【關於 #未來的欲望】2023的人們,追逐著虛擬世界風華、社群的關注,因為科技拉開了人與人之間的距離。但綜觀歷史、藝術還是時尚,人們總會回歸尋找初衷的循環,十年前的風格現在可能會回來,現今人們在做的看似平凡的生活型態,或許五年十年後又回歸了過往曾經的曾經。
【DYCTEAM #生活的本質】未來,世界勢必邁向更高科技與虛擬運用的生活型態,而人們則更渴望回過頭擁有看似平凡的日常,『匆忙的在巔峰時間外出上班、儀式感的睡覺、享受五感刺激的手沖咖啡、捧著厚實需要翻頁紙張的閱讀體驗』。
Founded in 1973, Fumao Industrial Co., Ltd. invests in the mid-stream technology of the textile industry, such as specialized long-fiber weaving, dyeing, printing, and finishing processing. A necessary link in the structural chain.
DYCTEAM, using a variety of sustainable manufacturing fabrics, through the observation of daily life, using unique "denim jacquard" and "functional materials", to create a style of wearing with high wearability and a sense of design, bringing more convenience to life and temperature. DYCTEAM will always cut the silhouette of simple and introverted clothing, add rich color vision, let people feel that the brand will add warmth to the future in the simple DNA.
Special Thanks 特別感謝:
※ Designer: 趙之逸FLY、姚欣妤 Becky
※ Fashion Stylist:McFly Chao、OR Huang
※ Show Director:楊佩綺 (Bigi Yang)
※ Visual Artist:山影藝術實驗所、郭彥宏、裘
※ Makeup team:AzzurroKuo Makeup Stylist
※ Photographer:小麥老師、范家朗
※ Videographer:On Air工作室、黃大熊、黃Yellow
※ Sustainable Fabric:福懋興業股份有限公司
※ Partners:文化部 | 康泰納仕樺舍集團 | 紡拓會