Booking link: https://www.accupass.com/go/promparty
Venue: 吃漢 Bar - CH Bar
DJ music: 20:00-2:00 Non Stop
20:00-21:00 TB
21:00-22:00 ENA
22:00-23:00 DouDou
23:00-24:00 Wei Wei
24:00-2:00 House Rubin

Don’t miss the great fun with us! 🫶🏽😊
#畢業舞會 #台中 #派對

噹噹噹 ~~ 畢業囉 🎉🎉~~一定要來場熱鬧的畢業舞會啦!當晚來點精心打扮唷 您可以當:Chaperon- 督察人員 或 Bachelor- 畢業生您也可以上網搜尋一下相關的服裝靈感~我們一起來讓 6 月的畢業季 更熱鬧啦!活動日期: 6/...

噹噹噹 ~~ 畢業囉 🎉🎉~~一定要來場熱鬧的畢業舞會啦!

當晚來點精心打扮唷 您可以當:
Chaperon- 督察人員 或 Bachelor- 畢業生

我們一起來讓 6 月的畢業季 更熱鬧啦!

活動日期: 6/29 (六)
活動時間: 20:00- 2:00am
活動費用: NT$600/含一飲料 (酒或非酒類)
☝️☝️ 晚上 22:00 前 女孩兒免費入場(不附飲品)哦!!
☝️☝️ 目前 早鳥 NT$500/含一飲料
購票連結: https://www.accupass.com/go/promparty
地點: 吃漢 Bar
DJ音樂: 20:00-2:00 不間斷
20:00-21:00 TB
21:00-22:00 ENA
22:00-23:00 DouDou
23:00-24:00 Wei Wei
24:00-2:00 House Rubin

千萬別錯過了 這個代表人生一個重要哩程盃的畢業舞會!!

Graduation time~~~ be sure to have your prom party outfits ready!!🎉

Looking forward to having a great celebration??
You can dress up as a Chaperon or a Bachelor -- Please check more outfit options on the internet 😍😍 It's gonna be fun!

Date: Jun 29 (Saturday)
Time: 20:00pm-2:00am
Fee: NT$600 per person, includes 1 drink
☝️☝️ Before 22:00, Ladies - Free Entrance (not including drink)!!
☝️☝️ Early Bird tickets available now, NT$ 500/ per ticket, includes 1 drink

Booking link: https://www.accupass.com/go/promparty
Venue: 吃漢 Bar - CH Bar
DJ music: 20:00-2:00 Non Stop
20:00-21:00 TB
21:00-22:00 ENA
22:00-23:00 DouDou
23:00-24:00 Wei Wei
24:00-2:00 House Rubin

Don't miss the great fun with us! 🫶🏽😊

噹噹噹 ~~ 畢業囉 🎉🎉~~一定要來場熱鬧的畢業舞會啦!人生的重要哩程盃之一,怎麼能平淡渡過呢??

這週六 在Moxy 台中 給你6小時的超讚音樂 🫠This Saturday Mar.16.. come and embrace the Spring vibe.3 DJs give you 6 hours of unique music ...

這週六 在Moxy 台中 給你6小時的超讚音樂 🫠
This Saturday Mar.16.. come and embrace the Spring vibe.
3 DJs give you 6 hours of unique music experence. 🫠 Can’t wait!!

(Eng. Below)Hey 一直想告別單身 但苦無機會遇到你的真命天子/天女 嗎?那2/13 我們一起來想辦法解決這個問題特選良辰吉日 - 農曆年假期期間,2/14 西洋情人節前一晚讓大家可以更輕鬆地與會交流 所以千萬別猶豫 來就對啦!...

(Eng. Below)
Hey 一直想告別單身 但苦無機會遇到你的真命天子/天女 嗎?
那2/13 我們一起來想辦法解決這個問題

特選良辰吉日 - 農曆年假期期間,2/14 西洋情人節前一晚
讓大家可以更輕鬆地與會交流 所以千萬別猶豫 來就對啦!

❤️ 紅色 - 已經名花/名草有主
💛 黃色- 正在複雜的關係或情緒中
💚 綠色- 目前是單身 期待認識另一伴的狀態

活動入場時 就會依照大家目前的狀態做上記號 方便大家入場後知道各自的狀態 接下來就是靠大家自由交流認識囉!當然主辦們也會努力完成使命 創造大家認識彼此的機會啦!

