theLOOP ㊗️福您 虎年大吉 🐯 福虎生風 🧨
theLOOP 全體誠摯㊗️福您
虎年大吉 🐯 福虎生風 🧨
We sincerely wish you a fruitful and prosperous 2022 ✨
Wish you good luck in the Year of the OX! 🐂🧧🎉
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 🎉
感謝一年來的支持 🥰 TheLOOP 全體人員祝大家有個美好又精彩的 2020 🎊
【 三立新聞 】報導 ALTA Nightclub 代表台灣勇奪兩項世界設計大獎!
感謝【 三立新聞 】熱情報導 ALTA Nightclub 代表台灣勇奪兩項世界設計大獎!歡迎前來台中體驗亞洲最頂級夜店的奢華享受!✨
ALTA Nightclub 在短短 3 個月內已改寫中台灣娛樂文化,並與國際頂尖夜生活做深度接軌。12 月 28 日~ 12 月 31 日連續四天邀請世界級 DJ 與大家共渡跨年連假,千萬不要錯過這麼千載難逢的機會,與國際巨星們連番狂歡迎接 2019!預售票請洽 ALTA Nightclub 售票口或洽詢公關人員。📞 包廂訂位 RSVP:0922-536-688
👱🏻 20181228 - “2019 超有 4” ft. Dannic 丹尼客
🎂 20181229 - “2019 超有 4” ft. 全球十大 DJ "蛋糕哥" Steve Aoki 史帝夫青木
😎 20181230 - “2019 超有 4” ft. 壞男孩 Ben Nicky 班尼基
🍹20181231 - "2019 超有 4" 跨年派對 ft. 老提接班人 Mike Williams 邁克威廉斯|跨年一票喝到底,無限暢飲到天明 🎉
⚜ 公關 +LINE ID
💫 English service: +LINE ID
OMNI & 紅點設計師之夜 Aftermovie
2017 年紅點設計師之夜再次來到台灣,首度於台北東區夜店,同時也是2017年紅點最佳設計獎 – 建築與室內設計類別獲獎作品「 OMNI Nightclub」中舉辦,the LOOP 旗下的 OMNI Nightclub 是獲得全球獲獎率僅 0.8% 的紅點最佳設計獎作品。
紅點評審團認為:「 OMNI 以讓人驚艷的方式,利用光場與空間結構進行交互作用,創造不斷變化的空間氛圍,光影交錯變換著各種幾何形狀,展現活力與動感的視覺效果。 OMNI 建構出劇場式的娛樂空間,營造充滿誘惑力的氛圍,店內就好似一個大舞台,鼓勵著每個人分享熱情與快樂。」
現場近 1,000 位賓客,參與貴賓包含:知名精品鞋類設計師,同時也是紅點評審的周仰傑Jimmy Choo、經濟部工業局局長呂正華、台北市文化局局長鍾永豐、台北市議員許淑華、奧美互動行銷亞太區副總裁張志浩…等,紅點設計獎主席 – 彼得・賽克博士教授(Prof. Dr. Peter Zec)也特地飛抵台灣,與所有貴賓一同徹夜喧囂。
On 21 November 2017, the Designers’ Night came to Taiwan once again after four years. For the first time, this event was held in a nightclub in Taipei – in the “OMNI Nightclub”, which was awarded in the interior design category with the Red Dot: Best of the Best in 2017. Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of the Red Dot Award, had also arrived in Taipei all the way from Germany for this special night.
The legendary party was held in a nightclub which was awarded with the Red Dot: Best of the Best in 2017 – the “OMNI Nightclub” by theLoop Inc, which is a famous nightlife experience corporation in Taiwan. The Red Dot Jury said: “The concept of the Omni Nightclub Taipei uses lighting scenarios in a fascinating manner to create an ever-changing spatial ambiance in an interplay with the architecture. The changing geometric shapes visualise energetic power and activity. It establishes a theatrical space of entertainment with an atmosphere that automatically captivates the attention of the visitors. The stage-like flair of this club encourages visitors to share experiences of joy and enthusiasm with each other.”
Until late night, the guests spent an inspiring time while enjoying the spectacular venue, making new contacts and talking about the latest design news. Prof. Dr. Peter Zec exchanged views on the newest industry dynamics and design trends with guests in KOR Taipei, a bar next to OMNI which also belongs to the LOOP Inc.
RED DOT AWARD: theLOOP’s journey from Europe to Taiwan
2017 年的夏天,theLOOP 團隊前往歐洲,這一趟旅行我們的任務不僅是要去把德國紅點設計大獎的 Best of the best 獎項帶回台灣,更特地前往阿姆斯特丹與長年合作的世界頂尖電子音樂廠牌會面。
2016, 2017 這兩年對 theLOOP 來說絕對是非常有意義的兩年,從 2000 年成軍以來我們一直都在埋頭苦幹,整整 17 年了,團隊裡的每一位成員都認為能夠一手打造出一間間夜店、酒吧,舉辦一場場活動跟音樂季,就已經很滿足了,直到去年,我們拿到了 Live Design Awards、 iF 設計大獎;今年,我們更榮獲德國紅點的最大獎—— Best of the Best,這一切來得太快,像是有人突然拍拍我們的肩膀,把低頭做事十多年的我們叫起來,抬頭一看才發現,不知不覺中原來 theLOOP 已經從 3 個人打拼的小公司,變成了 50 人的精實部隊;不知不覺中,我們早已超越了經營夜店、打造派對的範疇,我們所做的一切體驗設計,已經具有可以跟世界頂尖團隊匹敵的能力。
而 theLOOP 能夠走到今天,最重要的原因是,我們是那麼的在乎每個人的感受:每天困擾著我們的、鼓舞著我們的、讓我們緊張、讓我們哭泣、但卻也是最讓我們感動不能自已的,就是每一位客人的笑臉。
在這個利基點上,我們認為自己是相當稱職的設計師,但並不是過往大家想像的空間或平面設計師,我們是「體驗設計師」。對一般的設計師來說,顏色、空間是他們掌握的元素,但對體驗設計師來說,我們的元素與色彩就更為豐富了:是3D動畫、是燈光、是音響、是音樂、是舞台、是道具、是服裝、是舞蹈、是酒精、是食物、是服務....在每一項上做到盡善盡美,是 theLOOP 最重要的使命。
The past two years have been some of the most defining years for theLOOP. For the past 17 years, we have been working hard and quietly opening nightclubs, bars and organising numerous music festivals without any international coverage. However, everything changed last year. In 2016, we won the prestigious Live Design Award and the iF Design Award, and then only one year later in 2017, we won the biggest prize of all, the German Red Dot Best of the Best Award.
Everything has happened so fast and we have not had time to appreciate our journey. It feels as if we’ve been working non stop since 2000, and suddenly discovered that we’ve miraculously transformed from a small, three person company into a company that has a 50 strong team. Unknowingly, we have transcended beyond the category of nightclub operation and party production, and towards providing the finest experience design, with the ability to match the best teams in the world.
Within this niche, we consider ourselves to be fairly competent designers, but never to the level that people imagine us to be. However, we are “experience designers” and what is i
Thanks !! Amazing work by Felipe Pantone !!