📅📅: 2/13 (二)
⏰⏰: 9:00PM- 2:00AM

邱比特 DJ 時間:
10:00PM-12:00AM DJ Digital D
12:00AM-2:00AM DJ W**d &Fyah
早鳥票: NT$500/人,含一杯飲品
當日票: NT$600/人,含一杯飲品
💕💕 當晚10:00PM前,女孩兒們可享免費入場哦 (不含飲品)💕💕
💕💕另外 非單身的朋友們,也非常歡迎一起來玩💕💕

更多資訊 會再陸續公告,請快把這一晚空出來!

☝️☝️☝️☝️為了讓大家盡興,當晚主要場地禁煙哦 ☝️☝️☝️☝️

Hey There! Are you single and looking for your Mr./ Mrs. Right??
Roger that! Let’s get it done!

Feb. 13, come join us & chill, with the timing, right before the Valentine’s Day and still with Chinese Lunar year holidays - Bet many of you will get the luck to get to know your Mr./ Mrs. Right.
However — If you don’t step out, you will never know!!

Stoplight Party - How does it work?
❤️Red: means taken
💛Yellow: means complicated
💚Green: means Single and looking

Each guest will have a color mark at the door when enter, so to show each one’s current relationship status. By seeing the color, people will know better what to do and who to talk to.
Of course we will try to help to create the chance for people to know each other- Especially for the 💚Green!

📅📅: Feb 13 (二)
⏰⏰: 9:00PM- 2:00AM
Magic Cupid DJ Time:
10:00PM-12:00AM DJ Digital D
12:00AM-2:00AM DJ W**d & Fyah

Event Fee::
Early Bird: NT$500/pp include one drink
At the door: NT$600/pp, include one drink
💕💕 Before 10:00PM, Ladies can get in for free (no drink)💕💕
~So, Ladies, let’s get pretty & Ready to meet your Mr. Right~

💕💕 Even if you are not single, you are welcome as well!Just to come and enjoy the night of great music and vibe💕💕

More info will be updated soon, KEEP THE DATE FIRST!

☝️☝️☝️☝️ Please note the main space is no smoking for the night☝️☝️☝️

Wish you all luck to find your Mr./ Mrs. Right!
’s Day

(Eng. Below)Hey 一直想告別單身 但苦無機會遇到你的真命天子/天女 嗎?那2/13 我們一起來想辦法解決這個問題特選良辰吉日 - 農曆年假期期間,2/14 西洋情人節前一晚讓大家可以更輕鬆地與會交流 所以千萬別猶豫 來就對啦!...

(Eng. Below)
Hey 一直想告別單身 但苦無機會遇到你的真命天子/天女 嗎?
那2/13 我們一起來想辦法解決這個問題

特選良辰吉日 - 農曆年假期期間,2/14 西洋情人節前一晚
讓大家可以更輕鬆地與會交流 所以千萬別猶豫 來就對啦!

❤️ 紅色 - 已經名花/名草有主
💛 黃色- 正在複雜的關係或情緒中
💚 綠色- 目前是單身 期待認識另一伴的狀態

活動入場時 就會依照大家目前的狀態做上記號 方便大家入場後知道各自的狀態 接下來就是靠大家自由交流認識囉!當然主辦們也會努力完成使命 創造大家認識彼此的機會啦!

📅📅: 2/13 (二)
⏰⏰: 9:00PM- 2:00AM

邱比特 DJ 時間:
10:00PM-12:00AM DJ Digital D
12:00AM-2:00AM DJ W**d &Fyah
早鳥票: NT$500/人,含一杯飲品
當日票: NT$600/人,含一杯飲品
💕💕 當晚10:00PM前,女孩兒們可享免費入場哦 (不含飲品)💕💕
💕💕另外 非單身的朋友們,也非常歡迎一起來玩💕💕

更多資訊 會再陸續公告,請快把這一晚空出來!

☝️☝️☝️☝️為了讓大家盡興,當晚主要場地禁煙哦 ☝️☝️☝️☝️

Hey There! Are you single and looking for your Mr./ Mrs. Right??
Roger that! Let’s get it done!

Feb. 13, come join us & chill, with the timing, right before the Valentine’s Day and still with Chinese Lunar year holidays - Bet many of you will get the luck to get to know your Mr./ Mrs. Right.
However — If you don’t step out, you will never know!!

Stoplight Party - How does it work?
❤️Red: means taken
💛Yellow: means complicated
💚Green: means Single and looking

Each guest will have a color mark at the door when enter, so to show each one’s current relationship status. By seeing the color, people will know better what to do and who to talk to.
Of course we will try to help to create the chance for people to know each other- Especially for the 💚Green!

📅📅: Feb 13 (二)
⏰⏰: 9:00PM- 2:00AM
Magic Cupid DJ Time:
10:00PM-12:00AM DJ Digital D
12:00AM-2:00AM DJ W**d & Fyah

Event Fee::
Early Bird: NT$500/pp include one drink
At the door: NT$600/pp, include one drink
💕💕 Before 10:00PM, Ladies can get in for free (no drink)💕💕
~So, Ladies, let’s get pretty & Ready to meet your Mr. Right~

💕💕 Even if you are not single, you are welcome as well!Just to come and enjoy the night of great music and vibe💕💕

More info will be updated soon, KEEP THE DATE FIRST!

☝️☝️☝️☝️ Please note the main space is no smoking for the night☝️☝️☝️

Wish you all luck to find your Mr./ Mrs. Right!


Concrete Jungle Jungle #1
藍色唱片行Loop ∞吃漢BAR梁山樂客 - Land Music太子音響薩加瑪奇克創藝學院


感謝怪獸pizza店 的美味餐點 在艷夏泳池派對Summer swimming Pool Party艷夏泳池派對Summer swimming Pool Party提供美味😋的餐點
再次感謝🙏DJ 們的用心演出
@ 以及厲害的DJ Jon Connor來給我們超棒的氛圍Markku Arimo Kinnunen
DJ 怪獸


Thanks for all ! The even were great !
Thanks for having us in Taichung !
Looking forward to see you guys soon again!
Peace and love ❤️


DJ Markku Arimo 錄音師 | 工程師 [AES台灣, Sedate Records, Tulipa Recordings, Whose Haus]

Hello world! 😊

This is the story of multi-talented DJ/Producer, studio owner, and label boss Markku Arimo. He is the founder of electronic music boutique labels Whose Haus [est. 2007] and Sedate Records [est. 2022]. Markku has been based in Taichung, Taiwan since 2016. Markku was born in Toronto, Canada to Finnish immigrant parents. In the club and festival circuit, he has been DJing for over two decades now and has traveled from North America, to Europe, and most recently into Asia to play club gigs and music festivals.

As a young lad, Markku dreamt about one day being able to 'see the world through a record box' and so, nowadays, when he performs or creates music it is a childhood dream come to fruition. During the formative years, doors began to open career wise when Markku received steady DJ bookings at one of the top ten biggest music festivals in Europe held in Finland called ‘Rauma Meren Juhannus’ aka RMJ. Performing DJ sets as his alter ego Mark Sense, Markku was a regular booking at the festival being charged with keeping the 'Dance Factory' stage dance floor "movin’ and groovin'" rain or shine during the annual summer solstice festivities.

On the production side, Markku has recorded for Tulipa Recordings under the 'PiP SquEEk' moniker and has worked with a wide range of artists on a variety of collaborations outside of the traditional house and techno scenes. Currently, Markku Arimo can be found making regular guest appearances at 18TC in Taichung and various other club and new party events throughout Taiwan.


DJ Nick P.
The exploration beauty of island & fantasy sound of techno in Taiwan,a new raised producer & Techno DJ who busting the screen from New Zealand to Taiwan since 2004.
His track released has been reported by Mixmag in 2022
As a newly raised producer Nick.P travels around Asia, world and
Taiwan to explore the beautiful fantasy of Formosa, the music Nick.P produced was most of inspired by native music & local culture.
In 2014, a techno party brand created by Nick.p & Tek, which organization are promo Techno Music culture, local producers and DJs, make a better environment for people who love music, each month in Taichung, Taiwan.


Concrete Jungle #1 techno party 2023-07-08
DJ JJ ,DJ Nick P.,DJ Markku ,DJ Leon

Pre sale :800/2drinks 0952538103(before7/5)
Let’s start the Party

The real techno party in Taichung on July 8Come to join us Limited tickets are available now 800 for 2 drinks 0952538103

The real techno party in Taichung on July 8
Come to join us
Limited tickets are available now 800 for 2 drinks 0952538103

活動預售票到7/5截止還不敢趕手刀先買起~尋找以下離你最近的預售點~趕快買起來Get your pre sale tickets from these  places Before JUlY 5-西屯區-沛樂義式冰淇淋台中市西屯區逢甲路20...

Get your pre sale tickets from these places Before JUlY 5



台中市 西區 成功路 469-1號 1樓




蔡家韓國烤肉專賣門店 04-23212922

UPPER west side 0423787071

梁山樂客-14:00 pm ~ 22:00 pm( 週一至週六 )臺中市北區錦南街36-1號

怪獸披薩pizza「忠孝店」 0970-847007

-Xitun Dist-
peropero gelato
No. 6, Aly. 45, Ln. 20, Fengjia Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City

-East Dist-
Chi Han Bar
No. 2-2F, Ln. 37, Sec. 4, Fuxing Rd., East Dist., Taichung City

-North Dist-
Land Music
No.36-1, Jinnan St., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan

-West Dist-
Blue Records
No. 469-1, Chenggong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City

Gong High0926-575256
No. 256, Xiangshang Rd., West Dist., Taichung

Uptowner Taichung 04-23260429
No. 466, Zhongmei St., West Dist., Taichung

UZO Mediterranean Bar & Grill 04-23273518
ADD : No. 22, Jingcheng 5th St., West Dist., Taichung

Chae’s BBQ House 🍗 04-23212922
No. 85, Sec. Huamei, W. Sat., West Dist., Taichung

UPPER west side 0423787071
No. 592-1., Sec. 1, Meicun Rd., West Dist., Taichung

-South Dist-
Monster Take-Away Pizza 0970-847007
No. 183, Zhongxiao Rd., South Dist., Taichung

https://fb.me/e/2CGAiODmH在都市叢林裡,有多少人類細胞烙印著Fe元素 你的DNA 原子量又有多少55.845 u 地球中純鐵十分稀少 卻又不可或缺 渴望喚起你鐵靈魂 在夜幕下 透過techno 洗禮 沈溺無限∞ 沸騰...

在都市叢林裡,有多少人類細胞烙印著Fe元素 你的DNA 原子量又有多少55.845 u 地球中純鐵十分稀少 卻又不可或缺 渴望喚起你鐵靈魂 在夜幕下 透過techno 洗禮 沈溺無限∞ 沸騰在2,862 度C
| Ticket price 票價 | 📌 PRE SALE/ 預售票$800 2 Drinks https://fb.me/e/1ehV1fNlz (from swimming party Only $600)
📌 Door/ 現場票 $1000 2 Drinks
Pre sale:0952538103
溫馨提醒:未滿18 禁止喝酒(喝酒不開車)禁止攜帶違禁品
How many human cells are imprinted with [Fe] Ferrum in the concrete jungle? What is the atomic weight of your DNA? 55.845 [u] to be exact. Indeed, pure iron is very scarce in the earth, but it is also indispensable. We are in a fury to arouse your iron soul. Join us for a baptism by techno at night. We invite you to indulge in infinite ∞ boiling at 2,862 degrees C in our musical inferno (the concrete jungle)!
Kind reminder Do not drink if you are under 18(over 18 only),it is forbidden to drink alcohol (do not drink and drive) and it is forbidden to carry contraband.
PS: 1. If there is any damage caused by the on-site activities, it will be compensated according to the price
2. It is forbidden to bring takeaway food and alcohol
3. It is forbidden to spit outside the premises (cleaning fee will be charged)

https://fb.me/e/1ehV1fNlz啤酒全時段暢飲時間:7/8 ,8/12, 9/9 14:00-20:00地址:(蘭夏會館)台中市南屯區大墩十一街333號預售:1200  現場: 1500 啤酒暢飲現場販售 Monsters...


時間:7/8 ,8/12, 9/9 14:00-20:00
預售:1200 現場: 1500 啤酒暢飲
現場販售 Monsters pizza & Mexico taco

溫馨提醒:未滿18 禁止喝酒(喝酒不開車)禁止攜帶違禁品


All you can drink Beer
Summer Pool party
Date:7/8 ,8/12, 9/9 14:00-20:00
Address:No. 333, Dadun 11th St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City
Pre sale: 1200 Door:1500|

Kind reminder if you are under (over 18 only),it is forbidden to drink alcohol (do not drink and drive) and it is forbidden to carry contraband.�PS: 1. If there is any damage caused by the on-site activities, it will be compensated according to the price
2. It is forbidden to bring takeaway food and alcohol
3. It is forbidden to spit outside the premises (cleaning fee will be charged)







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